
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

The mission part 2

Striker dodged and jumped over all the demons spawning from underground. "Flow's losing himself!" Harpy yelled as she ran towards him.

Striker jumped in the air and launched him body at the ground, punching the mountain and making if split apart and collapsed.

(Shit!), Angel, get Livy and fly out of here now!" Harpy yelled as the mountain began to collapse.

"But what about you three?" Angel asked.

"Use your revival technique on Ud-"

"There's no need for that, Harpy." Udo said as he walked up to Angel and Livy.

"Udo your bleeding! How are you still alive?" Angel asked.

Udo ignored her and focused on Livy. "Heal her. Get off the mountain right now!" Udo said in a serious tone.

Angel clapped her hands and disappeared down the mountain. Udo and Harpy focused on Flow, who was fighting Striker at a very fast pace.

"The mountains collapsing. What should we do U-"

Udo quickly jumped in between both pieces of the mountain and levitated between the two pieces. He held out both his hands and closed his eyes.

"Intensity!" Udo yelled, as both the pieces of mountains stopped in their place.

"Amazing!" Happy yelled.

"Don't focus on me, focus on Flow and that guy!"

Harpy jumped across the cliff and headed straight towards Flow.

(This man…he's here to kill Flow! To stop the-no we won't let him die!"

Harpy pulled out a long yellow sword and stood her ground. Flow turned his head and noticed Harpy getting closer.

"Flow you have stop this! Everything is ok! Livy will live." Harpy explained.

"This man needs to die!" Flow yelled in anger.

"I totally agree!" Striker laughed as he walked over the dead Demons.

"Your definitely a master ranked warrior! And at such a young at too!" Striker laughed.

Udo floated above the three and stared at striker with anger in his eyes. "You there…why did you target Angel?" Udo asked.

"I was sent here by a warrior from your clan! Looks like I'll die quickly though! I didn't know the great Udo was here!" Striker said.

"So…we have a traitor among our army? I see." Udo said to himself.

Striker went low to the ground, almost like a animal, and he jumped up towards Udo. "I'll die fighting!" Striker laughed.

(This kid…is beyond insane level…he's at good level at only age sixteen!) Striker thought to himself as he shot a bullet at Udo.

"Break." Udo said, as Striker's body was immidialaty ripped apart.

"That settles that." Udo said.

He landed beside Flow, who was knocked out my Harpy. "I understand what happened." Udo said.

"Eh-how? Harpy asked.

"That man…was trying to stop the two chosen ones." Udo said.

Harpy felt sick when hearing those words. "But it's just a legend! Besides…Flow and Angel don't love each other!" Harpy said.

"I know but…all legends are real in this world. Which means it's begun! The rapture….will fall upon this island and it's people!" Udo explained.

"We need to get back to the clan, fast!"

Gai sat on her throne and looked down at the people of her beautiful clan.

"Gai…there was an attack." Chrollo said while kneeling.

"An attack!? Who was Involved and where?" Gai asked.

"Near the monks temple. And your son was involved with the attack."

"I see. So who was the unlucky bastard?"

"A hit-man, he goes by Striker. We have information…we believe he was there too kill Angel or Flow."

The hair on Gai's neck risen, she got out of her chair and stared at Chrollo with intensity. "So…it's begun?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. We've begun preparations to stop the two from meeting each other." Chrollo said.

"You can't do that! These are kids, the next generation of our clan! We can't treat them as if they're a threat to the whole damn world!" Gai explained.

"But they kinda are, my lady! If the prochey really is true, destruction will come to us all! The rapture is nothing to play with! Millions of Demons unleashed on earth, angels fighting, a whole spiritual war!" Chrollo said in anger.

"I'm aware of this, that's why I have you and the army! To protect all people who need saving!" Gai said.

Chrollo said nothing and stormed out of the building. Five men waited down stairs. "Is she willing to do with the plan, sir?" A soldier asked.

"No! Gai's being selfish and not thinking straight! We need a new leader! Someone who'll protect the people! Gai…is not fit to lead!" Chrollo said.

Chrollo pushed past the men and walked towards the gates of Kani. "Where are you going, Chrollo!?"

