
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

The decision

Frost buried all the men Nzinga killed. He walked into the Kani and went back to Jade and Xavier' s room. As if nothing happened.

"They won't stop coming until I go back…either that or a war will break out between both clans."

"I need a group to help me infiltrate the clan. And then…I'll take on my father. So far all I have is Nzinga. She's smart,powerful, and a great leader. It's just…she can be a little too violent."

"I need more then just her. At least four or three of us."

Frost put a hand on his chin and started thinking hard. "I've still got Trover. That's three….but the way father runs things, it's gonna be very hard to infiltrate."

Frost got up looked outside the window.

"Damn it. But I'm no where near as powerful as…as her! She's the whole reason why…I'm here!"

Frost slammed the door shut and left the building holding his head tight.

"The only one that can put up a good fight with her is Nzinga. And she's not even my father! This might be a bad idea after all. I'll tell the others- your starting to have regret…aren't you?" Trover asked.

Frost turned around slowly and could see him standing before him.

"I know how you feel. Fear is a powerful tool that your father uses on his people. It must be stuck in your mind. Am I right?"

Frost said nothing. He just walked away with his head down.

"Oh come on, Frost! We both saw this coming! You might not see what we do but…your not weak, boy. Not at all. You apparently have power that your dad wants! And if we don't handle him now…there will be war all for you! Think about all the bodies he's using to fight for his clan!" Trover explained.

"I have no interesting power…he just wants me dead. And besides…I don't know why he's using those bodies. Nzinga said he wants to use my eyes or something…" Frost explained.

"Look, it's up too you. But all I'm saying is…if we don't make a plan of attack then…he'll bring his dead army and attack the whole clan." Trover said.

"You shouldn't let fear control the mind. It should be the mind that controls fear." Trover said as he walked away.

Frost punched the ground in frustration. "I did all that training for one month…too still be the same weak little kid!" He said with pain in his voice.

"I have no confidence at all about attacking them! None! I don't want to see anymore people get killed by him!" Frost said.

Frost felt a powerful hand pick him up gf the ground. It was Udo.

"Stop all that damn wining! You have people looking at you!"

"You always show up after something bad happens." Frost whispered.

"Something happened?" Udo asked.

"….a little attack happened and Nzinga was all stabbed up….but she needed up killing them….you really are a bad leader…" Frost said with the most straight face in the world.

Udo dropped Frost on the ground and opened his eyes wide. "I was busy doing something…yea, yea, I definitely wasn't trying to go take a s-oh shut the hell up!" Frost interrupted.

Udo couldn't help but laugh out loud. "But no seriously…when were you gonna tell me your clan was after your head?" Udo asked Frost.

"How did-"

"It's pretty obvious. He's the one who got rid of a powerful prize." Udo said.

"Powerful prize?"

"You'll find out yourself. But for now…get ready to head out! Your going to the frost clan!" Udo Ordered.

"I don't have a team."

"You do now! Trover, Nzinga, and Aliyah from the Leo clan will be your squad. A very powerful squad you have actually!" Udo said.

Frost turned around to see Nzinga and Aliyah standing behind him.

"You can get others if you want but…this is the best I can do. Aliyah will lead the squad. Go get Trover and you four can do whatever you want!"

"This is gonna be good!" Nzinga said to herself.

"Udo. If I can't find anything regarding the ice clan…if Jerome is there then…I'll have no choice but to kill him!" Aliyah said.

"I promise you…Jerome isn't the one taking your people. It's the king of the clan! You'll see for yourself when you go. And besides…I don't think you'd be able to kill him so easily!"

Aliyah rolled her eyes and waited at the gate.

"She really wants to kill whoever destroyed her clan." Nzinga said.

"Her clan was destroyed!?" Frost asked.

"Yep. Not a single person left. Everyone gone!"

"That must have been his doing!" Frost whispered to himself.

Frost got too his feet and looked onward past the gate. "Fine. We'll go there and I'll take my father down once and for all!" Frost said with confidence.

(He's no where near as strong as the king, but he easily has the potential if he's pushed far enough. That's why I'm god your working with very strong people, Frost!) Udo thought to himself.

"You all can leave around sun down. That's the best time to get even close too that damn place." Udo explained.

"How do you know that?!" Frost asked.

"I've had multiple interactions with your father back in my younger days! Still remember them now, hahaha! Me and my crew barley survived!" Udo said with a smile on his face.

(I've never seen him smile so hard before…he must've had a blast with his friends) Frost thought to himself.

"Whatever happened to that "crew" of yours?" Frost asked.

Nzinga grabbed Frost's shoulder and put a finger over her mouth.

Frost had a confused look on his face but turned around to see Udo staring at the ground with the smile completely gone from his face.

Udo turned around and headed to his building.

"I asked you-never mind."

Nzinga let go of Frost's shoulder and stood beside Trover.

"What his deal?" Frost asked.

"It's a long story. A very painful, dark, and heartbreaking story." Trover explained to Frost.

"You shouldn't ask about someone's past when they aren't ready to face it themselves. Remember that, Frost." Nzinga said as she walked away.

Trover taped Frost on the head and walked away also in another direction. Everyone was leaving around night to make their move.

"I'd love to know about everyone's past. You guys don't even know the pain in mine…" Frost said to himself.

Meanwhile at the sky clan. Adisa stood on the edge and stared off into the distance.

He couldn't help but think about his battle that just happened.

"Still got overwhelmed…by nothing but power. All that training…just for this. And even after that, these people lock me in a damn room!"

He could feel a tiny hand give him a slight touch on the back.

He slowly turned to see Summer.

"You ok? You've been standing up here for two hours!"

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine. What's bothering you, Adisa?"


"Have you spoken too Frost or anyone? You two where so close when I met you…now it seems you two have drifted apart." Summer said.

"He has his own problems…and I have mine! What he does has nothing to do with me anymore. That goes for everyone!" Adisa said.

Summer walked to the side of Adisa and looked at the pretty view from above.

"Friendship is important. Even if it's just a little small talk every now and then. It's important to always talk to the people you know and care for the most. They'll make you and your heart better in the end." Summer said.

Adisa turned his gaze and stared at Summer.

"I'm sorry." Adisa whispered.

Summer turned her head and could see the regret in Adisa's eyes.

"It-it's ok!" She said with a smile.

"I'm going too stay here with you and your mother. Too help take down your father. I need to know where Jerome is and why your father is taking people."

"Your helping us!?" She asked.


"I'm glad I get too see you again…for now though!" Summer said.

Adisa has suspicion in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Oh- nothing, don't worry about it. We'll fight him together and get the answers we need. And hopefully…I can get him to come to our side!" Summer said.

Adisa put his hands In his pockets. His black cape blew in the wind. He turned around and left Summer staring off by herself into the distance.

"The prophecy is just as it says…everyday I'm starting to understand you people more and more now, and it's gonna make a monster…out of me!" Adisa said to himself.