
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

The ultimate attack and goodbye

Gai and Chrollo were moving at insane speed, Flow couldn't keep up with them, not at all. It looked like flashes of light moving across the room.

"The legendary Udo family of island x! How lucky you all must be to have all that power" Chrollo said.

Chrollo hit the floor and noticed Gai had disappeared. "Where did you-"

Before Chrollo could finish, Gai's foot was already in his mouth, stopping him from continuing his question of her whereabouts.

Gai jumped and snapped her fingers sending Chrollo through the floor and through the mountain. Gai looked down the hole and noticed a bright light headed towards her. "Oh shi-"

A huge beam shot through the floor and high in the sky. Gai looked up and realized that bright lights were entering the room. "Shit, Flow you need to run now!" Gai yelled over.

"I can't move. I have to hold this position to unleash the ultimate attack, the perfect domain!" Flow explained.

The perfect domain? Flow don't tell me your gonna-no, no, he definitely is, what an amazing attack, Gai thought to herself.

She jumped and grabbed Flow by his cape and lifted in the sky, bursting through the roof.

The angels quickly followed and Crholl stared in amazement. "Gai, you damn fool. You of all people can't dodge in air….your finished" Chrollo said to himself as he built up another aura blast and shot it directly at Gai and Flow,killing all the angels that were trying to kill him.

"Chrollo you fell for it again" Gai laughed as she tossed Flow higher in the air and clapped her hands, switching positions with Chrollo.

While I'm the air, Chrollo turned around and saw Flow right above him. "Expansion: Devil beam of destruction!"

It was a setup? Gai already knew what attack Flow was going to use…so they wanted to come out to the open….it was all…no, I'm still on this. I can activate magician's ability and make him break me to parts! I'll be fine, Chrollo thought to himself.

Flow was about to release the attack but Chrollo had stabbed him with his sword. "It's over, Flow! Just shut up and die now to end this hell you've created" Chrollo yelled.


Chrollo's face froze as he moved his focuse higher in the sky. "I-I can't see him! There's no way he's that high up! We have a shield that covers the island…so we don't escape!"

In that moment Chrollo quickly realized it. Did she throw him into the barrier and…break it, Chrollo thought.

Flow was tossed so high that he was out of the Earth's atmosphere. He floated above everything and stared at the great rock. Gai…thanks. This…is more than enough…to make him feel the heat. But for the first time in my life I…really do feel free.

Flow started to take a diving position as he began speeding towards the ground.

Chrollo looked and noticed why looked to be fire falling from the sky. "Expansion: Hellfire Rain"

The whole sky lit of with rain of fire with nowhere to go. Everyone stopped fighting and looked up to the air.

Is he insane? He's about to kill everyone on the island! Unless-no,no.

Flow's body was on fire as he short one last beam in desperation. "I used rain fire to make sure you can't split up, Chrollo. And I know that magic creature or whatever counts as a person also, so I'll be taking down two titans!" Flow yelled.

"Not like this! I refuse to die without my fight for justice"

Chrollo clapped his hands together and built up enough aura to shoot another beam. Flow didn't hesitate. He used the flames around his body and infused it with his aura to create a powerful energy reading.

"Guess it's my turn now" Gai laughed as she sprinted down from the mountain and waited for the right moments to do what she was about to do.

"Take this, Chrollo!!! Devil Beam Of Destruction Ray!!"

A huge beam of energy shot from Flow. Chrollo quickly responded and shot back with his own. The both clashed their auras together, now it was a battle of strength, determination, and heart.

"Damn. He's so powerful" Flow said as Chrollo's beam started pushing Flow's beam back towards him.

"Everyone…I'm sorry…this is all my-"

"It's not over yet, Flow" Angel said.

"Angel!? When did you-"

"Gai tossed me up here to share my final moments"

"Final moments? What are you talking about?"

Angel fell into silence and looked around. "Calm your mind and focus on me, Flow." She whispered over the loud clashing of aura and energy.

Flow listened and kept his eyes on her. "I've been so happy with all of you! I really have. But…Chrollo hasn't told us how to reverse this curse without one of us dying, so…I'll be the one giving up my life" Angel admitted.

Flow lost concentration for a moment and let Chrollo's energy take more than half of his side.

"No…you can't"

"Udo defeated two titans on his own…not there's only three left. I know you need three sacrifices to end this. I'll be giving you all of me. I'll pretty much be dead but I'll be with you if that makes since…like part of you" Angel explained.

