
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

Untapped power

Xavier got up with a massive headache. Was the blast really that strong?" He asked himself. The building had fallen while Xavier was in it.

Xavier looked down to see one of his legs had been broke in the process. "Shit." He said in agony. Just then he remembered no to be too loud, Light would still know he's alive.

"What about the others? Blue,Metal,Gerry,and Hannah? Where are they!? Did they survive?" Xavier was very confused and couldn't see. There was so much ruble around him that it covered the sky. He was underneath all the ruble on the ground.

"My left leg is broke…and I'm losing blood,I need to patch this up." He said to himself.

Xavier lifted his head up, but the weight from the ruble was to heavy. "I can't just stay here. I need to get up and help."

Xavier tried for minutes getting up but failed each time. He lay there in the dark, just waited for someone to get over to him.

He could hear someone moving rubble around on top of him. Xavier didn't make a sound because he didn't know if it was the enemy or an ally.

Not after long, Xavier could see the night sky. A man appeared in front of him, it was blue.

"You actually escaped!?" Xavier asked.


Blue held out his hand for Xavier to grab and Xavier did so. "Where are the others from your clan?" Xavier asked.

Blue looked up at the sky with guilt on his face. "Blue tell me what happened!" Xavier demanded.

"They're dead, all of them dead."

Xavier had a cold feeling go through his heart when Blue told him that. "What killed them!?" Caviar asked in a frantic way.

"I don't know…it was so fast and sudden. Something shot through the building and killed my group. Now it's just me and Jericho." Blue said in a saddened voice. "Then after that…a huge explosion came and destroyed the building. But before I was caught in it, I was teleported away by something."

"No,don't give up. We're going to complete this mission together!" Xavier said.

Xavier tried to walk but fell down once again. Blue picked him up and started carrying him on his back.

"We need to get to cover! Can you use your eyes for me? Before we came on this mission, we learned about each of you guy's powers and stuff." Blue explained.

Xavier lifted his head slowly and looked up at the buildings. "All seeing eye!" Xavier looked around where the explosion happened. He could see Jade's body laying out in the open.

"I can see Jade, she seems to be very injured and unconscious!" Xavier said.

"I see…what about the shooter?"

"No sight of him."

"Well then, we'll go retrieve Jade. I know that they want her along with the girl-wait where is the girl!?" Blue asked.

"I left her with Jade…is she not with her? Either that or the enemy has her. Which would be bad." Xavier mentioned.

Blue moved as fast as he could towards Jade with Xavier on his back.

They finally reached Jade after sometime of running. Blue collapsed to the ground. Xavier rolled next to Jade who was passed out.

Xavier quickly put his finger on Jade's neck, looking for a pulse to see if she was alive. Xavier's heart was racing.

He felt movement on his finger. "Thank goodness,she's alive!"

Xavier tried to shake Jade awake but she wasn't moving. "I should have been here to help you..shit!"

"Let me do something." Blue said.

Xavier moved out of the way and watched as Blue touched her with a finger. He watched as Jade's body jumped, She finally opened her eyes.

"I could have sworn I saw a guy….he was flying, going vroom,vroom-Xavier interrupted her talking and hugged her tight in his arms.

"I'm glad your ok!" He said.

Jade started to turn red and shoved Xavier away. "G-get off of me you creep!" She yelled. Jade turned her head away and smiled.

"Sorry…I think?"

Jade turned her head back and looked at Xavier's leg. "What happened!?" Jade asked in a bland way.

"An explosion happened…I'm pretty sure it was Jerome or something who did all This damage." Xavier said.

Jade started remembering all the things that happened and felt saddened go into her heart.

"It was me and a woman, her name was Laity." Jade said.

"So you managed to kill one of them!? That's good news!" Blue said.

"No, It's not. Not her death." Jade said.

"She's killed innocent people, followed someone who's evil, and much more." Blue explained.

Jade looked up. "So have we and so have I. What these people want is freedom. I know this, because I used to be part of this group."

"Well…that so called group of yours killed my older brother in battle. I could care less about that woman's life or the pain she's had in it."

"I get that but…a brother. Your brother had a choice through this life-I don't care. We have a job to do now." Blue interrupted.

