
Chapter 1: Awakening in Another World

[If you didn't notice, there's a prologue in the aux...]

"*Yawn~* Fuuuu~. Good morning~... Wait a minute...?! Right! I actually forgot that I've been reincartnated for a second there~!"

I exclaimed as I came to a realization.

"But... Where exactly am I?"

I said as I turned my head around to look at my surroundings.

What greeted was a cave of somekind with bright shining blue crystals illuminating the interior! What a magnificent sight!

I stared in awe at the grand sight in front of my eyes as I continue to scan the cave. It is big with extremely wide area that is as big as a foot ball field with a really high ceiling that is approximately about fifty meters or so, with a big crystal like chandelier hanging in the middle.

Looking towards the other side of the cave, there seems to be a pool of water there, so I quickly stood up and walked towards there but... I tripped.

"Damn! Who the hell tripped me?! This early and someone is already playing pranks?!"

I shouted angrily as I looked towards the thing that tripped me. It's a... A tail?! Wait a minute~?!

"Is this... My tail?!"

I exclaimed loudly as I stared at the tail intensely. Following it up and saw it connected with a huge scale-armored body that is actually me!

I stood up immediately and walked carefully towards the pool as to not accidentally step on my own tail. Just how painful could it be? Well, I'm not willing to find out any time soon.

As I reached the pool and looked at it's crystal clear water, my throat felt dry so I immediately reached down which is surprisingly easy without even the need to crouch down, which is obviously because of my long neck. I shook my head and put it in the back of my mind for the meantime and went for a sip.

It's refreshing~! It's as if a highly purified water with a honey flavor mixed with a bit of other refreshing things all together~!

"What kind of water is this?!"

I exclaimed and reached down for another mouthful.

"*Fuwahhh~* It's so refreshing... Oh. And I think I'm full already. Hm, this is a magical world so maybe this is also a magic water? Hm~. It's possible. Anyway. Let's check out my new look~!"

I said excitedly as I once again looked down at the pool which clearly shows my reflection with the help of the luminescent crystals.


Yes, wow. That's all I can say. I definitely am a dragon right now. Golden eyes with azure colored slitted pupils, sharp looking horns, razor sharp teeth, long neck, muscular body, four legs, oh I mean claws which looks like it can tear anything to pieces, a long tail and finally, two pairs of big ass cool looking wings.

Yup. You heard it. Two pairs which means I have four wings! Oh! And I don't think that I can call these scales, 'cause they sure do look like armor to me!

My whole body is covered in crimson red "scale plates" from head to claws, even my tail! They look really cool if you ask me, with sharp blades in my shoulders in pointing upwards. There are also some on my snout and some of my tail which looks really bad ass!

"Hahaha~! I look really cool~!"

I exclaimed in delight with a wide grin that fully displayed my dagger like fangs.

"Oh, right. Almost forgot. Stats!"

Name: Not Set

Age: 10

Level: 1

[Exp: 0/100]

Race: Crimson Dragon - ???

Body Status: Normal

Hp: 10,000

Mp: 7,000

Strength: 500 [C]

Agility: 500 [C]

Defense: 600 [B]

Intelligence: 700 [A]

Vitality: [SSS]

[Root]: Dragon

Unique Skill/s:

[Living Game Character]

Innate Abilities:

[Crimson Dragon Flame] [Flight]

[Intimidate] [Perfect Mana Manipulation]

[Dragon Sense] [Absolute Absorption]

[Four Phases Transformation]

"Hm~. I don't know if this is considered powerful or not but... Meh~. I'll just think that it is~. Now then. I actually have several skills huh? Now how to read their descriptions... Oh~! Got it!"

From what I can remember, I only have to concentrate to the skill. So I did just that and it worked~. I'm so smart!

[Living Game Character]

- this skill grants the bonuses as follows;

Gamers Mentality

- Keeps the user as calm as possible all the time and defends the user from any kind of mental attacks.

Gamer's Physique

- Allows the user the ability to instantly adapt to any changes of the body.

Examples: Sudden rise in stats, sudden changes in temperature, and let's the user masterfully control any part of, and recently "added" body parts. It also gives the user the immunity towards any status effects.

Special Ability: Respawn

- Allows the user to respawn three times per day if the user "dies", but this ability have a restriction. Every time the user respawns, the user will lose one ranks worth of stat points of a randomly selected attribute.

"This... This is basically cheating...Even with that cruel restriction, it's still a cheat!"

I said, still shocked from this crazy skill. These skills are all basically the same with "The Gamer"'s that I have read! But more upgraded and more broken! Especially the respawn one, it's just too broken! Just who the fuck let's themselves get killed?!

[Author: *Cough* Subaru *Cough*]

"*Sigh* I'll leave this for later. I best check the other skills in the meantime."

I said and did with the other skills what I did earlier.

[Crimson Dragon Flame]

- Innate ability of every crimson dragon. It allows the user to manipulate their flames in a masterful manner to use either for defense or offense.


