
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

sparing match

One day has gone by. Adisa was in the training area with Summer.

"999….1000….1001….1002….1003." Adisa said in a struggling voice.

He was doing push-ups. Working on his body.

Summer rolled her eyes. "Oh come on…all u need is hundred more. Then your all done.

"You say that like it's easy." Adisa said.

Summer went outside then quickly came back in.

"Ok break time." Summer said, as she was pushing Adisa out the back entrance.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Adisa asked.

Summer didn't answer his question. She was still pushing him towards the other door.

But before she could get him out of the building a strange girl walked in.

Who the hell is-"hey there Summer." The girl said.

Adisa looked in confusion, while Summer had a weird look on her face.

"H-hey there….Jade." Summer said in a low tone.

Jade walked closer to Summer.

"Who are you?" Jade asked, while looking right at Adisa.

"Uhh….who are you?" Adisa snapped back.

Jade and him just looked at each other.

"Since when we're guys allowed in the village?" Jade asked summer.

Summer in a weird way said "well…you see Adisa is special.

Jade's eyes opened with amuse.

"Oh….so your name is Adisa?" Jade asked.

Adisa nodded his head.

Jade walked back and forth. One side to another. Behind her, there were two huge body guards. Just looking at Adisa.

Summer stood in between them.

"So…your from the Kani clan. Am I right? How has it been going?" Jade asked.

Adisa looked with confusion all over his face.

"Um…good I guess. What clan are you from?" He asked.

Jade ignored his answer.

Summer could notice gains starting to appear on jade's arms. (Oh no). Summer thought to herself.

"How about a little spar?" Jade asked Adisa.

Adisa shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't really care. It's just a pain you asked now, Since I'm sore everywhere." He said.

The two body guards walked to the exit and stopped dead at the door.

Summer went to the sitting area. It was Adisa and Jade now standing in the middle.

"Ma'am, do you want your weapon?" One of the men asked.

Jade laughed. "No weapon is needed." She said.

Adisa drew his sword. Both him and Jade were making eye contact.

The building started to change form. There surroundings went from normal arena to, sunny day, mountains, with rocks.

It was the same environment when Adisa was dodging the bolder.

"I'm guessing she did that so

Know one could get hurt." Adisa said.

Summer and the three guys watched.

Jade had her hands behind her back. Just standing there.

(She looks hell of confident). Adisa thought to himself.

Jade motioned her head for Adisa to attack.

Adisa took a deep breath.

In one moment he ended up behind Jade.

(Wow he's fast). Jade thought to herself.

Adisa swung his sword and it stopped right in its tracks.

"Wh-what the hell." Adisa said in a surprised voice.

Jade laughed. "You can't break past my barrier. No one has and never will." Jade said.

Adisa tried to push his sword down even further into the invisible barrier. But he couldn't.

"No use in trying…your not strong enough." Jade said.

Jade lifted her left hand in the air and quickly closed it.

Adisa was sent flying into one of the mountains. Jade moved quickly to the mountain, to find no one there.

"Where the hell did he"-Jade was interrupted,to see a huge shadow coming from on top of her.

Adisa had thrown a bolder at Jade.

Jade stood there and laughed.

The bolder stopped right on top of Jade. Then it shattered to pieces.

The pieces of rocks went around Jade, they all formed into sharp needles. All pointing at Adisa.

Adisa was standing on top of a mountain looking down at Jade.

Jade clutched her fist together. "Don't you dare look down on me…Kani rat." Jade said to herself.

Jade stomped with her left leg and right leg right after.

The ground beneath her began to rise.

Adisa looked in amazement as Jade was now standing on a huge platform she just created.

It was floating in the air, with the needles all around her.

"You can have these back." Jade said.

With the snap of her fingers, all of the needles came flying at Adisa.

Adisa quickly jumped off of the mountain and started to dodge all of the needles that were coming his way.

Jade looked in amazement.

(I'm very impressed. The way he's moving, it's like he's been training for years. But it's only been like 2 days….what the hell),Jade thought.

Adisa was moving closer and closer to Jade. Dodging and jumping mountain from mountain.

"That all you got?". Adisa yelled over.

Jade laughed.

"I honestly like you." She shouted over.

Adisa ran out of mountains to jump from. And jade was to high up to get.

From the sky. Adisa could see lots of boulders being dropped.

"I almost forgot that this was just a virtual battleground area." Adisa yelled.