Blue picked up Xavier again and started walking towards Jade.

"I can't walk at the moment. Just leave me here and I'll wait for backup." Jade said.

"Can't do that, we can't lose anymore people today. Unless you want me to leave Xavier with you?"

"His injured thought."

"True but Blue is the only person who can get us out of here right now." Xavier added.

Blue placed Xavier beside Jade and disappeared into the night.

"Do you think…we're being watched?" Xavier asked Jade.

"Haha. Of course we are! They just haven't shot anything yet. Besides they won't kill me, my powers are all used up and I'm passed my limit." Jade explained.

"What about you Xavier? You got power still?"

"Yes, I have plenty!" Xavier said.

Jade put her head in the ground in relief. "That's good to hear. But I believe we need to get out of here now…I saw helicopters in the area leaving. That means the humans are coming with an army soon." Jade said.

Xavier said nothing and just looked up at the stars. "I have a bad feeling about this but it's whatever." Xavier said.

Jade turned her head slowly and stared at Xavier. "What are you talking about!?" Jade asked hesitantly.

Xavier ignored her. "You remember, while we were training over the last three weeks and I always tried to talk to you?" Xavier asked.

"Yea.. why?"

"You were always quiet and didn't say much to anyone. I wanted to be your friend but you just looked at me like some weirdo. But I'm glad I met you…you really are a good person deep down." Xavier said.

"What are you saying!? What are you doing Xavier? What's going on in that little head of yours!?"

"Remember when I made that little promise. To always trust each other's decisions,no matter what?"

Jade didn't give him a answer. "Well…I made my choice. It's been fun, if I don't make it out of this alive then…I guess you'll never know!" Xavier said.

Jade grabbed her blade, got on top of Xavier and held it at his neck.

"What kind of bullshit is that!? Just what are you trying to pull here? Some fancy shit!?" Jade asked.

"We both know….that those guys the whole time have been part of this plan from the start."

Jade froze when she heard Xavier say those words.

"I could tell from the start that those guys were part of the group. They're from the Leo clan…but frauds…Blues team never got killed, and Jericho isn't on our side. They're there side…it's just us against them!"

"Your saying Blue and the rest are with-

Jade was interrupted by voices coming from behind. "He,Bella, and the rest of his group are coming…I need you to get out of here and be safe!" Xavier said with a smile on his face.

"No. We both go down together, I'm not leaving you!"

"I figured you'd say that…that's why I bought this." Xavier pulled out a glowing orb.

"Captain gave this to me…just in case I got scared and wanted to run away from the fight. I can just teleport around. I only have one more use left."

Jade grabbed the orb and tried to take it from Xavier's hands. She was still on top of him with the stows at his neck.

"Give it to me so I can smash it, right now!" Jade yelled.

Xavier gave Jade a hug.

Jade had tears running from her eyes. "I don't wanna lose you! Throughout that whole time…only you and Summer were there for me more than anyone! This ain't fair it's not fair it's not fair!" Jade cried.

Xavier pushed a little button on the orb and placed it on Jade's shoulder.

"You got twenty seconds left before you teleport to Summer."

"Xavier…I'll fight with you!"

"No. You gotta get out of here and live your life….I'll be back for you. And besides….you'll never be alone, you have everyone else in the troop core!"

Jade felt her heart racing at a thousand miles per hour. It was to much to take in.

"I don't believe you can win against five opponents!"

"Maybe not…but I'll be fine. I just hope everyone else will be ok after I'm done here. I'll get out alive and find you guys."

"You were always so kind and ongoing…you shouldn't be put in this situation at all."

Xavier looked to see there was five Seconds left on the clock.

"I'll see you soon. Don't worry!"

Jade's body started to fade away. Xavier felt bad after seeing her tears.

"No need to cry, Hahaha. Keep on moving ahead and I'll meet you there."

Jade's body disappeared and Xavier took a deep breath.

"Glad I could save someone." He said.

Xavier got up and looked straight in front of him. He could see Blue,Metal,Garry,Hannah, and Bella walking towards him.

"Where did she go?" Hannah asked Xavier.

Xavier said nothing and got to his feet. His leg was still broken but he could manage.

