
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

Two monsters

Udo blocked Bolt's attack. He looked around and found out they had disappeared. "They retreated!?"

"Get over here quickly!" Aliyah screamed as Xavier held his chest.



"Find there location and report back to me! Take Jericho with you". Udo ordered as he ran over to help Xavier.

"Lets go". Jerome said as him and Jericho ran in the forest.


Colts anger grew more and more. He looked at Crystals twisted smile, it made him sick.


"The Xavier boy is dying as I speak! Attack me again and kill me again! Your own people will die instead". Crystal laughed.

I can't make another contract with my aura beast! I don't know what would happen to me! But…what is this feeling….feeling of insanity? I…need to be the one…to kill you! Colt thought as he leaped in the air towards Crystal. Crystal waited and waited.

"Yes, keep attacking me!" Crystal laughed as Colt punched her in the gut and sent her flying through the trees.


Jade suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach as she coughed up blood.


Crystal laughed as she slowly rose from the ground. Not a single scratch appeared on her body.

"You see? I don't feel a thing and I'm not damaged! You probably just killed someone else!" Crystal laughed.

"I…don't believe it! Piss off!" Colt yelled as he ran at Crystal again. This kid might actually kill everyone on the island! Amazing! She thought as Colt began punching her in barrages. "More,more,more, kill them all!" She said.

Colt threw Crystal to the ground and began beating her face in. "Die,die,die,die,die,die,die, DIEEE!!!" Colt put his hands together and slammed them on Crystal's chest. Making a huge explosion of aura throughout the whole forest.


On island x, a total of 837 people were killed from their injuries.


"Keep them coming". Crystal whispered as she lay on the ground.

"Why…why can't I-"

"I told you…you've already lost. Now…have I told you about my "infinity counter" technique?"


Colt felt pain over his body when seeing cuts appearing all over him. Colt fell back in pain as he started bleeding everywhere.

"It allows me to counter everything you throw at me. You can't dodge it. If you hit me. I…hit you". Crystal scuffed.

"You've already killed a lot of people on the island. They won't forgive you for that". Crystal said.

"S-shut up. You killed innocent people yourself, damn it! What about Aubrie? The people you killed to make clones?"

"Innocent? Isn't the island for bad people?" Crystal asked.

Colt didn't say anything. He just looked on. "I want you people to be riled by someone with the power to end that all. Why must you Akies be ruled by a weaker species? You will serve the king after we kill the guardian, and…we will use you people to conquer more-"

"Your insane!"

"I'm right". She said calmly.

Colts body grew in size, as Crystal immediately knew what was happening, she jumped back and prepared herself.

"This was a clone! Which means Colt should be…"

Crystal spun her head and saw Colt's fist approaching her face. "Infinity Counter". She laughed as Colt landed a powerful blow. In that moment, Colt's hand was sliced off.

Colt fell back in pain. Crystal jumped back and held Colt's hand in her arms. "I'm trying to convince you, Colt! Don't you see what I'm doing? I'm saving you! All of you!"

Colt slammed his other hand into the ground and absorbed the minerals around him to make another hand.

I can't use my full power! With all this rage and regret…I still…can't do a damn thing! If I hit her, something gets hurt! If I kill her, someone gets killed! Damn it! Damn it!

"All that anger…and you can't even use it!" Crystal laughed. Crystal was shocked to feel Colts fist make contact with her face. He's still attacking? Doesn't he know he's killing innocent people?! Crystal thought as she went flying through the forest again. She used her claws to stop. When she looked up, Colt was already right in front of her.

"Infinity counter!" Colt kicked Crystal in the stomach. His leg was then sliced off in that split second.

Crystal was kicked in the air and she laughed. She was having the time of her life, but was shocked to see Colt still wanting to fight. "Fight back!" Colt yelled.

Crystal then grabbed a tree and swung herself around the forest. Colt couldn't keep up with her movements, she was too fast. Crystal lunged, and cut Colt on his back.

She sped up and cut Colt all over his body. "It would seem…your only good at using that power to heal yourself". She said as she moved swiftly.

