
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs


"This is goodbye. It was a fun battle, Udo". Wonder said. He held out his hand. "My brain is still damaged. Tesma is taking a long time. My brain is the part that takes longest to heal". Wonder sighed.

"Finish him your majesty! Once he's dead, the Akies don't stand a chance in hell!" Preta yelled.

"Not true. There are others amongst this race that will still be troublesome. Especially if they were to work together and fight me. That won't happen anytime soon. This race can't even get along just like the humans".

"Yes of course. No surprise there. Akies and humans almost have the same characteristics".

Udo let out a little chuckle. He lifted his head and stared at Wonder in his eyes. "Even…even if I die here. There will be others who'll be ready and capable of defeating you".

"That so? I'll look forward to it. I still need to learn about the Frost and Adisa boys. Then there's one more I'm interested in. He defeated Crystal".

"You're wrong about all of it. Everything is wrong, Wonder". Udo gasped. "We Akies work together. It's only a matter of time before it all goes down for good!" Udo laughed.

"It's over. The beast will win if you're gone". Preta said.

Tesma stood over Udo. "The guardian is the only threat after you die".

"Guardian? You talking about Adisa? Haha! The kid was killed! There is no-"

"Not true". Wonder interrupted. Udo's eyes grew big in shock. "Memories…of Marcel flood my mind. The same black figure is in his memories too. He's alive. I will kill him".

Footsteps? This sounds like Ellowyn! Damn, I'm not ready for help yet! Im at my limit…but I can still fight. If Adisa really is alive…there's a chance we win this war, Udo thought.

Udo laughed and began to push himself off of the ground. "You won't get the chance to fight Adisa…because I still need to fight his little friend!"

Udo jumped up and grabbed Tesma by her horns. Preta quikcly reached out to grab Udo.

Udo swung himself around Tesma. Making Preta punch her in the face. Udo moved through her body and landed a punch to Preta's midsection.

"Phantom fist…barrage!"

Udo spun around and punched Tesma repeatedly. Wonder ran over and kicked Udo out of the way.

Udo stopped his body from sliding. He lifted his head to see the three charging him.

Preta formed a sword and swung it. Udo jumped back and dodged. Tesma ran on the right side of Udo while Wonder ran on the left.

The two shot beams at Udo. Udo clapped his hands to repel the blast. "Phantom pull!" Udo pulled Tesma towards him using his aura. "I'll have to get rid of this one first. She's healing his mind slowly. So…I'll use this!"

Preta came through the dust cloud and summoned a crossbow. He shot it. Udo jumped in the air. The arrow was going towards Wonder. Wonder caught the arrow and looked around for Udo.

"Ra's shining strike!"

A ball of light formed in Udo's palms. He was close to Tesma. Preta jumped in the way and summoned a shield.

"Damn!" Udo yelled, as Wonder jumped behind him and prepared to hit him with a roundhouse kick.

Udo used the shield to jump off it and punch Wonder in the stomach. Preta grabbed Udo and threw him through the forest.

(I can hear footsteps coming. It sounds like…you)

Ellowyn burst through the forest and summoned a giant tree that covered her and Udo.

"Thought you were dead". Ellowyn laughed.

"No,not yet".

Udo looked around and noticed the size of the tree. "Why so big? I only need a few minutes to charge up. You think you can do that?"

Elloywn made a little hole for her to look outside. "Oh dear. What a little game you were playing".

"Can you give me time or not? This isn't time for games".

Ellowyn sighed. "To be honest…I can give you two minutes. I'd rather you go find Frost or someone. Where are the troops?"

"Hell if I know. Probably out dealing with Wonder's fighters. Which is exactly why I need to kill him".

"You don't get it. Why fight alone? Go back, get people to help, then take him on".

Wonder walked towards the tree. He held out his hand and said: "Collaspe"


Udo and Ellowyn felt the tree starting to fall apart. "Damn". She said.

"I'm thinking about calling the twins. Might as well get some help from them". Udo shrugged.

"That's all you can think about?! The tree is falling and he's outside waitng!!"

"Yeah, I know. I don't care. Been fighting the bastard the whole time alone until now. I'm calling the twins".

"But-the twins are-"

Udo yawned to interrupt her.

The tree collapsed and the two walked out and towards Wonder.

"Oh, it's you. You can thank the old man". Wonder said.

Preta and Tesma stood beside Wonder. "There are more coming. From behind!" Tesma said, as Splinter,Kenan,and Dora came into view.

"Who are you people?" Ellowyn asked.

Splinter turned his attention towards Ellowyn. He froze and had lost his breath.

(That woman…mother? Is it a fake? No,no,no. It's really her! What…how? How? How? How? How? I killed her…right? Did I not cut deep enough? How are you alive?)

Splinter stared at Ellowyn. Udo noticed it and looked at Ellowyn. "You know this boy?"

"No. Never met him".

Splinter felt his heart speeding up. "I'm gonna…I'm gonna….KILL YOU!!" Splinter unleashed his aura, blowing eveyone and everything away.

Udo and Wonder we're shocked by the boy's strength. Udo noticed Splinter's black aura.

(Adisa? No…this isn't him. This kid…has the same aura as Adisa!)

Udo grabbed Ellowyn in the air and landed on a nearby tree. "This fight just got intresting". Udo said with a wide smile.

"What makes you say that? The boys aura?"

"Yes, of course. He's from that legendary power family". Udo stood up and noticed how the aura had erased everything in the surrounding area.

"That damn kid…he and Charlie really beat the first giant!" Udo laughed.


Wonder placed his hands on Tesma and Preta's heads. "He is related to the guardian. They share the same DNA. Capture him and bring him. Now, grow!"

Tesma and Preta grew around Titan's size. Wonder floated between them with his hands together.

"This is my lucky day. I get to eat the strongest and capture one of the guardians relatives. It's shocking. They all should've died out during the golden age of their race. I remember the warriors name…it's clear. It's one of your relatives".


Deep inside of Adisa. The god felt something was off.

"Aten! Aten! Come over here!" A girl called out.

The god turned around. "That name…sounds familiar. Must be another vision of the past". The god chuckled.

The god could see Adisa sitting in the darkness. "You here? That's the first you've come without letting me take over". The god laughed.

"What's this?" Adisa asked, pointing in the direction of the vision. "The day we messed up".

"What do you mean?" Adisa asked. "Don't you have to fight those beast? Leave this place at once". The god ordered.

"I'm good. I'm curious why you show me some of the past. This must be important. Take me there. I want to learn more about myself. All I need is three minutes of the vision".

The god laughed. "You mortals…I was one of you once. The vision will feel like days of information. Your entering another realm. Be prepared". The dark shadow of the god grabbed Adisa and pulled him into the vision.

Adisa had never seen the god before. He noticed a giant hand with healthy nails pull him.

"The day we messed up…or I should say…I did".

Next Chapter: The Golden Era