
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Cómic
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112 Chs

Marketplace Incident

8. Marketplace Incident

The car made a stop at the entrance of the traditional market. Some passerby glanced curiously at the limousine who looks out of place. I turned at the military man and said.

"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Harris." 

"Aa ... here's my name card, if you need something or you got entangled with some trouble, just call. I'm quite influential around here despite my rank."

I have seen someone who was desperately trying to lick boots. My aunt is a quite wealthy and successful businesswoman, and many people attempted to get close to her and gain her favor. Although what Lt. Harris done is not that desperate, I could still see it as a bootlick.

"Mr. Harris, I'm curious ... why you treat me like this? Am I ... what I have is worthy for your time and energy that you try to get on my good impression?"

"Well, if I say, you are gold egg-laying goose that needs to be handled with extra care ... would you believe it?" he scratched his cheek, unsure.

I shook my head at that. "There's another way to get the thing if you really need it. You can put a bind on me, kidnap, and make me your captive. You can squeeze all of me free, that's more effective as compared to what you do right now."

He stared at me and has a hard time keeping his face straight. He burst out laughing and say.

"Hahaha ... Mr. Maul, I know young men are cynical but to think you could imagine something like that. But I see ... so you're worried about that." he calmed down and heaved a long breath. "Mr. Maul, our Community has root back to the medieval age, and even now we still use the slogan which inherited from the old Kraton. Hamayu Hayuning Bawana ... To Preserve the Beauty of Nature. We don't exploit, and never we have thought of doing that. Right now, the world is changing ... and mother nature is crying in anguish. If even we tried to exploit a young man just for his blood and cell, how could we live up to the dream of our ancestors? In the end, you are a human and a super at that ... you have a basic human right and special right of the super. There's no way we could use you as a lab rat or do something inhumane as that."

"But ... just like what you said before, it's fine if there's no one founds out about it, right?"

Lt. Harris's face turned solemn, he gazed at me with strong eyes as if trying to pierce. "... yes, that's how criminals conduct their crime. As long as no one found out about it, it's fine. But fortunately, we are not. We are the proud Order of Super Soldier of the Javashya Community. Do not confuse us with some terrorist group who disrupt law and order like Requisite or Antis."

Maybe I'm too paranoid as I read too much about web novels where the organization that supports MC at the beginning turns out to be the big bad guy. They're amicable and cooperative for now, so I'll work it out with them. But if they turned their back and harm me ... I think I should make some necessary preparation.

"... once again, thanks for the ride." I nodded at him and opened the door.

I walked on the bustling traditional market while still in my uniform. Some adult men gave me a weird glance from time to time, well mostly because of the hickeys that filled my neck. There's also a lipstick mark on the collar. I've tried to cover it, but others could still see it. 

Anyway, what others think of me doesn't matter at all. I still regretted not bringing spare clothes.

I approached one of the tofu sellers and greeted him. 

"Good noon, Mister."

"Ah, come, come ..."

I poked the silky tofu, and it was still fresh as it has the right elasticity. As I was in this place, might as well buy some fermented-soy bread.

"Mister, pack me a hundred emas for the white tofu, and please thin cut the tempeh."

"Ohh, how much for the tempeh?"

"Hmm ... fifty is enough."

"I'll give this big lump for eighty, what do you think?" the seller asked, the size was twice as big as the normal five thousand one.

"Really, then please ... thank you."

The seller picked up his knife and thin-sliced the tempeh at unimaginable speed. He's so experienced in knives and cutting vegetables. But this speed is kind of not normal.

"Mister, are you a super?"

"Heheh, boy, what makes you think so?"

"The speed of your knife, it's just like some super chef I watched on the internet."

"Nah ... I get the shot and the beam, but I'm not as lucky as those Über or something. However ..." he swung the knife in a single exaggerated slash, and the 3 cm thick 5 x 10 cm square tempeh become thin sliced on the next second. He smugly said, "When you're doing this for twenty years ... of course, you pick one or two."

"That's ... outstanding." 

I clapped my hands in amazement. Some people who were in the vicinity and watched him also followed clapping, the tempeh seller scratched the back of his head shyly. He literally just cutting the tempeh so fast that I feel like my eyes deceiving me!

I paid for the tofu and tempeh and left the seller with amazing knife skills. 

I went to other stalls to buy some leek and other spices.

"Burglar!? Stop that man! He stole my bag!" a woman shrieked pointing at the running man.

But in the next second, that man vanished. He turned invisible.

By the god, a super burglar! Really now? And I doubt this person's intelligent, even if your body and clothes turned invisible for human eyes ... you still make a ruckus with the trail you left behind and how you pushed around other people nearby.

