
Riya at Police Station

Harbajan drove Shiva to the police station. Shiva was still in shock. he was still thinking about the Sneha. At the police station, there was chaos. A lady was shouting.

"It's late. Why they didn't reach the police station till now."

The lady said

What the hell is going on?"

Shiva exclaimed

He thought that this sound was familiar with that sound.

"Piggybank… what is she doing here. "

He exclaimed in shock.

He ran to the police station. He saw Riya there. She was in a casual top and long skirt. Her hair was long. They were looking like silk thread. It was tied with a red color rubber band. She was shouting at the constables. She was worried. Her luggage was also with her. It was looking like she had come to the police station right from the airport.

"Piggybank, why are you here?"

Shiva asked

Riya turned around. She ran and hugged him tightly.

"Where were you, Dumbo? You know how worried I was for you?"

Saying this she started crying.

"Hey Riya, don't cry. You're not like that."

Shiva said consoling her.

He took her to his office. He made her sit on the chair. He wiped her tears and gave her a glass of water.

"See, I am fine. I am standing here in front of you. It's not that easy to run away from me whether it's a culprit or a victim."

Shiva said consoling her.

"Who wants to run away from you."

Riya smiled at him.

"Okay tell me what are you doing here. You were supposed to come on Saturday. But it's Wednesday only."

Shiva asked.

"Yes, but I finished the formalities early and came here. Aren't you happy?"

Riya replied.

"Why wouldn't I? We are best childhood buddies. So I am very happy."

Shiva replied.

Riya smiled like a child.

"So, where are you living now? Tell me the location, I'll drop you."

Shiva said packing up his things.

"Hotel Venus Plaza, near I.G.I. airport."

She said making faces.

"Hey, why are you making faces? Don't you want to go home now?"

He asked looking at Riya.

"I want to eat something with you."

She said pouting her mouth.

"Okay, let's go to a restaurant first. Then we'll be having an ice cream."

Shiva said to make Riya happy.

Riya smiled. Shiva took her luggage in his hand. They both approached the car. He kept the luggage in the back seat of the jeep. He opened the door of the jeep and asked Riya to sit. He was treating her like a princess. Because of his gentle attitude, Riya's heart was filled with happiness. After few minutes they both reached the hotel where Riya was supposed to stay tonight. He parked his jeep in the parking area. And stepped out of the jeep. Riya was still sitting in the jeep waiting for him to open the gate for her.

"Hey, step down. I am waiting or you want to sleep in my jeep only."

Shiva said mockingly.

He knew that Riya was waiting for him to open the gate. But he wanted to make fun of her so he didn't open the gate for her.

Riya stepped down and started making faces.

"Where are we?"

Riya asked looking at the building.

"Hotel Venus Plaza? Aren't we gonna eat together? I am really hungry."

Riya asked rubbing her abdomen.

"Yeah, we are going to eat together in this hotel only. You love Chinese cuisine. This is famous for that. And it's very late too."

Shiva said.

" Hmm … you remember my taste."

Riya said with a smile.

"Okay let's go inside."

Shiva said

They both sat inside and ordered some food for them.

"When can I meet Sneha?"

Riya asked.


Shiva replied.

The Shiva thought of the incident that happened in the evening. He remembered the words said by Harbajan.

"Riya I want to share something with you."

He said in a serious tone. He kept his hand on the table. Shiva was nervous.

Riya that his hand was bandaged. She wanted to ask what happened with his hand. But looking at Shiva's condition she preferred to listen to him first.