
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

Self Hate part ll

Splinter took a step on the water and ripped off his black cape. "Time to get busy". He pulled out his black sword and gave it a kiss. "Let's go!" Splinter dashed through through the water and mist. Titan looked down and noticed a small figure approaching him. Titan ignored him and continued to March towards him.

"Just gonna ignore me?! Fine! I'll take you out in one blow-"

When Splinter jumped in the air, he could feel the skin on his hands beginning to peel off. He quickly jumped back.

"There's…some sort of force shield around him? It decayed my skin. Can't even touch him. I know if he touches the island…the whole thing is destroyed. It might be a bluff though. Why kill your own comrades on the island?" Splinter ran around Titan and thought of a plan.

"That's it. What if there's a way I can move faster than my body decays? It sounds impossible…but, I'm splinter! Anything is possible!"

Charlie emerged from the mist and leaped in the air. He held his hand out and summoned a giant arrow. He shot it and was able to hit Titan in the shoulder area.

"That's it! Mist isn't something this thing can decay! That boy…"

Charlie surfed alongside Splinter. Titan finally focused on the two of them. "DIIIIEEEE!!!" Titan yelled as he slammed his fist between the two.

"You're the key to win I no this thing!" Splinter laughed.

While in the air, Charlie used his list to create a flying surfboard-like object and flawless around Titan's enormous body. "No, I'll distract him! You keep attacking with your mist! He can't stop it!" Splinter yelled, as he crouched to the ground and jumped towards Titan. Titan opened his mouth and shot a beam of energy. Splinter spun his sword around and sliced through the beam.

His sword can reflect and stop energy blast? This might be…might be fun! Titan thought as he used his tail to slap Splinter's left side. Splinter's shirt decayed off and half of his muscular body showed.

"My ex hits better than you!" Splinter laughed. Titan roared and threw a punch, sending Splinter flying through the ocean.

Splinter was knocked out and began to sink at the bottom of the ocean.

Charlie flew in and hit Titan with mist ball-like attacks. Titan swatted them away and spun around. He swiped and ll hit Charlie. Titan was shocked to see Charlie's body fade away.

"a mist clone!" Titan turned around to see a ball of energy in Charlie's left hand. "Die!" Charlie yelled. Charlie threw the attack…but it was no use. Titan opened his mouth and ate the attack and grew in size.

"The hell?"

Titan clapped his hands. "Decaying corpse!" Charlie could feel his skin burning on his left arm. He ripped off his shirt to see his arm beginning to decay.

Charlie yelled in pain as he landed on top of the water. "The more aura you use and the more you move will determine how quickly it'll take over. Either you die…or you watch your pathetic island be destroyed". Titan laughed as he marched past Charlie.

"D-die? I'll die if I try to fight? No…no I won't fight! That's it! The island is…finished".


Splinter and the nine of his brothers ran and ran. The sun was bright, flower blossomed, and the field was just as clear and green as ever.

Splinter crept behind one of his favorite brothers, Kenan. Kenan was the second tallest and strongest amongst his brothers.

Splinter leaped across the grass and tackled Kenan to the ground. "You little shit! I'll kill you-"

"That's enough, boys! Mother won't like this. Not one bit".

Kenan and Splinter gave each other a cold look before glaring at Totem, their older brother.

"Shut up".

"Shut up".

They both laughed. Kenan and Splinter both ran into a dark forest. "Mom, Totem hit me!" Kenan yelled.

The two boys where running towards a small house that was made out of rotten wood. Splinter managed to eat Kenan to the door and kick it open. A blond woman was in the kitchen and gave the two boys a cold stare. "What did I tell you guys about kicking the door open?! And be quiet when coming in the house!" She scolded them and slapped both of them across the face.

"B-but Totem-"

"Totem is the oldest. If he hit you…I'm sure it was for a reason".


Later that night. The ten kids all sat around a fire and looked up at the stars. "Mother…why can't we ever leave this place?" Splinter asked.

"Leave? What do you mean? The island?"