"Not gonna talk, huh? You know,it doesn't have to end this way Xavier. Just tell us where she is and we will leave you alone….maybe even spare your life." Bella bribed.

"No can do!! I'll make sure none of you survive to lay a hand on them!!" Xavier yelled out loud.

"I see…we'll my old friend. I guess I'll have to kill you!" Bella said.

"I can't believe this whole time you all have been the enemy…we really can't trust anyone huh?" Xavier asked Blue and his team.

"We have our reasons…all we want is to be free. That is all. But you keep getting in the way so now, you'll die and all alone!" Blue said.

Xavier reached for his bow and arrows. "I've always been alone…throughout my whole childhood." Xavier whispered.

Xavier pointed his bow at all five of the people. "Bring it on, punks."

Blue and Metal charged at Xavier. Xavier shot arrows at them but missed.

"You should work on that aim!" Blue yelled over.

"You should learn to watch your back!" Xavier added. Blue turned around to see the arrows coming right back towards them.

"What the hell-oh I see, your using energy to control the arrows and make them move at will!" Metal said.

Metal jumped in front of Blue to block the arrows.

Blue shot a beam at Xavier. Xavier threw his body out of the way to see Hannah waiting for him.

(Shit. If I touch her, I'll die!) Xavier thought to himself.

While in air, Xavier jerked his body to the side before landing in Hannah's arms.

"Sleep!" Xavier heard as he landed on the ground. He popped back up quickly and could see some weird, clear air headed towards him.

(That's her sleeping aura traveling…I can see it!"

Xavier jumped out of the way once again. This time he felt pain rip through his back.

He turned around and saw Garry had cut his back.

Gerry stabbed Xavier in the shoulder and dragged the knife down his back creating a deep cut.

Xavier could see himself getting surrounded and quickly put an arrow on his back and took off in the air.

"I can fly around, as long as I've got my arrow on my body. I have to control my aura to keep it going ,though." He said.

Xavier landed on a decent sized building, not to high or low from the ground. "I should be safe…right now I need to heal up." Xavier said. He was exhausted and out of breath.

"If this keeps up then-well I already knew it would happen. I know I can't win this battle." Xavier told himself.

Xavier stopped talking when he could hear Hannah's voice calling out for him. "Xavier!, come out, come out, wherever you are!" She said in a mocking voice.

Xavier was lying on the roof and bleeding out badly.

"If I was Summer,Frost,Adisa,or Jade…I could beat them. But I'm just a weak boy!" He wailed.

"I know your weak. Which is exactly why you'll die as a weakling also!" Bella whispered in Xavier's ear.

Xavier popped his head up to see all of them standing before him.

Hannah touched the roof and had weird clay form around Xavier's body. (Shit, I can't move my body!)

All of them surrounded Xavier.

"Where did Jade go off to? And where's the girl from the family!?" Bella asked in a demanding tone.

He sat in silence and looked down at the ground.

Bella punched Xavier in his stomach, making him cough up lots of blood. "I'll ask you again…where is Jade and the girl?"

"They're safe."

"Xavier…I don't have time for this. We need to go soon and I need that girl. Your not gonna win, your to weak and injured!" Bella explained.

Xavier looked up and met eyes with Bella. "Bella….what happened to you?" Xavier asked with pain in his voice.

Bella froze up when she heard him say those words.

"You used to be my mentor…how'd it come to this? People fighting,innocent people dying, homes destroyed,minds and bodies ruined. How did it ever come to this!?" Xavier asked with guilt.

Bella lowered her gun from Xavier's head and looked at him with a very straight face.

"I almost feel sorry for you, Xavier. Your a kind boy. But the weak will die first before anything else. I've always known you'd be weak, I just tried my best to make you feel happy." Bella explained.

Blue shot lighting at Xavier. Xavier could feel the pain going through his body.

"Oh Cmon, don't you want to live and love!? Just tell me where they are already!" Bella yelled.

"This isn't fair. I refuse to die like this!!" Xavier snapped back.

Bella had an annoyed look on her face. "Fine then. I'll kill you here, little brat!" Bella put the gun to Xavier's head . Xavier closed his eyes and thought about everything Bella said.