[Do you wish to retrieve Esmeralda Rattner's Magic String (x4)?] 

Yes, yes ... use it now.

A strange feeling transmitted through my body, there's another kind of power in me ... and there's an additional tab on my system interface. There are three tabs in the system, Golden Rod, Enhancer Testis, and Superbank. But now, there's this additional tab ... but with a timer. 

[Esmeralda Rattner's Magic String - 04:59]

[Magic String] 

[(1) Killer String]

Magic String incredibly thin and strong that it could slice meat and bones.

[(2) Just-a-rope]

Default magic rope, better than most compound fiber rope. Made by binding magic string into a rope. 

[(3) Strong Rope]

Stronger magic rope, better than Just-a-Rope. Made by binding magic string into a rope and enhance its properties. 

This is the first time I used the Powerbank ... and huh, wait ... what is the restriction or condition of this superpower again?

[The condition and restriction for the superpower retrieved from Powerbank of Superbank pseudo-Organ is the time limitation. There are still 04 minutes and 54 seconds left before you lost the ability. User can only retrieve one ability at a time and there'll be three hours cool down before you could retrieve another ability.]

So that means ... I could use this power, without needing to fulfill the original restriction? 

Holy! Isn't this too OP? Oh shit ... if this is the case, then if I fuck sis Sunna, I don't need to jump just to accumulate and activate the wind elemental power!? Or if I fuck sis Eula, I don't need to wait until midnight to be a super genius? Not like I'll ever fuck them ... but that's just a figure of speech. 

But holy shit, this power is damn too OP! Still, there's still limitation like three hours cooldown and the inability to withdraw several powers. But I think it's sufficient for now.

Right ... the thief. I almost forgot about your thin presence.

I tapped the Just-a-String on the Interface and a magic string conjured; it floated above my palm slightly glowing. I throw it at the hazy shadow of the invisible dude. It successfully constricts the street burglar, and he fell down in one sweep.

I approached the falling invisible man tied in my rope and said, "Hey, I have caught you in the act. Cancel your superpower now!"

He obediently cancels it. It was a man in twenty with a dark brown skin tone. A native Javanese.

"Scum, you're a trash of society!"

"You should feel ashamed of yourself!?"

"Dare to steal in broad daylight, this is why you natives monkeys are!"

Oy oy, you don't be racist there. Even if he's a native, you don't need to say that he's a monkey or whatnot. The crowds were against the thief. Not only that, but they also tried to punch and kick him. But I pushed those who tried to approach with another rope-lash. 

"Alright, I'll handle this ... no violence guys. Although he's in the wrong here and I know you're irritated with what he did, this is not your turn to be a self-judge here. We're living in the lawful society, let's handle it bylaw."

I turned to the burglar and pick up the handbag and gave it to the victim.

"There you go lady, check it if there's anything gone ... and do you want to call the police?"

I looked over the woman and noticed that ... she looks out of place. First, this is a traditional marketplace ... the road is unpaved and filled with filth. As the people who come to know it's filthy, they will come with a humble choice of clothes. But, not only she wore brand clothes that worth several thousand emas, she wore heeled shoes in this uneven path. 

And then her very physical appearance. Though it's not rare seeing Chinese aunties in the market, it is very rare to see one young Chinese beautiful woman. And again, she purposely put on make-up that is unsuitable for such a place and occasion. She didn't put that much make-up and only thin foundation, and it was ruined because of the sweat and dust. Her black hair stuck on her cheek and forehead. Looks comical.

I ... don't know what to say, there are too many strange things happening these few days, and this is one oddity.

The woman sighed in relief and said, "There's nothing lost, fortunately. And no thank you, spare me the trouble filling the oral confession to the police. I've had enough of that already." 

"So ... you'll let him go then?" I asked, glancing at the tied man.

"Yeah, you can do that ..."

Are you sure? He's a super and a robber. If we detain him, we'll get prize money. Not that I care about the inconsiderable sum or anything, anyway. Alright, I also don't like dealing with the aftermath with the police so I'll just let him off for now.

"Okay." I canceled the magic string and released the man.

But, he didn't run away like I originally thought. He stood up, patting his waist to settle the dust, and glared at me. Pointing his hand, he shouted. 

"Londho Juan Cock! This time you catch me, but I remember your face. Don't let me see you next time around. Or else, I'll make you think you're living but better of death." he spoke in his native language, I catch up with what he just said and frowned.

What's with him, how dare he? If I can catch you this time, then next time I'll do it again. Oh wait, I can still catch you right now. But nah, I'll make it more interesting. 

I waved my hand and conjured a Killer String. The thin string shined reflecting the dazzling sunlight, it circled around his pointed finger and suddenly contracted.