- Innate ability of any winged race. Allows the user to fly with the use of their wings or through manipulating the elements or laws.


- Innate ability of dominant races. Releases a strong aura that makes those who are weaker than the user feel fear.

[Perfect Mana Manipulation]

- Innate ability that are rarely seen even for mana adept races. It gives the user perfect control over the mana inside the user's body and outside of the body in a certain range.

[Dragon Sense]

- Innate ability of all dragons. It greatly boosts all of dragon's senses.

[Absolute Absorption]

- Innate ability of ???. It fully absorbs anything consumed by the user and turning it into a pure energy that is beneficial to the user.

[Four Phases Transformation]

- Innate ability of ???. Allows the user to transform into; a full dragon, hybrid, partial, and perfect human.

"*Phew~* At least the others are relatively normal... but are still overpowered on their own way~. Anyway. There is still some uncleared parts in my status. The one beside my race which is written in ???, and this [Root] thing. I wonder if it will also show descriptions... Oh, there we go. Eh?"


- Unknown

"That's... That's it? Huh. I guess it really won't show anything else. How about the other one? Oh... Now it worked~."


- A special power of every humans in this world. [Roots] are considered as the power of origin, the shape and nature of ones soul. This power gives humans the power to have the abilities of beasts.

[Roots] are classified into:

Common Beast [Roots]

- Takes the shape of commonly seen beasts

Rare Beast [Roots]

- Takes the shape of rarely seen beasts.

And Mythical Beast [Roots].

- Takes the shape of mythical beasts and overlord beasts.

"Eh~? Then I guess I have a Mythical Beast [Root] huh. But then, it mentioned "humans", and I'm obviously a dragon right now. Wait... Did being a past human also counts? And maybe because I'm a human before reincarnation, is the reason why I have a [Root]... Yup. That's the only logical reason, so I'll leave it at that. I still have to choose a new name after all~. Hm... Drago? Nah~. Too shabby. Great Red? Hm... How about Ddraig? I'm basically the same species as he is now after all~... Wait. It does sound cool, but it's just plain plagiarism. I don't have the copyright and I also don't want to be sued. So I'll think of an original... *Sigh~!* This is hard... Hm. Kross? I don't really know what this name means but it does have a really nice ring to it~. So I choose this!"

[Ding! The name, Kross, have been selected.]

"Hm. Didn't know it could do that~. Meh. It's fine I guess... Now then. I think I will go outside and find out where I am."

I said and looked around and found a tunnel at the side of the pool so I went towards it and assumed that it is most likely the exit. After all, it's the only tunnel I can see in this cave~.

Even ten year olds can figure that out!

[Author: Uhm... That is basically how old you are right now... -_-]

I walked into the tunnel which is as tall as twenty or so meters and as wide as fifteen meters. Comapred to my currently five meters height, fifteen meters length and a wingspan of twenty or so meters, I can easily fit through. Though, I think I will still grow in size as, wel... I did ask for unlimited growth after all, so maybe after my second or third evolution, this cave won't be big enough to house me, right? Though I can just go into human form if that happens, so no big deal~.

As I continued walking, the tunnel is becoming brighter and brighter and I can also see the opening already.

"Hm~. What's that sound? Water?"

I mumbled to myself as I walked faster on my four limbs, I already have a pretty good guess, though. And just like I thought, I really am inside a cave in the middle of a humongous water fall. What I mean by humongous, is literally huge as even a dragon like me considers it so! It's freaking almost two hundred meters tall! And I'm currently standing in a rock formation that resembled a platform, behind me is the cave with a curtain of water flowing down, hiding it from view.

"What a great place for a hideout~! I guess I should thank the goddess for this! But for now... Let's just admire this magnificent view~."

I said and laid down on the rock platform as I stared ahead.

Lush green forest span as far as my dragon eyes could see. Towering mountain can also be seen in the distance, standing tall that it looks as if they are piercing the clouds. The azure blue sky and snow white clouds, the gentle and fresh breeze, all of this entered my sight. It's extremely calming, it's relaxing. Peering down below the water fall, I can see the massive pool of water, taking a large part of the forest, glistening in light from the two blue colored suns.

I know. I definitely said two, and blue. But contrary to my expectations, it doesn't feel hot at all, or maybe it's just because I am currently a dragon? Oh well, it still feels warm for me, so who cares.

"I think...*Yawn~!* I'll take a nap right here~. Dunno why, even though I only got up some minutes ago... Meh. Probably mental fatigue... Zzz Zzz Zzz."

And in no time, my breathing already became stable and calm.

I guess my experiences today got the best of me more than I thought, and probably also amplified my mental fatigue. Anyway. Good night, even though the suns are still high in the sky~.

And so, I slept with the sounds of nature as my lullaby and the earth as my bed.

First day in another world and all I did was sleep, well... Who cares? I'm not regretting I did that though.

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