(I don't believe In my self…and never have. I am weak aren't I?)

Xavier could hear a voice going through his head. He started remembering when he was younger and trying to become a troop.

"That's all a big,fat, and dirt little lie!" Xavier yelled in the hall.

"Oh shut up already, you know you won't make it. The only person here crazy enough and strong enough to be a troop is Gia!" The kids yelled out.

Everyone stopped talking as a tall kid with nice dyed red hair stepped through the crowd.

He held out his hand to help Xavier up. "Ignore these people. Don't ever give up on your dreams, friend!" The kid said with a smile on his face. He had red hair and a white cape, with red on the bottom of it.

"I don't need help standing up Gia." Xavier whispered.

Xavier tried to stand up but quickly fell back on his ass. Everyone started laughing once again. Gia lifted Xavier up and helped him out of the school.

"This is so annoying!" Xavier said.

Gia couldn't help but laugh. "It's ok, besides your friend here isn't laughing!" Gia mentioned.

"Gia…why are you so nice to me?" Xavier asked him.

Gia paused for a second and looked at Xavier with a confused look. "Now why in the hell wouldn't I be nice? Isn't that what the world need now these days, anyways? And besides, people laugh at you and judge you. I'm not that kind of person." Gia explained.

"Yea, but people adore you!" Xavier said under his breath.

"Hahaha, you think these people care about me, don't you? Well the truth is they don't. If I wasn't who I was, you think they'd talk to me? The answer is no. We as people need to ask ourselves these questions. Then you'll know who's your real friends and family!" Gia said.

They reached outside the building and went separate ways.

Xavier walked home and don't say a word to anyone. "Another day of useless training." Xavier whispered.

Xavier took a turn into the woods and waited in a clearing. Xavier looked over his shoulder to see a much younger Bella come out into the clearing. "Where are your arrows!?" Bella asked Xavier.

"The kids stole them…" Xavier said with guilt on his face. Bella rolled her eyes and walked over to Xavier.

"You shouldn't let people punk you around. You did pass the trails to qualify for a troop position. Yo need to earn your respect!" Bella said.

Xavier was annoyed with his whole life at this point. "What are we doing today, Bella?" Xavier asked.

"We're gonna spare with another student. Just to test strength!" Bella said.

Xavier followed Bella out of the woods and they were standing in the middle of the clan all of a sudden.

"Why are there so many people!?" Xavier asked.

"Well…the higher up troops need to see what they're dealing with, and the Captain needs to see who would fit best on the team!" Bella explained.

Most of the clan was there and watched.

Xavier could hear the boos from his classmates when we was in the clearing.

Xavier looked up to see a younger looking Udo,Jerome, and Trover staring down at him.

"They must've not trained anyone." Xavier said to himself.

Xavier was surrounded by people in a huge circle.

Xavier looked up to see Nzinga and Gia walk into the entrance of the circle.

Xavier's heart dropped at he saw Gia approaching him.

Gia padded Xavier's shoulder and laughed. "Looks like we'll be sparing today!" He said brightly.

"You'll win anyways." Xavier said in a muffled voice.

Just then Udo could be heard speaking. "People of the Kani. We're gathered here today for celebration. Today….one of these fine men will become a troop! Out of thousands of participants, these two were the only ones to make it past the selection games. And the rules are simple, get hit three times your out, fall out the circle your out, and no killing!" Udo explained to everyone.

Udo sat back down in his chair to hear Jerome whisper. "I bet the boy won't even touch Gia!" Jerome said to Udo.

"I agree with you!" Trover said.

"Really? Cuz I've got money on Xavier winning this thing!" Udo said confidently.

Trover looked at Udo with the craziest face.

"If you say so Captain."

Bella looked at Xavier and bowed her head for a moment. "Remember…we both know your control of your aura is bad, but if he's wide open…use the attack I taught you. Even if you hit him once that improvement from the other times you've fought!" Bella said.

"I got you!" Xavier responded.

Bella walked out the clearing and stood to the side.

Nzinga moved away from Gia also and watched.

Xavier pulled out his bow and took aim carefully at Gia. Gia smiled and lowers his head.

He reached to his side and pulled out a long gold sword, slowly. "I won't be holding back!" Gia yelled out.

