
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

The Monarch’s overwhelming power

Jade sat on the edge of the giant bird. She looked down at the island with tears in her eyes.

Joster let go of the handle and sat next to her. "You really…loved him, huh?" Joster asked as he wrapped his arm around Jade. "I only wonder…would you cry like this if I were to die?"

Jade pushed Joster away. "He's not dead…I don't feel it."

"It's hard to accept someone we lost. I was the same way when father died."

"That man was a cow-"

"Maybe so! But, he wasn't weak! Death was coming to your little boyfriend sooner or later!" Joster argued.

Jade stood up and looked down at Joster. "He's alive." Jade whispered.

"Whatever you say." Joster yawned as he headed to the front of the bird.

"We are nearly there! We wait for the signal…then we attack from the air." Joster yelled to everyone.

Jade couldn't see the ground. The bird was so high, so fast, she didn't have time to see anything. "I'm going now!" Jade said as she gathered her things. Joster rushed to the back of the bird. "What are you trying to do!? Kill yourself?" Joster grabbed Jade by the arm. She tugged away from Joster while ignoring him.

"You have a death wish!? Listen, I'm sorry about Xavier, I really am. But I will NOT allow my little sister to get killed! You can't beat them alone." Joster yelled.

"Little sister?" Jade laughed. "You…just recently started being in my life. You, father, and mother…all left me with the Kani after I attacked them. Summer…Nzinga….and everyone…have all be better siblings than you! And they're all the worst." Jade said as she jumped off of the bird.

"Shit!" Joster said as he took control of the bird and made it dive straight down.

"Hang on! Jade is about to ruin the plan!" Joster yelled.


Silva, Jerome, and Spark all arrived at the mountain. It was in view from their positions.

"We don't have any communication, Jerome. We don't even know if everyone survived-"

"Who cares." Jerome said as he got off of his horse. "Thanks, girl." Jerome said as he made the horse go away.

"Jerome, what are you doing!" Spark yelled.

"Everyone, stay away." Jerome took his time as we walked across the field. The five monarchs sat around the mountain and stood up.

"Jerome? Where's your army? You got here fast!" Mono laughed.

Jerome stopped and looked up at the five beast. "My mother isn't a beast…why do you things need her?"

Kaida yawned. "Listen, we aren't here to talk. I wish…I wish I could just tell you to sit down and watch the king be born, but you won't sit there and watch. So, we have to kill you…for the king, Jerome."

Jerome's purple cape blew in the wind. His black hair shined in the sun and his pale skin glowed. "Good." Jerome said as he clapped his hands. "Reaper!" Jerome's reaper appeared around his body. Jerome took a deep breath as he took out his purple sword. "The old Jerome…is back!" He said as he dashed towards the mountain. Jerome moved to so fast, to the monarchs, it looked like a flash of put up leg light had blew past them.

Jerome was headed towards the mountain!

Kaida, Mono, Light, Leo, and Marcel all spun around. Before they could do anything, spark snapped his fingers, causing a huge explosion to go off around the five beast.

"Attack!" Silva yelled as the army moved towards the monarchs.

"Marcel, kill him! Don't let him reach the mountain!" Light ordered.


The army was riding their horses closer and closer to the mountain. "Did you really think we didn't have our own army!? Come out, Blood and Dark clan!" Mono yelled.

Suddenly, as the army was running across the field to reach them. The ground beneath them began to crack.

Spark and Silva noticed it. "Everyone, break formation! They're underneath us!" Spark yelled.

"Leo!" Kaida said.

"I know." Leo closed his eyes and raised his hands. "Rise." He said as the ground started to break apart easily and rise. Pieces of the island broke apart and floated in the air.

Silva and everyone looked in shock.


Thousands of giant boulders came falling. "Everyone spread out!" Spark yelled as he jumped off of his horse.

The army underground emerged and charged.

Mono used the boulders and jumped towards the army. Half of the fleet was killed by the surprise attack. Silva's clear aura surrounded her body as she closed her eyes. "Expansion: Weakness."

"Instead of every second…it becomes every millisecond their power is weakening!" Silva said as Spark and Mono clashed in the air.


Jerome flew towards the mountain and landed softly on the ground. His purpose aura faded as he walked towards the metal doors. Jerome kicked down the door and walked inside.

"I can sense you in here…mother. Come out." Jerome said as he pulled out his sword.

Quintessa emerged from the darkness. "Been a while…Jerome." She said as her dark eyes pierced through Jerome. "Why…how? How are you-"

"I know you've been taught about your father and how he was the one…who had all the power. But, it's just not true." She said. Quintessa walked around the darkness as she talked. "When you and your brother-"

"You know nothing about us! We were takin away from you! I thought…you were dead!"

"I know I did you two wrong and I'm sorry…sorry that you two were so weak."

Jerome started to lose his temper. "What about Aubrie!? You know about her!? They captured her and took her away-"

"Jerome, I could care less about any of that. I'm here to help the beast. It took a lot of hard work to get where I am." Quintessa yawned.

"Hard work?" Jerome balled his fist to the point were blood spilled. "Your own daughter…sons…you abandoned them! And you want to talk about hard work!?"