"Yes ma'am. It's just…I've always wanted to go beyond. I…I wanna touch the stars. Fly so high…and leave this place without looking back. I've always wanted that dream to come true. I had lots of dreams. I'm flying through the universe and into a infinite void of stars and just look at all the colors. It was so beautiful, mom".

The woman stared at Splinter. "Mom…do you have a dream?"

The woman's eyes grew big. Flashes of a man and a child went through her mind. "I…I don't know. I miss two important people. It would be nice if I saw them again".

"Oh. I see. I know how you feel. I never met my actual parents. I don't know what happened to them or where they are. So I understand. Were the people your thinking about close to you?"

The woman's eyes began to tear up. "Yes".

"Where…you part of a clan? If so…what clan? Only if you want to answer. You don't have to-"

"I don't want to talk about this, Splinter. But yes…I was part of a clan. A very powerful clan. I can't go back. I want to, but I can't. My husband…he—well failure isn't a option. I had to leave him".

"I see. I have a faint and small memory of my parents. My mother…and father would fight. Fist fight. I could always hear her screams, you know? But, anyways, I like to make the most of freedom. I'm glad I ended up with you and everyone else".

The woman wiped her tears and slowly lowered her head. "I…I am sorry. I have to go".

She hurried up from the fire and made her way inside the house.

Totem opened his eyes. "You know how she gets. Why would you-"

"Every time we bring it up…she gets frustrated or walks away. You told us that you used to have others here. What happened to them?"

Totem looked around and grabbed Splinter and Kenan. Kenan had woken up and was confused. Totem, with great strength and speed jumped into the forest and stood on top of a tree.

"Out of evryone that's here I trust you two. Kenan, just shut up and listen. Splinter…there used to be more children, yes, but-"

"Spit it out! Why does she always do that?! Did they all die or something?!" Splinter yelled.

"Yes…all dead. Mother…does exper-"

"Boys…come in!"

The woman yelled from the distance. Totem and the two boys quickly made it back.


Years had past.

Totem,Kenan, and Splinter were the only ones left. Splinter had his suspicions on the woman, but kept them to himself.

Splinter and Kenan kneeled and waited for her orders. "Mother…I have one quick question". Kenan said.

Splinter used his pointer finger and poked Kenan in the head quickly. "Cut it out…little brat!" Kenan yelled.

Splinter jumped on top of Kenan and the two laughed. The woman smirked at the two. Her hair was grayish, skin not as smooth or clear as before, and her nails were longer than usual.

"The two of you…are so special to me". She said with a smile.

Kenan looked around. "Where's Totem? He should've been back from his mission. He was supposed to steal from the Kani clan, right?"

"That's why I called you two. He's taking too long. I need the two of you to go check-"

Splinter and Kenan both bursted out of the door. They went full speed ahead and jumped far into the forest.

The woman continued to sit in her chair. A big smirk appeared across her face. She got up and busted open a case. The case had beautiful armed covered in ice. "I finally found one. I can…finally be with you. I just need to finish them".

Splinter and Kenan both moved at incredible speed. The two of them where headed right for the Kani clan. "I don't know shit about clans…but all I know is that they're not ready for us!" Splinter laughed.

The two could see a huge tower in the clan. The halted and scouted out the area. "I don't sense his presence. Maybe he's not here?" Kenan said. Kenan placed a hand on the dirt. "Aura location".

The area lit up. Kenan could see everyone in the surrounding area. "Oh god…please don't be real!" Kenan jumped up and began to run in the opposite direction.

"Huh? Kenan wait for me!"


Kenan ran for what seemed like hours. He stopped and fell to his knees. Splinter jumped through the bushes and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Oh no."

Totem's body was hanging from a tree with a long golden sword inside of his stomach. "It's about time you two showed up. I've been waiting all this time…and you took too long. So much for them being your brothers!" The woman laughed, as she slapped Totem's face and pulled the sword out of him.

"I know the two of you are mad. That's fine. My name is Nzinga. I was hired to kill the two of you. Don't let me down. I'm looking for a good fight!"

Kenan and Splinter both were blacked out. They couldn't hear anything Nzinga was saying to them. Splinter just kept looking at Totem.