In that moment Gia's sword caught on fire. The flames were so intense that Xavier could feel the heat from his side of the circle.

Gia bent over a little and started running at Xavier. Xavier was so scared, he didn't even want to move.

Gia swung his sword at Xavier's face. But Xavier ducked and tried to land a punch to Gia's ribs.

Gia caught Xavier's hand and threw him across the circle.

Xavier was almost out when Gia threw him.

"Flaming Strike!" Gia yelled.

Xavier shot an arrow at Gia. Gia used his flames to block it. (The flames are so thick that….a normal arrow can't even go through them!) Xavier thought to himself.

Just then Xavier used the dirt on the ground to try and blind Gia's field of view. But before he could Gia had landed a blow on Xavier's leg.

Xavier fell down in pain. He looked up to see Gia leap high in the air and bring his sword down on Xavier's body. Xavier could feel his ribs crack from the impact, he started to cough up blood.

Trover turned his head over to Udo and looked at him with desperate eyes. "Captain, maybe we should stop this fight!" Trover said.

"I agree. Gia already has two points. One more and the boy with no aura will lose." Jerome said.

"No. The battle is about to be over anyways. Xavier will be the victor!" Udo claimed.

Xavier got up on his feet and had a determined look on his face.

"That look again. What amazing will power, despite all the injuries to your body. You really are strong, Xavier!" Gia yelled out.

Xavier took a deep breath and focused on his mind and body. (I know I have aura….I just need to awaken it!)

Gia pointed his sword at Xavier and shot a beam of flames at him. Xavier pulled the bow back, getting ready to fire. Nzinga was getting ready to step in to stop the fight until, at the last second, she could see aura appear from Xavier's bow.

Xavier shot the arrow at the Flames. He watched, as it travels through the flames and cut Gia's left side of his face.

Xavier was hit by the beam and went flying out of the circle.

The crowd was in shock. "No ones ever hit Gia before or marked him in battle." Someone whispered.

People started talking among each other as Xavier stood up.

Nzinga was already in front of him. "Gia is the winner!" She yelled. The crowd cheered with joy. While others looked at Xavier.

Gia was on one knee and in shock to see his blood. "I've been slashed?!" He said.

Gia couldn't help but stare at the tired Xavier. (This guy…that was no normal aura or bow. That one now had an expansion on it…how in the hell-) Gia stopped his thinking when Udo jumped into the clearing and grabbed Gia by his hand.

"Our new troop, Gia!"

Everyone cheered and clapped. All while Gia was more happy for Xavier. "He's potential is off the charts!" Gia whispered to himself.

Xavier walked out from the clearing with his head down.

Later that day, the clan was having a party to celebrate the new coming of a fighter on the team.

Xavier was in the woods shooting arrows at a tree.

"Shit, shit, this is annoying!" He said to himself.

Xavier only had two more bows left. He lined up the shot and missed the whole thing completely.

Xavier threw his bow completely at the tree. He sat down and tried to think about why everything was happening to him.

Xavier heard footstep approaching him. He spun around to see Udo standing in the dark.

"What's the matter with you, kid?"

"Nothing…I'm fine!"

"You sure don't seem like it."

Udo walked over and sat next to Xavier. "You wanted to be a troop that bad huh?" Udo asked Xavier.

Xavier said nothing and just looked off into the distance.

"I know you though and your pain. Your Xavier…Xavier strong. You never met your parents, but you know they were troops also. Your lonely, seeking love,and friendship."

What does that have to do with anything?! Xavier asked Udo.

Udo let out a little laugh.

"I know people have been doubting you all your life. All because of things you weren't gifted with. Sure your not good at using aura or even fighting. But you've never given up, and that's what I look for in a troop!" Udo explained.

Xavier got up and punched a tree. "It's like no matter how hard I try in life or anything…people always try to bring me down. I could never pass Gia…he's to powerful! And besides, everything for him in his life is just perfect! I know I can never be real talent at all, no matter how many walls I climb in life!"

"Yea…Gia feels the same way deep down." Udo said.

Xavier opened his eyes more in surprise.

"You may think he has a perfect life and all but…you see, he doesn't have much longer to live. He has a disease that's eating away at his muscles. Very soon, he won't even be able to walk."

