
It's not over yet Married in secret

After her mother's disappearance, Olivia's plight began. Her father re-married to her best friend's mom and they both turned her father against her, causing him to send her away. Olivia thought she'd still survive it all with the help of her boyfriend, but her best friend who was now her sister took him away. Left with nothing and no one but an unborn child, Olivia disappeared for four years, only to reappear as an extremely beautiful actress. Olivia's mission were mainly to take revenge on the people who took everything away from her, become a popular actress, and find the father of her unborn child. But, another thing sets in when she met with the Boss of the entertainment Industry. "Marry me," he said. "Cough!Cough!" Olivia choked on water. "Me?" she asked. "Is there anyone else around?..."

ReginaOmoboye · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Elaine

The little girl sat on the couch swinging her feet. She had a book on her laps which all her attention was concentrated fully on, and a pencil in her hand. There was also a candy in her mouth which she sucked happily while doing her homework.

This was the scene Olivia met when she got home from work. The sight of her daughter, Elaine, always warmed her heart and made her smile, no matter how sad she was.

Years back, when Kenan broke up with her and had refused to accept that he was the father of her child, Olivia hadn't believed him. She was so sure back then that he was the father and that he was only refusing the child because he didn't love her anymore. But, her mindset changed after having her child. She was in every way different from Kenan,there was not even the tiniest bit of resemblance at all. Then, she thought Kenan might not be the father afterall. But it was painful not to know who her child's father was and that her daughter had to grow up without a father.

Olivia stood by the door, watching her daughter who was oblivious to the fact that she was around.

"After one comes two...after two comes three...after..." that was what Olivia's daughter was reciting as she did her homework.

"Miss, you're back." The voice of the nanny made the little girl raise her head.

"Mommy," she said excitedly, dropped her book and ran to meet Olivia.

Olivia bent and scooped the little girl up in her arms. "My little beauty, how are you?" She asked and gave her daughter a kiss.

"I miss my mommy." The little girl said.

"Mommy missed you too." Olivia said and turned to the nanny. "Thank you for taking good care of her, I hope you didn't have to work too much?" She asked.

"Not at all, she was well behaved but didn't eat much of her lunch." The nanny said.

"Ok, thanks again. I'll be leaving for work early tomorrow and will need you here by 7a.m in the morning." Olivia said.

"No problem Miss, I'll take my leave now."

"I got you some fruits." Olivia said and gave a bag to the nanny.

"Thanks so much. I'll see you both tomorrow. Bye, little beauty," the nanny said and waved to Elaine who waved her tiny hands back.

When the nanny left, Olivia turned to her daughter. "Mommy got you something," she said.

"Yay! My mommy is the best," the little girl said raising her hands excitedly.

"My little girl is the best."


JTQ Palace

Amelia stood by the window dressed in a night robe with a glass of wine in her hand. A lot of things were running through her mind. It had been four years, she never saw Olivia in those years and had not found a trace of her. She had thought Olivia had gone for good and was very happy about that. But, she hadn't expect that she'd suddenly show up as an actress in her company. And she had changed a lot. She was more bold, and doesn't look like the same Olivia with a kind heart. And, so much as she hated to admit, Olivia was even more beautiful.

She had done a lot to take everything away from Olivia . Both her and her mother had done a lot to turn Olivia's father back against her. She had even made up lies and backed them up with fake evidences just to take Kenan away from Olivia. But, with Olivia's sudden appearance, especially at the company where she worked and with no idea of what Olivia had up her sleeve, Amelia's mind was not settled. What if Olivia had a powerful sponsor? What if Olivia had planned and strategized all the moves she'd make in those four years of her absence?

No matter what, she had to be steps ahead of Olivia. She had to make sure she'd ruin all Olivia's plan without anyone getting suspicious of her, especially Kenan.

Amelia was jerked back to reality by the sudden back hug.

"Love, what are you thinking about?" Kenan asked.

"I was just thinking about work. I have my schedule tight and I think we'd be shooting a new movie in two weeks time." Amelia said.

"It's nothing to think hard about." Kenan said.

Amelia turned and placed her hand on his chest. "Let's just forget about it." She said and whispered in his ears.