
Chapter 8: The Masochist

3rd person POV

[Ed] 'OK, York. Raise my DEF by 3 points.'

[York] So you decided to be balanced, huh?

--System message--

SP: 30 - 30 --> 0

DEF: 1.3 --> 4.3


[Ed] 'Shut up. I just don't want to get killed instantly by his jutsu.

[York] Actually, getting hit by his jutsu might get you some Magic Defense.

[Ed] 'Well that's a terrific idea, York. I always wanted to be a roasted chicken.'

Ed then picks up a skewer.

Sasuke walks over and interrupts Ed's dazzling inner thoughts.

[Sasuke] "You done yet?"

[Ed] "Yeah, I guess so."

[Shikamaru] "I guess I'll referee."

[Sasuke] "Good luck! You'll need it."

[Ed] "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the futon..."

[Ed] 'York! I've got an idea!'

[York] What is your wondrous idea, oh enlightened one?

[Ed] 'All I need to know is what happens after a monster is sent to the graveyard.'

[York] I see where you're going with this. A monster will stay in the Graveyard for one week. After that, it will reappear in your deck like nothing happened. You may also use monster reborn to bring it back instead of waiting.

Ed's thoughtful face suddenly changes to a wide smile.

[Ed] 'Perfect'

[Shikamaru] "Begin!"

Sasuke throws some shuriken at Edward and then does a back-flip. As Edward blocks them with a Demonic Chicken Skewer, Sasuke starts making hand signs

[Sasuke] "Fire-Style, Fireball Jutsu!"

A large fireball similar to the one Ed died in is expelled from Sasuke's mouth.

[Ed] "I really don't like fire man! I summon Kuriboh!"

A brown floating fluff-ball with eyes comes out of a brown whirlpool to block the attack.

[Ed] "Sorry buddy. I'll summon you again next week to play some games."

[Kuriboh] "Pli Pli!"

[Sakura] "Ugh. What is that?"

[The girls except Sakura] "So cute!"

And then Kuriboh got roasted. However, the fireball kept going towards Edward.

[York] Kuriboh's Damage Nullification Effect is active for 60 seconds.

[Ed] 'Great.'

[Sasuke] "HAHA! Why'd you send a furball to block my attack! It didn't even stop the fireball! You really are weak!"

[Ino] "Is Edward gonna be OK?"

[Hinata] "The weird energy is circulating so I think he has a plan."

The fire engulfs Edward's body and unsurprisingly, the smell of something burning spreads in the air. The fireball suddenly explodes causing a large plume of smoke to billow out.

[Shikamaru] "What the hell Sasuke! This was supposed to be a spar!"

[Sasuke] "Not my fault he's a weakling"

[???] *Cough Cough* Dang it! You burnt my chicken!"

[Hinata and Hanabi] "Byakugan!"

They see a completely unscathed Edward holding a burnt stub.

[Ino] "So he really did have a plan."

[Hanabi] "I guess he didn't care whether the fireball hit or not so he just stood there."

Sasuke decides to goad Edward

[Sasuke] "You still have room for more of a beating?!"

[Ed] 'Hey York. Was the energy I just felt, fire Chakra?'

[York] How odd. You were supposed to gain resistance, not affinity.

[Ed] 'That is the best news I've heard all day. Does this mean I can just get hit with attacks to gain affinity?'

[York] I'm not sure, but it wouldn't hurt to try it while the DNE is still up. (Damage Nullification Effect)

[Sasuke] "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Four clones of the edgelord appear in a *poof*, and each one prepares a Phoenix Flower Jutsu. The main Sasuke throws a Demon Wind Shuriken into the smoke to clear it and then prepares a chidori.

[Sasuke] "Take this!"

As Edward gets doused in flames and Sasuke charges in ready to stab him, Ed gets multiple notifications from York.

--System message--

-Fire affinity upgraded to Low Grade

-Fire affinity upgraded to Medium Grade


[Ed] "Hahahaha! That's right Sasuke! Just keep sending your jutsu at me!"

[Sasuke] "Chidori! One-Thousand Birds!"

--System message--

-Lightning affinity upgraded to Low Grade

-Lightning affinity upgraded to Medium Grade


--Somewhere in a higher realm--

A bored teenager and a few of his friends are watching the fight with some popcorn.

After seeing Edward's reaction to receiving affinity from getting hit, they decide to now call him, The Masochist.


--System message--

Received Title: The Masochist



[York] Wasn't me.



Kuriboh noise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH_SdmHd4-I

Kuriboh card info: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=4064

Felt like getting this one done early. If I don't send another during the weekdays, expect it on Saturday.

SilverWalnutcreators' thoughts