"Wha-what!? Why hasn't he told me that?!?"

"Because he knows more than anything else, that you'd be upset and start to fall off on training. He also has been through a lot as a baby. He'll tell you himself. His parents wanted a girl but had him instead. That's why he has the name Gia. They left him all because he wasn't a girl. I found him wandering around near the fire clan. That's where he's from."

"But you see Xavier? He never gave up and now he's used that to make himself happy. He knows he's almost out of time also…so he's having fun while doing it. This ain't a party,it's a farewell. And after this you'll be the troop, Xavier!" Udo explained.

Xavier couldn't believe what Udo was saying. Xavier felt anger go throughout his body and sadness.

"I'd like to speak with him." Xavier said in a dry tone.

"Sure thing." Udo replied.

After the farewell party while everyone was leaving. Xavier was looking for Gia.

Xavier found Gia out of breath and sitting on top of a little building. Xavier jumped up and slapped him.

"What the hell was that for?!" Gia yelled out.

Xavier grabbed Gia by his cape and pulled him close. "Why the hell didn't you say anything?! Don't you think it's right to tell a friend stuff!?" Xavier asked.

"What are you talking about!?"

"I know the truth…about you, Gia. Why, why didn't you say anything?!"

"I've been celebrating all day, you idiot."

"I learned about your health and past, Gia. Why…why didn't you tell me?" Xavier said with tears in his eyes.

Gia said nothing and looked up at the stars. "I didn't want you to panic or be thrown off. But ok the bright side, you will be a troop now!"

"You dumbass, you don't get it do you!? I don't want to become one this way! How are you gonna tell your friends or girlfriend?"

"They already know."


"Tonight…is my last night being alive. And I have no regret!"

Xavier had anger written on his face. After all the hard work you've done. Your ready to throw it all away? Just like that!? You could have gotten it checked out or something."

Gia did nothing but laughed at Xavier.

"You really are a kind person. I hope you get to live a good life. And one day…people will count on you how I do." Gia said.

Gia started coughing up blood. "Gia. Isn't there something you can do to stop this?" Xavier asked.

"No. Soon, I'll be dead."

Xavier and Gia were the only people in the area at the time. Xavier couldn't call for help.

"Before I go…you need to listen to me."

Xavier did nothing but stare at the boy.

"You and me..are completely the same. I too was born with low aura and didn't have good control over it. But when I was younger I remember some guy, his name was Blaze. He gave me aura that grows stronger every year and over time. And now Xavier….I want you to have it!" Gia said.

"This will give you good control of your arrows and get you stronger when you want to use it."

"Gia….I'll use my own. I don't need your power. I just want you to be ok!"

"Xavier…unlike me, you were born with huge amounts of aura. I saw that in our little fight today. Inside you-no. You posses thousands of expansions!"

Gia took his cape off and put it on Xavier's back.

"When you start fighting for people who really care about you, you'll start to feel joy in the moment of death! Just promise me Xavier. You'll do your best. No matter what they say.

Xavier stopped his thoughts and started crying in agony. Bella was confused.

"Crying because your about to die!?" Bella asked.


Bella froze for a moment. "Oh, that little weirdo from back then. It's a shame…he truly did try to make you feel strong!"

Bella pulled the back of the pistol back and had her finger on the trigger.

(This is just like back then…when everyone was laughing at me and I wasn't able to stand up for myself. But things have changed!)

Xavier broke free from Hannah's powers and jumped high in the air.

"What the-kill him!" Bella yelled.

Blue shot a bolt of lighting at Xavier while he was in air.

Xavier closed his eyes and began to focus on the air around him.

He pulled out Gia's cape from his back pocket and put it on. The lightening strike was getting closer and closer.

Xavier threw all his bows in the air and clapped his hands together one time.

All the arrows caught on fire and were pointing at the ground. "The aura is literally flames!" Xavier told himself.

"Multi expansion: unknowing fire and infinite arrows !"

The arrows all started shooting straight at Bella and the others. Bella jumped off the building while Metal and Blue stayed trying to block them off.

"You can't block what you can't see!" Xavier yelled as he floated above Blue and Metal.

