
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

World War X

Year 2022

August 4th


"Are you ready for this? And are you sure about it?" The woman asked as she fixed the man's tie.

"We have no choice. It's either them or us" he said as he put his hand on the door knob. "Good luck, Brian"

Brian opened the door and put on his hat. He slammed it shut and walked towards the jet-black car outside.

Guards surrounded the car and opened the door for him. Brian took a deep breath and jumped into the car.

"Hey there, Sir! I'll be your guild tonight! It's a honor to meet you in person" a woman greeted.

"Nice to meet you too, ma'am. You have the paper required for tonight's speech?"

The woman reached in her pocket and pulled out documents. "I know you've been over this already but I have to explain again. Remember, the choice tonight is yours! Depending on what you say will determine how we handle the situation at hand."

"I understand"

Minutes later the car arrived at a gaint building. Where lights and thousands of people stood. It was a stadium.

Brian and his team took time to prepare. "Are you nervous?" The woman asked.

"Nope. Plus I've made up my mind." Brian said as he walked out on to the stage. Multiple representatives of all the nations stared down at him.

He grabbed the mic and cleared his throat. "Hello there fellow nations. Tonight…we as humans are here to discuss our life" Brian said into the mic.

Everyone around the world turned on their tvs and watched with their families.

"I'm here tonight…to share disturbing nudes with everyone. United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, Russia, and many more. We all must come together for this upcoming event."

Brian began to walk across the stage. "Our founding fathers have done their duties to keep our utopian world in order! Years ago…we all know about the alien race that resides on the island called: Island X. The island was created by the world government to keep these creatures and their destructive power controlled! Over the years…we've found some living among us! But thanks to our technology we are able to find the intruders! But….we've discovered something shocking. When humans and these creatures lived tougher…they expanded our world, I mean literally expanded it! Making it grow! But, we've discovered something in space, another atmosphere! I don't know how to explain it to you all but…our planet is no longer on its own. When we lived with these creatures, our planet had merged with theirs! Our planet is nothing more than a puddle of water in their world! Their world is so huge…that-you can't imagine it!"

"So your saying that we're in their world now!? I don't understand! We've kept control over-"

"We found portals deep in space. And what I'm about to tell you will explain it" Brian said.

Brian took a sip from his water and a deep breath. "The cursed child!! I'm the script…it read that a kid will bring death to his own people…that kid is Adisa! The boy we put on the island with his people! We believed that his own people would kill him or the rejects of the human race! But we believe that he still draws breath! These portals will open up a gateway into our world and allow creatures or beings from their world to enter our own! This wouldn't happen if Adisa was dead, right? We have reason to believe that he has matured! It reads in the script that he would end everything! Now…I believe everything…is our planet. So, my fellow utopians. Will you all lend me a hand to bring the fight to island X!? Or will you all just stay back and watch our planet be overrun by and alien species!?"

Everyone began speaking among themselves."what is it you suppose we do" a man asked in the crowd.

"Simple, sir. The whole world vs Island X. This is a fight for survival of our race. Please. Raise your hand if your in!"

The representatives for all the countries around the world raised their hands at that moment. Brian bowed his head. "We will kill all the evil humans and aliens that reside there! Tonight is a celebration for humanity! We bring the fight to island x, take back our freedom, and kill Adisa! I here by declare war on island x!"

The crowd of people cheered and clapped their hands. Hyped from Brian's speech and ready to fight.


The waves crashed against the island as a smooth breeze from the ocean swept through the forest.

A girl with long blond hair, green eyes, and small freckles walked along the shore. She sat down and played with a sand for a little while. She stared off into the dark ocean. "Brother…I've never wondered what was beyond the ocean" she whispered to herself.

"What's that?"

The girl got to her feet and looked closer at the ocean. "Is that a-"

"Your supposed to be hunting…not staring off into the ocean, Aubrie" a man's voice said.

Aubrie turned her head and stared at a man with a good looking suit. "Colt….what do you want" Aubrie asked.

"You were the only one taking a long time. Since I'm a new troop it's only fair I do my job right for a little while" Colt laughed.

"Why do you all wear those suits now? They're so annoying" Aubrie complained.

"You can thank those wired higher-ups and their new little fighters. They informed those rules….and it's the only rules that we'll follow. Don't trust the damn higher-ups, not one bit."Colt reminded.

Colt noticed something moving in the water and took a closer look. Colt quickly grabbed Aubrie and tossed her to the side. "Get behind me!" He yelled.

Aubrie and Colt pulled out their weapons and slowly approached the water. "What did you see, Colt?"

"It looks like a-"

I'm that moment something shot out of the ocean and landed behind the two fighters. Colt slowly turned around and noticed a being in a crouched position.

"Who the hell are you!?" Colt yelled in a threatening voice.

The young woman turned her head to reveal crystal blue colored eyes. Her aura was a nasty black and Purple aura. It sent shivers down Aubrie and Colt's spines. The only feeling they felt when looking at the woman…was death.

"Who the hell…are you two" she asked in an attractive voice. The woman had no clothes on, it seemed as though she appeared out of thin air!

Colt pointed his sword at the woman. She ignored the two of them and began to look around. The woman crawled on all fours, almost like a cat.

"Who are-"

"Speak out of line again and I'll kill you" the woman whispered.

Colt froze in place and didn't say a single word. "Is it here?" She asked.

"Is…what here?" Aubrie asked.

"The code. It's here. I know it is-" the woman passed out.

Colt and Aubrie ran over and stared at the woman. "Pick her up. We need to take her home" Aubrie said.

"Did you not feel her aura? That aura was more threatening then your own brother's and Frost's! There's no way-"

"Stop being a pussy" she laughed.

Colt grabbed her and carried her on his back. "She's so wet it's disgusting! I really don't wanna carry her" Colt complained.

"We need to tell him and the others. It's the right thing to do. I don't even believe she's from the island"

"Take her? To meet who!? If you say Jerome and the others then she'll just die-"

"I'm talking about Udo. Let's see what he has to say about our new friend here"

The two walked towards their clan with the strange woman. Who knows what awaits with this new discovery. Is it good….or evil?