"Angel…there has to be another-"

"More angels will come and kill you! After that I'll be locked up or sent to the dark island and I don't want that! So…as my best friend and as someone I view as my flesh-and-blood…please, Flow…accept this"

Tears poured from Flow's eyes as Angel began to light up. "I've been so happy with you guys…I'll miss everyone!" Angel said with a smile.

Angel noticed Flow's tears. "There's no need to cry, Flow. I'll be here with you and know what's going on until you die. You won't see me though"


I never told you this but…I only pretended to be in love with Livy all so I couldn't accept the fact that I've been in love with you the whole time! I don't want you to go, Angel. Please, sty here with me! We can figure this out!" Flow pleaded.

Angel was shocked by Flow's words. "I've always have loved you too, Flow. Now…take this man down and end the curse. That's my final request…Flow" Angel said as she leaned in and kissed Flow.

In that moment…Angel had fused her body together with Flow's body to create a being with huge amount of energy.

Flow wiped his tears and focused his attention to Chrollo. Chrollo felt a tear drop land on his face as he was shocked to see Flow crying.

So…you really did care, huh?

Flow thought of all the good times he had with Udo and the rest. As mementoes flooded his mind of the good and sad times. "That's what life is…a period of adventure and your own story. Even if you think life is meaningless, people-no…someone down the line of your adventure will love you or care lots about you! That's what gives life meaning! Because we're cherished by someone! We have meaning in their life which makes our life meaningful…and something worth living for,working for, following our dreams, our passion, our…everything! So with this attack…this isn't just from me…this is from my friends and I…to you, Chrollo! THIS IS OUR STORY! OF HOW TEENS WHO HAD NOTHING IN LIFE BESIDES EACH OTHER…GAVE THEM MEANING TO LIVE AND FIGHT!!!" Flow yelled with passion in his voice. Flow yelled with all his might as he pushed Chrollo's blast back with everything he had left in him.

Chrollo could feel the weight beginning to increase. "This kid…was I wrong about him? How could I have lost to trash like him?!"

"GOOOOO!!!!" Flow yelled as his beam finally overwhelmed Chrollo's beam, surrounding Chrollo's body.

Chrollo floated in the ray and looked up at Flow. "Despite all your odds in life…you truly have found meaning in living, Flow" Chrollo laughed as his body started to incinerate in the beam.

Far on the island, Gai wiped her tears and clapped at the sky, reversing the hell rain back in the sky.

Flow passed out and began to plummet from the sky. Udo jumped from the island and high in the sky to catch Flow and land back on the island safely.

Udo landed near the frost clan as the army of soldiers pointed their weapons towards Udo and Flow. "Put your damn weapons down now!" Udo yelled as the three titans disappeared.

"No…that boy is a threat to the whole island-"

"Our friend who's part of it is dead!! Flow can't use the demon army anymore, he's not a threat to any of you, so piss the hell off!!" Udo yelled.

Gai and the Lani army bursted through the forest and had a little stand off with each other. "You strike…and I'll kill everyone" Gai threatened. Udo noticed his mother's breathing to be off.

"Let them go" Winter said.


"I said…let them go. I don't care what happens anymore. I'm the one who'll be punished by the king"

Udo thanked Winter and the Kani disappeared. Harpy,Livy, and Gai all sat in the room and waited. Udo opened the door and gave a thumbs up on the building. "He's gonna make it…"

Everyone finally relaxed and sat in silence. "What now?" Harpy asked.

Gai got up and grabbed Udo by his arms. "Let's have a talk, Udo"

Hours later….Udo and his mom walked around in the woods where they weren't destroyed and talked.

"This hill…has amazing lights" Gai said, as she stared up at the night sky. Udo looked up and knowledge how beautiful they were.

"Mom…your breathing it's-"

"I know. I've fought this damn cancer for so long now…it's even worse since I was around Flow with all that lava and crap!" Gai laughed.

Udo didn't laugh at all he just looked at the ground with a sad look in his eyes. "Look at me" Gai said.

She lifted his head up and made eye contact. "We all die…my time is here I can feel it, Udo" Gai admitted.

She hugged Udo tight in her her left arm. "I'm so proud of you,Udo! You really are…a great young man. And I'm proud to her given birth to someone as strong and beautiful as you" Gai said.

The wind blew…as Gai started to lose her vision. "It's almost time for me to move on. Udo…as leader of the Kani clan…I now declare you ruler of the clan…do as you see fit" Gai whispered.

Udo covered his eyes with his hair and hugged his mom tight. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"No….we did great!" Gai said.

"Whenever you look up at the stars…remember them as my sprit walking across the galaxy" Gai said.

