
IT's me

After the death of my best friend Irene, I'm seeing things, I hear whispers. No one wants to believe me but BELIEVE ME I've seen IT move, I've heard IT speak. IT keeps whispering to me to seek revenge but I'm a doctor, I save lives.....I'm not a killer Everyone things I'm crazy BUT IM NOT CRAZY. It's there, staring at me...I'm the only one who can see it. I can't take it anymore! LGBTQ, HORROR, 18+ join Rachel Kareen on this gruesome journey, it calls but will she answer?

Mr_Passek · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

I stand outside with a helmet in hand, I don't even remember when and how I agreed to this....I just saw her smile and I nodded my head.

"My uncle Jared needs my help unpacking somethings, I'm happy you can join me" Anne hopped on her scooter

I nod with a smile, for you Anne I'll go anywhere.

I put the helmet on and I sit behind her.

"Hold on" she said out loud 

I stare down at her back and gulp. I should hold on...to her waist? Does she even know what she's asking me to do?

I reach out slowly and hold her, my body stiffens as my hand comes in contact with her perfectly slim waist. The corner of my lip rises to a smile, I've always wanted this

To be so close to her that our bodies collide, so close that I feel the heat her body generates and I choke on her dashing scent.

I feel my body relax slowly and I shut my eyes, if only she could really be mine. Ugh! I wish we'll ride forever.

Unfortunately, she stopped.

"Rachel?" She called out and I snap back to reality only to realize that I'm still holding her firmly.

My cheeks flush in embarrassment and I quickly let go and come down. She giggled at my gesture.

I stare into the streets, deliberately avoiding eye contact with her. Immediately, I feel a wave of confusion wash all over me. I stare into a familiar hide out, my hide out.....the dark Ally.

But this...I turn around

I feel time pause around me, my stomach sinks and my heart raced, this is.....

"Anne Marie!" The man comes out of the shop and greeted with a wide smile

I flinch and unconsciously take a step back.....this is the biker shop, Anne's uncle is my Irene's murderer.

I look at Anne's smiling face and look back at the owner, I shudder as our gaze meet. His surprised expression has me checking my composure.

I mustn't show fear, he has no idea that I made the report. I'll just act normal.

"Oh? Who's this? A friend?" He asks and Anne nods in response

"Rachel" she introduces me

I keep my face neutral and lift my hand to wave. I feel a surge of the rage wash all over my body, I stare unruly at his back while he walks in. This....man has no right! No right to live normal while my Irene is six feet under

I steady my erratic breathing and clench my jaw. He should be rotting in jail!

But why, Anne? Why'd you have to be acquainted with a killer, why is he related to you?

"Aren't you coming in?" Anne asks through the door

I can't go in, not into the den of a killer. Irene would hate me, she would despise me but I have to else he will suspect something.

"I'm coming" I mumble with my head low.

I ball fist and walk in slowly. I enter and stand beside the counter, i watch him assist Anne In carrying some crates

I bite my lower lip, enraged. The mere fact that he gets to smile and walk about freely itches me to my bones. Why should he smile when he caused my Irene to be numb forever, HE HAS NO RIGHT TO BE HAPPY!


I hear a soft whisper.

"Uncle Jared no need to help, just go rest okay?" Anne urge him and he smiled at her in response before walking to the counter and standing behind it.

I try my best to remain sane.

"I know you"

I'm startled by his sudden words, I look at him gruesomely, my hands still balled in a fist. That damned smile! I clench my jaw

"It was you wasn't it" he speaks in a low tone

My eyes twitch but I show no emotions, "what are you saying?" 

My insides throb at his choice of words, no way he knows already.....am I acting too stiff?

"You made that report against me didn't you" he says.

He knows! I take a step back, shit! If he was bluffing all this while then I've just cleared his doubts.

"Haha I was right" his smile broadens and he places both his hands on the counter

Forget hiding myself, I glare at him while trying to hold myself back "you..." My nails dig into my flesh as we look eye to eye

"It's a shame though" he shrug his shoulders before leaning in, "I thought she'd taste as nice as she looked"

My heart suddenly clenched at his words, I stare wide eyed. The temperature of the place dropped to zero and my heart skips a few beats. The hairs on my skin rises, the lump in my throat thickens

Waves of anger like a tsunami washes over me, I feel my blood boil and I galre at him. The veins in my neck and my fore head pop out like I'll explode. I grit my teeth and glare, "you toyed with her" I say hoarsely 

"Hmm she did put up a fight, never really meant to kill her" he shrugs again

H...how dare he? How dare he take all this lightly, my Irene is no more and here he's brushing it off like she never mattered...

My eyes twitch and my whole being ached for revenge.

He tilts his head, "mm? Are you angry?" He grins

This bastard is pushing me past my limit, I struggle to stay calm. I'll loose my licence if I do anything out of context.

"Woah, what's up with the atmosphere here?" Anne walks in and asks out loud

I avert my eyes from him to the floor, Anne can't see me like this. Her behavior with this man shows that she's oblivious of how evil he is.

"Is something wrong with you two?" I hear her ask

"Not at all" the owner replied

My body twitches, I was right, he killed my Irene.

I'm delighted you've taken my novel into consideration, join Rachel Kareen on her journey to overcoming the grief of loosing her best friend Irene.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mr_Passekcreators' thoughts