
It's ME, Hi!

Elly was known as Smiley Girl because she was always smiling when she was with her friends, chatting with them and being nice to them. Unfortunately, the more she thinks positively, the more she feels distance from her friend. What makes she felt like this? Did she will lose her friendship? or Maybe along with her journey, she will finds someone who can be both of friends and love?

Shinxdaisy · Adolescente
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17 Chs

Fill me with your side: Bitterside

"I have no problem with anything about you." Adam informs me with earnestness.

"Do you assume I'll tell you more about myself? Isn't this just our second meeting in two years? Don't you think it's a little fast?" I inquired skeptically.

"You can describe a little bit about yourself," Adam sighs. "I'm not going to force you to tell me about your flaws or your history. Just some brief bio about you.... Look, we can exchange our biographies. You tell me first, and then I tell you. Similar to true or dare. But in this game, we should only tell the truth. Okay?"

The sound of bells on the book café doorway continues to ring, signaling that people are constantly coming inside.

My heart is racing because I'm hesitant to tell people about myself. The steps of people entering the book café and getting in the queue for a drink captivated my attention as I ran through so much tension to answer such a simple question.

"OK," I responded, looking into the person's eyes in front of me. "You get to go first. I don't want to be the first one to tell you."

"Yeah!," Adam says triumphantly. "Captain America is my favorite superhero."

"Seriously, I thought you wanted to talk about your favorite food first...but superhero?" I giggled.

"It's a good start, isn't it? You laugh at it." Adam smirked gently.

"I like Black Widow. I want so badly to try the classic hurricanrana move. Her signature move. One day, I'd like to do it to someone....What makes you like Captain America?". My eyebrow rises a bit.

"It inspires me. You know, his leadership towards the soldiers or the people around him makes them trust him wholeheartedly. He never gives up on anything he undertakes or fights for. I admire the battling spirit he possesses. It awakens my volcano in my heart to fly up without looking down too much and to focus on what awaits ahead. " Adam conveys the story with zeal.

"I see. You are an energetic and motivated guy. I can feel the fire in your eyes. Maybe you're the type who is going to fight until the very end in order to get what you want."

"That is right! However, this is not always the case. Not everything we desire is within our grasp. It takes some time. And one thing to keep in mind at all times. 'Don't give up too soon.' Okay, on to the next question.... favorite animal.... hamster."

"Why?" I inquired of him.

"Hmm, because it's adorable. Shame on me for being unable to obtain them. I'm too busy to have a pet. Nonetheless, in my spare time, I enjoy watching videos of them. It is the most adorable thing I have ever seen when they run on the wheel. If you want, I can send you the video." Adam said while smiling cutely. 'I think'

"No, it's all right. You thoroughly enjoy cute things, even though your vibe does not have a soft side that appears physically." I told him this while twirling my index finger at him. "Well, I enjoy cats. I have a few around the house. They can be extremely clingy at times, which I rarely detest." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I assumed you're not the touching type?" Adam wondered.

"Yes, I dislike it when people touch me. Such as, hugging, holding hands, and other intimate gestures. It's not because I'm allergic to it or have a phobia of it. It's like... I feel goosebumps with an intimate act. With animals, I can say okay… but not too much." I explained each thing to him.

"I understand. I'll make an effort to keep my hand away from you."

"You sure talk a lot," I rolled my eyes. "You should become a president or something that requires you to use your voice a lot."

"I converse a lot with the person with whom I'm comfortable. I am an INTP personality characteristic type. I'm not an extrovert." Adam stated as he sipped his coffee.

"Based on my observations, you don't appear to be an introvert. I am an INFJ personality characteristic type. Welcome to the world of introverts. At least, if I don't open my mouth to continue the conversation, you can still stop talking." With a chuckle, I said.

"I will be fully aware of it. How many siblings do you have? I have two siblings, of which I am the oldest. My younger brother is a boy, your age." Adam remarked this while turning his long fingers into two.

"I have three siblings. They're all girls...and I'm the youngest."

"I guess it's right. I'm assuming you're the youngest because you have a baby face." Adam smiles. 'From the tone of his voice, I imagined he'd smile.'

I switch my gaze away from him and turn my attention to the clock, which reads 3 p.m. From the deserted to the crowded. The book café is busier in the evening than in the center of the day. People, I believe, prefer to drink in the evening rather than at lunch.