Gai reached to her side and gave Udo her dual swords. "These are yours now."

"Thank you, mom" Udo said as he held back his tears.

"Chrollo's dead. Angel will also never be forgotten in our hearts. Mission complete, but people still might come for-"

"We agreed if this were to happen…then Me and Flow would go to the dark island together" Udo said.

"I see. Whatever path you choose…know that I'm happy"

They both fell into a silence and stared at the stars. "Have you ever wondered"

"Wondered what?" Udo asked.

"Well….I've always wanted to go home,Udo"

"You mean…space?"

"No, it's not space. That's what these humans want you to think!"

"Just what exactly are you trying to say, mom? The universe is right there in front of us!" Udo pointed out.

"Once you understand our ancestor's powers, you'll know why I theorize this. But…I believe the universe is a planet itself and our world is just a small piece of this big planet we live on. It's a much bigger world we're living in." Gai explained.

"That's crazy. Imagine all of the creatures and other species we'd have to fight!l Udo laughed.

"Yeah…but…I'm leaving my dream to you, Udo. I want you to find this world and call it home for our people" Gai said in a soft voice.

A few minutes passed and Gai yawned. "I'm…feeling sleepy, Udo."

"Mom i….I'll miss you"

"I'm sorry that I have to leave you in this world, Udo. But I'll be alright. You'll be alright most of all"

"Yes, ma'am" Udo said as he lowered his head to fight the tears.

"Did I do good?" She asked.

Udo turned his head with disbelief on his face. Mom…you did an amazing job raising me! I couldn't ask for a better home,friends, or life! You made everyday the best and took care of me. You fed me when no one could , you kept me warm on cold nights, and most of all…you were the light in my darkness, mom! Believe me when I say…your the best!!" Udo cried.

Gai smiled with brightness as a shooting star shot across the sky. Gai started laying on the grass and held out her hand. "Udo…hold my hand while I enter the afterlife, please" Gai said tearfully.

Udo grabbed his mother's hand. "Is it cold or just me?" She asked Udo. "No, ma'am…it's pretty hot outside" Udo said as he gripped her hand tighter.

"It's okay Udo. My duty is done. I…love you, Udo."

"I love you too" Udo said as tears fell to the ground.

"A new child that's cursed will come soon…the last one. You'll most likely be around when that happens, so…be safe" Gai said.

Gai closed her eyes as she kept her beautiful smile. "Goodbye….my best friend" Udo whispered.


A couple days later….

Udo stood on the balcony of the huge building. "As of today….there will be troops instead of an army to defend my clan! If you don't like it, you can leave" Udo yelled among the people.

Harpy and Livy were standing by Udo's side, protecting him just in case anyone tried to attack him.

"We cannot…no…I cannot trust you soldiers anymore. For now it'll be troops and people I alone trust with my heart" Udo yelled.

Hours went by. Udo explained his plans with everyone and stood at the beach. Footsteps were approaching him from behind. Udo turned around to see Flow. Who had a backpack.

"Flow you-"

"I was serious about it. I want you to stay here …you have a legacy to continue" Flow said.

Harpy came out of the brush and boarded the boat. Flow jumped on with Harpy and waived goodbye to his friend.

"Flow wait!" Harpy stopped the boat and looked over.

Udo pulled Flow in and hugged him tight. "Whenever your ready…come back from the dark island with Harpy and you both will be accepted! I'll miss you,man" Udo said.

Flow smiled and pat Udo on the back. "Take this" Udo held out a golden sword. "What sword is this," Flow asked.

"Just take it dumbass, only use it when you really need to" Udo said.


"Until we meet again" Flow said as he held his hand out over the bright sun. "Yeah" Udo grabbed Flow's hand tightly. The boat began to drift from the island.

Udo waved goodbye as the two of them disappeared in the ocean.

Flow sat back on the boat and put a hat over his head. "Your gonna let me row this boat by myself, Flow!?" Harpy asked with annoyance.

"Hell yeah" Flow yawned.

"No wonder you can't pull a girl"

Flow laughed. "Hey, Harpy"


"Do you know…who Frost is? Or a girl named Summer?" Flow asked.

"Hmmm. No, not that I know of. Why, what's up?"

Glow held his head. "I don't know…I just…keep having these visions, but these aren't my memories" Floe said as he stared off into the ocean.

"Not your memories?"

"I think….we're all connected for that moment"

"What moment?"

"Nothing Harpy. Let's just focus on surviving" Flow said with a smile.

The two drifted off to the dark island alone. "I just hope…his adventure really isn't that dark"

World War X Arc begins! Coming in 7 days.