An ugly index finger fell down with red blood spurted out from his severed hand. I could hear some gasp and ooh-ing from the side, but I don't give a damn. 

While giving him a despised look, I coldly uttered. "The next time I see you ... it won't be just a finger. Remember that before crossing path with me." 

He looked at his hands which now only has four fingers on it and screamed.

"Hii-hiiii!!! Murder, he's trying to murder me!? Help!?"

"Oh, come on ... you're super but you're trying to rob people! And now ... it was you who provoke me first. Everyone here's my witness. Who are you trying to trick?"

"I ... hiii ..." he ran off after picking the dismembered finger.

Fuhh ... that's the end of that. I shook my head and waved my hand, the magic rope pulled the plastic bag that I left on the table. I walked and continue the shopping, but ...

"Wait a moment!"

"Yes, what's wrong? Did you need something else?" I turned around to see the woman who just got robbed.

"I'm thankful for your help, if not for you I'll lose this bag. The bag is not worth the trouble, but what inside is. I would like to sincerely convey my thanks, would you like to join me for a meal?"

"Don't mind it ... it's a trivial thing, after all." I waved my hand and turned back. I don't know why, but I sense the smell of trouble from her with how she's being out of place.

But she didn't give up, she suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pressed it down with significant force. This ... what kind of superhuman power is this? And you're three steps away from me, how could you suddenly appear right behind me? Are you a super? Then why you didn't stop that robber by yourself?

"I ... insist," she said in a grave tone.

"Urmm, big sister, you're hurting me. Could you release my shoulder first and let's talk it through? Peacefully, I prefer."

"Your answer?" she didn't hear, rather put more weight on my shoulder.

"Sigh, fine then ... I will take your offer, where we'll be going?"

"A place where there's excellent food! Anyway, let's get the hell out of this filthy place, I have had enough of this! The air here feels stuffy, hey come with me and I'll bring you to X.O.X ... I suddenly crave for prawn dim sum." she patted my shoulder and walked carefreely.

I followed her leads but said that I need to buy some other vegetables. Thus, along the way, I also bought several ingredients. 

"You, why do you buy those filthy vegetables? It's unhygienic, the non-organic vegetable is unhealthy!"

Oh wow ... that's, harsh criticism. Are you one of those who despise non-organic food? And although the regular farmer used pesticides and insecticides on the vegetable, as long as you wash it correctly and check its pH there won't be a problem with the chemical. Look ... the bean seller aunty glanced at you with a weird gaze.

"Miss ... come to think of it, we haven't taught each other name, right? Even though you invited me to a lunch."

"You're right ... my name is Shan Yuezhi. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Arman Maul, nice to meet you. Are you from Zhonghua?"

"No ... I'm a Peranakan, if you can't pronounce my Chinese name, you can call me Sandy."

"It's alright, I have relatives from the Far East. I'll call you with miss Shan, then." I paid the money for the red bean. "Thank you, aunty, and please apologize for her word. She didn't mean it."

"No offense taken. Thank you for your patronage." the aunty smiled as she returned the exchange money.

I turned at the big miss who was lost in the market and said, "Right now, it's so hard to buy something that isn't fake. Even the so-called organic cabbage, maybe they're also fake goods. I can see your reluctance on buying vegetables in this place, they look dirty and unappealable as compared with the Styrofoam and plastic-wrapped vegetable displayed on the supermarket shelf. But you're not the one who's going to eat it, so why should you care?"

"Little brother, I just kindly advise you for your own good ... why are you being so petty and boorish? I will not talk it out again with you. Let's get out from this place and go to X.O.X!"

I already finished with the groceries anyway, so let's follow her. However, after sometimes walking ... I feel that there's a problem with this out-of-place young lady. She just walking in a loop while from time to time looking at her phone which opened a map app.

"You ... I thought that shouldn't be possible, but are you really lost?"

"Who's lost? I just got confused with the map application! I'm not lost." she rebuked, but even three years old child wouldn't believe her.

Well ... if she really lost her way even with the map application. Then it explained why she ends up here.

"Alright, alright ... you're not lost, the map app is so confusing, it's non-user friendly. Let me look at it." I picked her phone and glanced at it, it's not that far. 

But hey, at least she knows how to use the search location function. After knowing the general location, I headed in that direction. While at it, I asked Shan Yuezhi.

"Miss Shan, where's the direction heading the north?"

"You're asking such a childish question. What, are you lost now?" she looked at me with eyes turned to the cloud, as if gloating at me.

"Just tell me, where's the north?" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course ... that direction, maybe?" she pointed at the west direction. 

Hey, the sun hasn't reached its highest point yet so it still distinct, and you can't tell where's the east and west? I never see someone who was so bad at the direction. Sister, I say you're one of the rare species.