Jade kept looking down.

"I'll be safe from the bolders. You on the other hand, will be crushed and die. It may be all virtual, but it can still hurt and kill you." Jade said.

Adisa closed his eyes, took a deep breath. And started moving again.

A lot of bolders were landing on the ground and cracking. While Adisa was jumping bolder to bolder in the air.

Jade was using the ones that hit the ground, and with her powers she crushed them and made them into needles again.

She was all the way in the air while crushing them.

Adisa could see that her powers hade range.

Needles were now going coming from beneath Adisa and penetrating through the bolders.

Adisa was still jumping bolder to bolder. Even with the needles coming underneath him.

Adisa did all kinds of flips in the air to dodge.

(He's still coming? And on top of that he hasn't even been hit yet). Jade thought to herself.

Adisa was still going. Not being scratched at all.

Jade raised her left arm. This time with the bolders that landed on her barrier from the sky. She used them to make more needles, and she launched them right at Adisa.

Now Adisa had to dodge the ones below him and coming in front of him. Adisa kept calm and was still jumping towards the large amount of needles headed his way.

He was still dodging the needles below him. And now he had millions more coming from the front.

Adisa was now dodging needles from underneath him and In front of him.

"What the hell am I looking at?". Jade said angrily.

Jade clapped both of her hands together. "Let's see how you do if I move the bolders apart." Jade yelled over.

Addis hadn't said a word the entire time. He was focused.

The bolders he was jumping on started to move while he was in air. And When he stepped on them, they cracked.

Adisa had to keep changing his direction in air.

He was getting closer and closer.

Jade raised both of her hands and raised them both above her head. The needles stopped and all went above her head.

They formed a giant bolder that covered up the sun from Adisa's view.

"Let's see you dodge this." She yelled.

Summer stood up. "Oh shit, I have to turn it off now." She said in a frantic way.

One of the body guards stopped her.

"Just wait." The man said.

Adisa now had one last bolder, he jumped off of it with as much force as possible.

The bolder jade created was so huge he couldn't dodge. He had to punch through it.

(I've never punched through a damn thing this big…this is huge). Adisa thought to himself.

Adisa then remembered what he said to summer at the waterfall.

"As humans we have to face or fears…that's part of being human."Adisa remembered saying.

Adisa tightened up his fist even more, to the point where his right hand started bleeding.

He let out a loud yell.

"NEVER BE AFRAID!" Adisa yelled out.

Adisa punched the bolder and the whole thing shattered.

Pieces of the giant bolder were everywhere.

Jade couldn't see anything. Nothing but pieces of rock flying around everywhere.

Some of the pieces were getting stuck or going right around Jade's invisible barrier.

"Where the hell are you?" Jade asked.

All of a sudden while looking at the platform Jade was standing on, she could see the shadow of Adisa with his sword over his head. About to bring it down on her.

Jade turned around with amusement written all over her face.

Adisa put everything he had into he slash.

Jade didn't move at all and just watched. But her face quickly switched from amused to fear.

Adisa's sword got closer and closer to her face.

She was about to be slashed.

But before anything else could happen. A bodyguard had thrown a knife to hit the sword out of Adisa's hands.

The area around them turned back into an arena look.

Summer and the other body guard were looking in shock at to what they just saw.

The bodyguard had Jade in his hands. And Adisa was on the ground, with one knee.

Jade looked at Adisa with such a crazy look. As if she saw a ghost.

"There are only 5 people on this whole island….that can break past my barrier…my power….you don't have that-". Jade stopped talking.

Adisa was rubbing his right hand. It was broke, also it was hanging.

"Summer….thank you for having me. You know why I came…I will take my leave now." Jade said.

"Wait…where the hell…do you think your going?" Addy asked.

Jade turned around fast. "Lower your tone boy." She said.

(A leader of a clan…almost touched by someone like him….well, that's the key for you I guess). She thought to herself.

Summer helped Adisa off the ground and Jade was already out the door leaving.

Summer did nothing but just looked at Adisa with amazement.

Adisa tried to talk but was out of breath.

"No, you don't need to talk. I know." Summer said.

While everyone left there was one more person in the building watching.

It was the queen. She was shaking with joy.

"The potential on this kid is….so beautiful." She said.

She began to make her way back to the castle also.

Just thinking about Adisa,the whole time.

She got to her bedroom door.

"The key….is awakening." She said.