Jerome pointed his sword at the woman. Quintessa had long black hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. Jerome was nothing more than a splitting image of the woman.

"It is hard work. This is war, son. You, Aubrie, and all of your little friends aren't prepared for what's coming! I know the outcome of your efforts…and it's death." She said as she stopped walking.

"Aubrie is fine. That boy killed Crystal. I'll give you one chance to walk away, Jerome." She said as she took a seat on a throne.

"Enough of these games! Where are the higher-ups! Tell me!" Jerome ordered.


Jerome took a deep breath. "Fine. Enough talk." A purple light traveled towards Quintessa. "Stop." She said.

Jerome's body stopped and froze in place. "Blast away." He was pushed with great force into the wall.

"You can't defeat me. This isn't what everyone has been telling me. You were feared when people heard your name. Now you're just another dried up fighter! You can't even use your aura how you used to! Udo was the one…who saved your life!" She laughed.

Jerome's vision as blurry. He managed to stand and dust himself off.

She's right. Udo…saved me from the deal with my reaper. Jerome thought. Jerome clapped his hands and teleported behind Quintessa. "Die!" He yelled.

Quintessa turned her head and smiled. "Break his arm." Jerome's arm immediately twisted. "Aughh!!" Jerome fell back again. This time, his arm was completely crushed.

"So weak. Just like your father and brother! This family is such a waste." Quintessa yawned.

"Shut…the hell up!" Jerome yelled as he used his right arm and tried to throw a punch.

"Quintessa leaned back and dodged. Jerome kept on throwing punches. His mother just kept on dodging. "So predictable!"

She used one finger, slammed it against Jerome's stomach and sent him flying into the wall again.

"Where's the old you I've heard about!? Jerome the killer! Jerome the army slaughterer!" Quintessa laughed as she flew towards Jerome and kicked him back in the wall.

"Your weak! You have lost hope! You aren't even the same person anymore!"

Jerome fell to the ground while gasping for air. "Is that so, mother?"


Light and Mono slaughtered most of the army. "Spark, we hav to take them down, now!" Silva yelled as she clapped her hands.

Leo realized how quickly his power was draining. "What's going on!? I can't-" he looked across the field and noticed Silva's aura spreading out across the area. "I'll expand my aura, realize all of it, and drain you all until your dead!"

"Blood clan and Dark clan, kill her!" Leo yelled as the army pushed on more. The dark clan fighters all clapped their hands, surrounded Silva and her crew. "Stay together!" She ordered.

A black goo quickly came towards the group. Spark quickly zoomed around with great speed and took out the fighters. "Keep going! Your weakening them!" Spark said as he continued to run around with tremendous speed.

Mono pulled out his sword and jumped from one of the boulders on top of Spark. "You damn Akies! Don't know when to stop, do you!?" Mono laughed as Spark kicked him off. "Now or never, Kaida."

Kaida appeared behind Silva. Everyone quickly turned their heads as he raised his axe. "Silva!" Spark yelled. "Die." Kaida said as he swung his axe. Suddenly, a flash of yellow aura appeared. Gosh managed to stop the ace and throw Kaida to the side. "Shit." Mono said as he jumped at Spark.

"You didn't really think we'd come unprepared…did you?" Flash laughed as he pointed to the sky.

Jade fell through the clouds and was headed right towards the army.

"Wait, what the hell? Where is Joster?! Jade, you ruined my moment! Where the hell is-"

Jade crashed in the middle of the army, using her force field to pushed everyone away. "Oh…never mind!" Flash yelled over.

Jade slowly lifted her head and clapped her hands. "Screw it. I have no choice!" Jade said. She used her clear aura to power up. Her eyes turned white and she grew bigger in size. "The goddess of destruction! It's been a while! I used this to defeat you, Laity!" Jade took off Laity's cape and Xavier's arrow from her hair. "Boot Expansion: Judgment day!" A good amount of the beast's army was completely erased from the area.

Jade slowly walked towards Leo and pointed at him. "You die!" Jade said as she suddenly was behind Leo. Leo could feel his skin burning. He jumped away, but was grabbed by Jade.

"Where are you going!? You wanted to fight, right?" Jade asked as Leo was starting to disappear.

Leo had been erased by Jade's ability. Jade rolled her neck and looked at Mono. "Well…I'm getting the hell away from you!" Spark said.

What if…I stay near her comrades? She wouldn't kill her own, would she? Mono thought.


In the burning Star clan…one fighter was still alive. He was badly burnt, some of his hair was gone, and he was covered in burnt marks. Xavier crawled from the flames. A giant bird used its wings to flap the flames away.

"I…I'm alive?" Xavier couldn't feel any pain. Right now, his only goal was to protect and have revenge.

The bird slowly walked over to Xavier. The bird was jet-black. "I see. Joster…he had two birds. One for him and me. You…must of saved me. Thank you. Where…what happened to my crew?" Xavier asked. The bird walked over dead bodies. Pieces of ice were penetrating their throats. "Forgive me." Xavier said as he prayed over their bodies.

"I have no weapon…but that is fine. I'll kill every last one of them." Xavier seemed to be…off. He talked like a person being wired and forced to say something. He moved slowly towards the bird and jumped on. "Let's go."

Next chapter: Death