"He's still alive. I just wanted him to watch me kill you two!" Nzinga laughed. She pointed her sword at Kenan. "Grow!" The sword expanded and penetrated Kenan in his shoulder.

Splinter jumped back and pulled out a long black sword. "Kenan!"

"I'm fine. Can't feel it. Focus on the enemy!"

Splinter turned around. He was stunned to see Nzinga running towards him. He swung his sword. Nzinga pulled out the second sword and swung it. Splinter leaned back to dodge. While leaning back, Nzinga threw a sword in the air and quickly pulled out a knife.

Splinter noticed it. As she swung, Splinter disappeared from view. "Incredible speed!" Nzinga turned around.

Splinter was floating upside down and held two fingers together. "I'm still new to my aura. I've learnt to build it up over the years. Madness attack: Hoax!" A small black ball formed on the tip of Splinter's two fingers. The ball grew and grew. He struck out his arm and shot the ball at Nzinga. The ball erased everything around it and in its path.

"Oh damn!" Nzinga laughed. She used the knife to block the black ball from hitting her. The black ball pushed her through the forest. She managed to build up her strength and slice it in half before it exploded.

Nzinga was on her back, with fallen trees all around her. She noticed blood coming down from the top of her eye.

"You damn monster!" Nzinga laughed. She wiped the dust from her pants and caught her sword.

The slowly twirled her swords around while walking towards Splinter. She could hear heavy footsteps behind her. "Pick your feet up! You're moving too heavy and fast, soldier!" Nzinga turned around to see a huge shadow. Kenan had pulled his arm back and punched. Nzinga jumped out of the way.

Kenan continued his attack, as he threw a barrage of punches. Nzinga dodged each punch swiftly. She had a smile on her face. She slapped Kenan's arm away, making him lose his balance and fall forward. Nzinga took a slow step forward and punched Kenan in the gut. "Too slow. You should learn to-"

"You should learn to know your enemy before talking shit!" Kenan grabbed Nzinga and slammed her in the ground.

A small crater was made, as Nzinga vanished from the ground. Kenan looked around to see the flashes of Nzinga moving at incredible speed through the trees.

Splinter jumped through the trees and began to cut trees down. "Don't let her get away! She dies here!" Splinter yelled.

Kenan took a deep breath. His put aura in his hands and began to slam them into the ground, cussing a small earthquake-like attack.

Trees collapsed and Nzinga was nowhere to be found. Splinter could see Nzinga go behind Kenan. "Kenan, watch out!"

Kenan flexed his back. Nzinga's knife snapped in half.

Amazing. These two aren't your average fighters. They're definitely way above master's level…and I can tell they barley have fighting experience. Nzinga leaped backwards and pulled out one of her swords. "Grow!"

The sword grew and grew. Nzinga swung the sword around, destroying the forest around her. "Now…this is a fight!" She laughed. Splinter hovered over her. He slowly pulled out his sword.

Kenan managed to leap to Nzinga. He grabbed her and tossed her towards Splinter. "Madness slice!"

Black aura surrounded his sword. The aura shot from the sword and towards Nzinga. Nzinga pointed her second sword at the ground. "Grow!"

Nzinga used her second sword to push her higher in the air. Dodging Splinter's attack. Nzinga jumped off of her sword and clapped her hands together. "Time to play ruff. Expansion-"

A frozen chain swing through the air, wrapped around splinter, and slammed him into the ground.

"You did good, Nzinga. I didn't say kill them. I need to steal a little bit of their aura". A woman said.

Kenan slowly turned his head. "M-mother?"

Splinter opened his eyes. "Mom! This woman…she's trying to-"

"I hired her. You two must understand…I need your powers. It's the only way I'll be able to go back. Forgive me…but I have to-"

Kenan ran towards the woman. He leaped in the air and prepared himself to pounce on her.

She jumped back and pointed at the ground. A light blue sword spawned from thin air. She sliced through Kenan's thick skin with ease.