"Don't you have anything else on your schedule today?" While fiddling with my straw, I questioned him.

"Hmm, I don't think I have one. That is why I spend my spare time with you." Adam grinned warmly, his dimple protruding from his face. I'll just imagine what he looks like. 'Should I buy a scanner to scan his face? I'd like to know what expression on his faces that he will show behind the face mask. '

"My muscles are numb from sitting for too long, and my finger is so cold that I'm afraid it will freeze if I sit any longer. Can we continue our talking outside? " I asked him.

"Sure," Adam answered with a chuckle. "Let's go."

We both got our belongings and exited the book café.

The wind gently kisses our cheeks. The sunbeam becomes addicted to crawling on our skin and forming shadows on us. The icy sensation of the air conditioning inside melts away with the hotness of the temperature outside the book café. With several trees planted in front of the book café, the air is purified.

The freshness coming from the outside heals my mental state and calms down my feelings.

"Wait for me. I'm going to get my bike." I said to Adam while heading towards my bicycle.

I examine his features as I unlock my bicycle. His tall sculpture boosts him to a certain level of a model. The wind ruffled his curly hair, interfering with his eyesight in front of him, leading him to comb his hair back with his exquisite hands. I feel like I've just finished flipping through an expensive magazine.

My gaze was drawn to his brown eyes, which had been fixed on me without me noticing. He smiled broadly, wrinkles from the sides of his eyes visible, and I know for sure-

He is happy.

"Do you need any help?" Adam asks loudly.

"No, it's fine. I've got this." I am approaching him while holding the bicycle handle.

"Did you come here by car?" I asked.

"No, my driver drove me here. If I finish the work here, I'll call him." Adam informed me.

"You have work here, I see." I lifted my brow at him.

"No, I m-mean. Yes. I have work here, but it is done. That's why I'd want to get a cup of coffee after a long day at work." Adam explained himself shyly.

"How did you recognize me there? I'm wearing a face mask." I ask, curious.

"The same beg, the same drink, the same book, and, most importantly, the same eyes when they look at me." Adam responded softly.

I blushed as I gazed at him. "What kind of emotion do my eyes show?" I murmured slowly while continuing our route.

"I heard what you said. Would you like to know further about it?"

"No, it's okay, -"

"Curiosity, admiration, jealousy, and, most importantly, love at first sight." Adam spoke softly.

I feel my cheek burn from the hotness that comes from his mouth. I cleared my throat and walked away from him quickly. The possibility of having him by my side will set me on fire without me even realizing it.

I can hear him laughing as he takes a large stride towards me. It doesn't take long for him to begin to walk side by side again, thanks to his lengthy legs.

The peaceful atmosphere between us soothed my chaotic mind until the phone rang, interrupting our comfortable silence. I took up my phone and saw the screen - it was Mother.

"Greetings, mother....What! I'm going back home right now. Wait for me to be there." I respond while feeling uneasy on the inside. My heart pounded loudly. My face is pale as a result of the news I just heard.

Adam became aware of my distress and asked, "What's wrong -,"

"I'm sorry. I n-need to g-go home n-right now." I quickly find my pace, stumble slightly.

"Wait a second. Hey. You should take a deep breath. Follow me, breathe in," I follow his rhythm. "... and exhale."

"Are you feeling okay now?" Adam feels concerned.

"M-my eldest s-sister disappeared." I informed him. My tears want to break down, but I refuse to submit.

"I need to go home now," I said as I stared at him. "I'm sorry."

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Adam asked apprehensively.

I snorted softly, " I have a bike right. I've been fine on my own. Bye, and I'll see you soon."

"W-wait a minute. This is my new phone number. If you are having difficulty dealing with anything or need someone, please contact me. Okay. I seriously mean it." Adam comforted me while handing me a piece of paper.

I grabbed it and thanked him. "I'll see you soon, Adam. Bye. Good to see you again."

"You as well. Keep in mind what I told you. Goodbye, Elly." Adam waves at me, and I return the gesture.

When I feel the freshness of the air, I turn a blind eye to the stains that embrace the grasslands, the result of the acid accidentally spattered on them. It increases the toxicity level and covers the entire rooting zone.

Just like my life afterwards.

Poetic feels:

One step forwards

to happiness,

Two steps backwards to drowning by the blues.

Poem by: shinxdaisy