They both soon realized they couldn't see the arrows. One went right through Metals head and killed in right on the spot.

"What the hell is this power!? You have them in flames that aren't your own! And your flying due to the enormous amount of aura you have!" Blue yelled. Blue had terror written on his face.

"Me controlling the arrows and having aura is all thanks to a guy named Gia. But this next move…"

Blue could see one approaching him.

(These things are…it's like I'm fighting two people! One with Indians amount of power and the other with limitless power!)

Blue lost thought when he felt one go into his back. Blue coughed up blood and fell to the ground.

Xavier floated down to him and looked at him.

Blue couldn't help but laugh. "Our plan is working so far. Before long, you shall know the coming of pain and suffering!"

"Ignite." Xavier said.

Blue's body went up in flames. Xavier could hear Blue's screams from the pain. "Do you feel pain now?" Xavier asked.

Not before long, Xavier finally jumped off the building and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was standing in front of Hannah and Gerry. In a whole different building.

"How the hell-"

"Annoying flame attack!"

Two arrows shot straight threw the two, killing them both in that one moment.

Xavier grabbed on to the cape and closed his eyes once more. "Last but not least…Bella. She should be…right over there!" Xavier said as he clapped his hands.

Xavier was now right behind Bella. Bella was prepared and had already shot two bullets at him.

Xavier looked at the billets and saw no aura on them. He quickly used an arrow in the air and shot it right at the bullets, destroying them in the process.

"It's like you fused bodies with that dead boy! How amazing!" Bella said.

Xavier had no emotions on his face. "With all that's happened…you still smile?" Xavier asked.

"Xavier…you where never met to be a troop!"

"Your wrong. Your supposed to be the top five strongest. And I know being weak pisses you off. So, tell me, how does it feel knowing your about to be killed by the so called 'weakest' troop?"

Bella had anger on her face. She pulled out both her guns and stated firing rapidity. Xavier dodged all the bullets swiftly. He was losing lost of blood still.

"Your nothing without his power! You only made it this far because of him! He made you who you are!" Bella shouted.

Xavier ran on the side of the wall and jumped in the air and turned his body upside down while taking aim with his bow.

It was as though everything went in slow motion.

"Then…I'll eat you with my own family technique! It was supposed to originally be your hidden technique but…your weak!"

(Gia…I can't die here…now now or ever. I have to keep living for my family,you, and all the others I've met up to this moment in my life! Together, with this final shot…me and you will take her down!)

"Hidden troop technique New version: House of Quad!"

A giant arrow made of aura formed and was getting ready to shoot at Bella. "I refuse to die…to someone so trash!"

Bella put both her guns together to create a bigger gun. A huge beam of energy came out of the gun and was headed right towards Xavier.

Xavier shot his bow and pushed on with his remaining energy. Both of them clashed. Now it was a battle of strength and will power.

"H-how is he-"

"You must've not listened to my technique! I'm part of one of the power families! The Quad household!"

Bella was in shock as she heard this. Despite it, she kept a pushing on. She was winning the clash of powers.

"When you see your friend…tell him I said hello!"

Xavier could feel his power slipping away. He felt two hands on his shoulder. He turned around to see Gia and his parents right behind him.

"You guys!? Mom…dad! Gia?"

"We're so proud of you…now then, show him our combined power!" Gia yelled.

Xavier turned his gaze back to Jade and pushed on harder. "Ah-what's this!? He still has energy!?" Jade said in shock.

"I get my strength from the people who helped me, through life. They're my friends! That's where I get my strength from, Bella!!"

Xavier made one final push. His aura took over and he watched as the arrow his Bella in the stomach. She went flying out the building.

Xavier could see her body disappear in thin air. She had burnt away from all the heat.

Xavier fell on his back, out of breath from what just happened. Out of the whole night sky, three starts were shining brightest.

"You guys…thank you!" Xavier said as tears ran down his face.

He lay there in the building, the roof destroyed and burnt.

He put a thumbs up to the three stars. "I'll…be Joining you all soon…I'll die before long. I love you guys! Hahaha!" Xavier said as he passed out in the building.

Far in the city lied Jerome and Jericho…getting ready for Jugo to come.