"Something just came to my mind. The only way to win the battle…is if you have the enemies power." Chrollo said.

He and the five other men walked out of the clan and disappeared.

Later that day, Udo and the others rested up and Udo told his mother what happened.

"Good thing you killed him quickly. Remember what I told you, Udo. Don't use your full power u less it's completely necessary!" Gai told him.

"Yes, ma'am, I know that!"

"Me,Chrollo, you, Angel, and Flow…are all insane levels or higher! Your the only one who's a god-level warrior! Your power is literally a threat to all beings and things, even the damn universe." Gai explained to Udo.

"I don't even know my full power. It's not like anyones gonna be alive to see it." Udo said.

"Hahah! Believe me, I've had some strong enemies in my younger days! Everyone meets their match sooner or later in their life! One day…a being so strong will even match your power, that'll be the day you go all out, my son." She explained.

Udo lowered his head. "Yeah."

"When I'm done ruling…I want you to be a good leader and not judge people on their traits,color,background, or destiny! Accept people for who and what they are, Udo. Thats what it means…to be a good person in life, Udo. I can see that in you, I'm proud to call you my son." Gai complimented.

Udo couldn't help but smile. "Thank you."

Flow was tied up in chains…he saw nothing but darkness. "Where am I!?" He yelled out.

"We didn't know if you lost control or not." Livy said.

"Livy your ok?"

"Of course! Angel saved my life!" Livy said.

"Am…I free to go?"

"Nope! They sent me here to read the legend." She said.

"The legend? What are you talking about?" Flow asked.

"Don't you want to know more about yourself? Where you came from? Why you don't have parents?" Livy asked.

Flow was stunned…he gave no response.

Livy pulled up a chair and took a seat. She pulled out a long scroll and began reading.

"A child from the heavens will be born, they will have great power…almost like an Angel. A child will be born with powers of a devil, will be born alone, killing both its parents, thus making the power of the devils stronger! One day…both children will meet, love each other, and then…a war shall break. Leaving the planet known as earth, in complete destruction."

"That doesn't explain anything at all! Whoever wrote that is shit!" Flow said in anger.

"Not true." Livy said as she pulled out hundreds of scrolls. Flow looked around in shock.

"All these scrolls are different kids of prophecy! Each one coming true! We just have warriors in each generation to stop them!" Livy explained.

"Children of prophecy? How did this all start?" Foe asked.

"Our people have multiple gods! In the beginning, there were ten gods! Each god would give their powers to troops…thus, making the prophecies happen. But your fate…can't be good." Livy said with a sad tone.

"Livy, untie me." Flow said.

Livy got up and freed Flow from the chains. "The people fear me?" Flow asked.

"Not everyone knows who the kids are! Only a few, they've kept their mouths shut though. And that's a good thing! We can't have other clans know about you or Angel. We would all have to fight. The only thing that would stop the other clans from fighting are, Udo, Captain, Crhollo, Angel, and you…Flow."

Flow walked pass Livy, leaving her in the dark.

Meanwhile, at the dark blood clan was a monk.

"I'm telling you! I know what I saw! A kid from the Kani with demon powers! It's true! They killed Striker too!" The monk said with fear.

A man with a long red robe walked into the opening. Everyone lowered their heads to the man.

"I see. You did good, boy. But…there's one thing you failed to do…and that's too kill the damn bastards! My own son lost his life in that battle, all because you so-called powerful monks couldn't fight!" The man said in anger.

"P-please! Your son killed my people! It was him!" The man screamed, as the leader of the blood clan grabbed him by the head and squeezed him to death.

"What will we do master?" A man asked.

"My five royal guards…attack the Kani and kill the kid they call, Flow. Bring me him dead or alive." The man said as he walked away.

"Yes,sir." The five people yelled.

(My royal guards…are all insane-levels! Nothing can beat them!)

"You ready to kill, Jackie?" A woman asked with excitement.

"Of course! This is for our pleasure and for the island! We don't need the higher-ups involved!" Jackie responded.

"Let's get that bitch!" Jackie laughed.