
It's hard to let go

"She loved him. Loved him with all she had. She loved him until her last breath him. She tried her best to forget him but couldn't. That's why she could never love back my....dad. I can't blame her for that cause I know it's hard to let go the person we love." .... June looked at Noah. She still can't believe that she completed her mother's love story by loving this man. Maybe destiny wants them together or it could be a miracle God made to tie these two souls together. {The story is based on Korean romantic movie "The Classic". }

YouAreMyVision · Adolescente
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20 Chs


The sky was cloudy and gloomy. When we came back to the river side it was already raining. Our clothes were totally wet showing our body curves. But we got frustrated when we saw the boat floating in the middle of the river. It was around 3 or 4o'clock. We decided to stay for a little bit for the rain to stop.

We were looking for a shelter and we found a shelter on the other side of a farm. It was a bit far from us and so we were running. The road was muddy and slippery. Suddenly Jessica slipped on the mud. She growled in pain. I ran towards her and held her shoulders. She tried to stand up but failed.

'I think I sprained my ankle.'

She was already injured and now she sprained her ankle. I became worried for her as I moved my back at her and said, 'Get on my back.'

She didn't as she was hesitating.

'Hurry and get on my back.' I said worried about her condition.

She held my shoulders tight and I carried her on my back. Without wasting time I ran towards the shelter and placed her on a bench.

'It's a shower. It'll stop soon.'

She just nodded. I saw her shivering a little holding her tight. I removed my shirt. She looked away blushing.

'Dry yourself with this.'

She smiled and took my shirt and dry herself with that without making an eye contact.

'When the rain stops we'll go along the river. Then we'll reach the ferry. Although it's a bit far.'


'For what?'

'For bringing me here, for helping me and carrying me when I was injured.'

I smiled shyly. Soon the Rain stopped. There was a big rainbow on sky.

'It's beautiful right?', she said.

'Yes, do you know? A rainbow is a door to heaven. When people die they go to heaven through this door. God just opened the door of heaven for us.'



'Then who is dying here?'

I chuckled at her question and answered,

'Maybe the distance between us.'

It was already evening. I was carrying her heading towards the ferry. Suddenly she spoke,

'I am heavy, huh?'

'Nope, you are not heavy at all.'

But I weight a lot and I eat a lot , too.'

'Don't worry. I can carry you on my back and go anywhere, forever.

I said the forever part a little whispering.

'Did you say something?'

'Nothing special.'

'You're lying.'

'No I'm not lying.'

'Yes, you are.'

'No, I'm not.'

We were arguing while we found ourselves in front of a small bridge. We were crossing the bridge when we found thousands of fireflies. I couldn't move my body anymore. I was looking at them being amazed. They were like thousands of stars flying here and there illuminating the evening beauty of the nature.

'I never saw something this beautiful in my life.'

'Well I did.'



She hit my shoulder.

'Ouch! What I did to deserve this?'

'Punishment for teasing me.'

'Then calling you beautiful was a crime.'

She didn't said anything and looked away. I couldn't see her face as she was on my back. Is she blushing? I don't know watching her red because of me make me feel something inside my heart. Am I in love?

I made her sit on the bridge and went towards the lake.

'I caught it.'

I caught a firefly in my hand and went to her.

'Open your hands.'

She hold the firefly between her hands.Her eyes was sparkling and her lips curved into a smile. Her smile was enough to make me fall for her. She whispered thank you to me.

We went to the ferry and hired a boat. It became night cause the ferry was a bit far. We were a little bit far from the riverside and we saw Jessica's grandfather and his mans are searching for her. She looks scared.

'Hold the firefly for a moment.'

She said and handed the firefly to me. Then she moved her hands behind her neck. She untied the necklace that was wrapped around her neck.

'You gave me a firefly and carried me. But this is all that I can give you in return.'

She said as she wore me the locket.It was a small heart shaped locket with the letter 'J' on it. I didn't say anything and smiled to her. The locket could be a sign of our beautiful memory.

Soon we reach the shore. One of their man carried Jessica on his back and took her away. She looked back and again whispered 'Thanks for today.'

I smiled at her but soon my smile faded away when I faced her grandfather. He was looking at me with his burning eyes. I lowered my head as I didn't know what to answer him. He didn't say anything to me but slapped me so hard. He gave me a death glare and walked away. I looked at them with one hand on my left cheek where Jessica's grandfather just slapped me. She was still looking at me with her sad eyes.

I never meet her after the day. She was sick for a few days and left for big hospitals in Seoul. After her mother died she got really sick. But when she came back from the country side I heard she got healthier and looked happier.

What do you think? Will they meet again?

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