

"Sir, are you okay? May I bring you the first aid box to bandage your wound?" Peon asked. Shiva had got hurt on his head. His head was a little bleeding

Shiva got into deep thought and came back; he replied "yeah sure."

Peon went to the chemist and bought bandages and some medicine to heal his wounds. He came back hurriedly with all the medicine. He asked Shiva

"Sir here's the bandage and necessary medicine. Please take these and bandage your wound. May I help you?"

Peon asked Shiva

Shiva smiled at him.

"Thanks but don't bother. This wound will be bandaged by her only."

He said looking at Sneha who was sleeping and smiled.

"Sir, if don't mind may I ask you a question?"

Shiva nodded his head

"How do you know prisoner 201? Is she your relative?"

The peon asked hesitantly.

"How did this question come to your mind?"

Shiva asked as he started checking the files kept on the table.

"Sir, the way you handled Sneha today was amazing. No one had ever been able controlled her. Your one song made her calm and she fell asleep. Is there any relation between you two?"

Peon asked Shiva.

"The person in the prison is psycho for all people in the world. But for me she is my friend. She is not only my friend but more than that. The person whose murder's allegations are on her is the person who is my best friend and her first love."

Shiva said as he kept the file on the table.

"What, but how can someone kill her first love then. Are you sure that you're not mistaken? Cause there can be a coincidence of being the same name. Maybe she had killed someone who isn't her lover but someone else? May he cheated on her or something big scandal was there in their relationship?"

He shouted in a shock.

"That's what I need to find out?"

Shiva told the peon in a determined voice.

There was a silence in Shiva's cabin. Shiva was sitting alone and was studying the case of Sneha. Then his office phone rang

"Hello, who's speaking?"

Shiva asked picking up the call.

"Shiva, it's me, Rakesh Verma. Congratulation on your first posting."

A voice called out from the phone.

"Sir, it's you. Good evening sir. It's nice that you called me to congratulate me."

Shiva replied in an exciting voice.

"So how was your first day?"

He asked him

Rakesh Verma was Shiva's teacher. He trained him to be a great officer. In his guidance only he succeeded in his aim. Now he is also his boss as the Deputy Inspector General of Police

"Sir, it was good. I had found that there are many wrong things which I have to make right."

Shiva said happily.

"Shiva, mind it that you should not enter in any case which has your life at stake. Mr. Rakesh gave this advice."

Rakesh said in a serious voice.

Shiva got shocked as he hasn't told anything to him.

"Sir, I am not able to understand. What are you trying to say please clear it?"

Shiva asked him.

"Okay, let me be clear. Stay away from the case of prisoner number 201."

Shiva got shocked as he hasn't told him that he is working on Sneha's case. Only people in the police station and Riya know. Then how did he know that he is handling her case? Who told him? Shiva was thinking only then he realized that Rakesh was still on the phone.

"Shiva, I hope you are getting what I am trying to say?"

"Yes, sir, I will consider your advice"

Shiva replied .