"If I can't keep up…I'll just destroy it all!" Colt said as he took a deep breath and clapped his hands.


People in the clan dropped like flies. Udo was stunned from what he witnessed. Everyone…including animals in the area were dropped dead.

"Give me a second-"


"Wait just…"

"Xavier is still alive! Hold him so I can fix this! He's having a heart attack!" Aliyah screamed as Hdo tried to study the situation.


"You okay?" Splinter asked as he tried to pick Jade up.

"Don't move me! Wait…wait…I have to catch my breath". Jade said as he could barley move her body. "It felt…felt like someone punched the shit out of me. Something…something's wrong!" Jade said.

"Kenan, wake up!" Alayah screamed as Kenan lay lifeless on the ground. "What's going on!?" Splinter asked.

Everyone turned their attention to Jade. "Why did you do!?" Alayah asked while pointing a long sword at her face.

"It's not me. Someone or something is affecting us!" Jade explained.


Colt clapped his hands. "Impulse!" He yelled as all of the trees were turned to dust. "Now you can't hide!" Colt yelled as he jumped at Crystal.

"Useless". Crystal whispered. Crystal's aura flashed and Colt felt a powerful force push him back. "I haven't tried this whole time, Colt! I was right about you, but even you can't give me what I want!" Crystal said in agony.

"She's crying?"

"Damn it! Damn it! I need to know how strong I really am! Colt…you still haven't even reached your full potential yet! I know your golfing back because you truly believe that people are being hurt!"

"She's angry? What is wrong with you?" Colt asked.

"You haven't noticed it? Your aura and life energy is slowly being drained! You made a deal with that fox spirit….and I don't know why it is, but I have a hunch. You used all of your anger and emotions…and made the deal for the fox to give you power. But I'm the end…you can't even do that! But I know your smart…what deal…did you make Colt". Crystal asked.

"I don't know how you know but…your right. I used up all my power…just to not be able to use it. I knew…that a failure like me would fail to take you down. If I hit you…someone else feels pain, if I kill you…someone close to me dies, and if I land a punch or any attack…you can easily counter it and hit me with double the strength. Your abilities are out of this world and I can't defeat you." Colt admitted.

"So you s-"

"But…the fact that someone so pathetic and such a failure like me made you use your abilities so I couldn't attack…makes you a even bigger loser than me". Colt scuffed.

What are you planning? Crystal thought.

"The deal I made with my beast…was to give me power. In return, I'll give it all of me. Very soon…maybe in a couple hours I'll die. This is the deal I made. I don't know who my parents are but…I have a twisted mind just like you, Crystal. I'm willing to make sacrifices to achieve a victory."

"Just what are you saying!?" Crystal asked with shock in her voice.

"I'm done holding back. When I trained with Jade…a flash of green aura covered me, I had a vision of the future. I had already seen you coming to the island but I didn't know you'd be a threat. Which is why I was surprised".

"Surprised about what?"

"That in my vision…you were dead at my feet!" Colt laughed with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Is he high?" Crystal asked herself as she prepared to pounce.

"I also realized that I'm a rare Akie! You see, most of us only have one type of aura! Genetics,training, or environmental! I happen to be genetics! I get my powers from my mother….but I realized that I actually have two types of aura!"

Crystal's heart started beating rapidly, as Colt kept speaking. "My mother could touch anything made of matter and absorb it! Thus allowing her to heal, create weapons, etc. but…when I took the time to train my green aura…I knew at that moment I was special! The way to best you in battle…is to combine my mom's aura with my dad's aura!" Colt said as he looked up at the aura in the sky.

"Time abilities! That's how I win, Crystal!" Colt laughed hysterically.

I was wrong about you…your the real monster here! Crystal thought.

"Colt took deep breaths and began charging up his aura. Green aura formed around his body as the black and red stayed also. "If I can just…reverse time before you activated your ability each time I punch you…I can win without killing anymore people! It's a fair fight now!" Colt said.


Near the mountain….Aubries hand twitched.