Splinter broke free from the chains and managed to get behind her. "How could you do this?! After everything we've done!!" Splinter swung his sword and missed, as the woman disappeared from view.

While in the air, she began to swing the chains once again. "You don't seem to get it! I only used the ten of you boys! Over the years…I sacrificed each one while draining their aura. It's the only way for me to get my powers back and from breaking this curse!"

The woman waved the chains violently. The entire forest was destroyed. The woman continued to look around in her magnificent ice armor. "You were everything we wanted to be! Strong, smart, caring, the way you never gave up! You were supposed to be our hero! You…you just threw everything away!" Splinter managed to get behind her again and tackle her towards the Earth.

She spun out of Splinter's arms and landed softly on the ground. "How could you? We did everything you said! We trusted you!"

"Enough of the damn babbling! You think I wanted this? I didn't ask for this life! It just happened!" She pulled out the chains again. "You boys weren't my goal. I needed the ten of you so I can feed off of your aura and energy. I know you caught on…you just didn't tell the others. You didn't believe what I was doing. You didn't want to. If only you'd have spoke up from the beginning, your little friends would be alive. But you didn't want to take the risk! You wanted to play it safe and wait!"

Splinter jumped at the woman. He spun his sword and jabbed it towards her. "Thrust!"

She jumped out of the way and noticed a hole in the ground. "All that force. Who taught you that? A friend I don't know about?" She threw the chains around nearby trees and pulled them in.

Splinter sliced through each tree and used trees as cover from view.


Kenan ran through the forest with Nzinga following behind him. "This woman is something. You from the Kani clan or what?"

"I'm from a kingdom. I'm with the Kani, yes, but I'll take my kingdom back".

"You won't be able to". Kenan said.

"Yeah?" Nzinga pointed her sword. "Grow!"

Kenan's body had disappeared. The entire time, Kenan had been charging up a powerful attack using his beautiful purple-like aura.

"Omega punch!" Kenan threw a powerful jab. Nzinga could feel the affects of the punch running through her body like a wildfire. Kenan began to throw barrages. Nzinga could feel each one.

"Where…the hell is he?!" She yelled in pain.

Nzinga took a deep breath and took a stance. "I didn't want to do this…but this little brat has left me with no choice! Damn you Udo! Hidden Troop technique!"

Kenan wasn't too far from Nzinga. A shiver went down his spine. "Her aura is increasing…what…what is this?!"

Nzinga looked in the direction of Kenan's location. Kenan could feel his heart skip a beat.

Nzinga's body grew in size. She arches her back, jumped in the air, and landed a punch on Kenan. Kenan went flying through the forest. He stopped himself and popped up from the ground.

"Take this! Phantom Barrage!!" Purple aura was around Kenan's fist. He punched Nzinga and began to speed up. He went so fast that his arms had disappeared from view.

Purple circles formed on Nzinga's body, where she was taking the hits. Kenan slowly stopped and realized how much bigger she was getting. "Nzinga winked at Kenan, grabbed him by the head, and threw him.

While heading towards a tree, Kenan thought to himself.

I get it now. The more damage you take the stronger you get. Kenan thought, as he used the tree to slingshot himself at Nzinga.

"I know you're hear! So come out…Totem!"

Totem jumped out from the bushes and punched Nzinga in the face. "Come on, Kenan!" Totem yelled as they both quickly pursued her.

The two punched Nzinga in barrages. Her body grew and grew. "She must have a limit! Hurry up and find it!" Totem yelled.

While punching, Kenan quickly studied the way Nzinga's body was reacting.

That's it! Damn, I see it! She's busy taking the impact and storing all of the aura that's building up instead of releasing it. It makes her physically stronger,yes, but she's more fragile. She's basically like a damn balloon! With the right amount of force,power,and reaction speed…I can almost deflate her and weaken her. But that's just the start of what I'll do! First: I'm gonna deflate her…get rid of this ability. Second: I'm gonna designer lungs, rip out her eyeballs, crush her heart, and break almost every bone in her useless body! Third: I'm gonna make it slow and painful! I'll make her suffer! Everyone will know just how badly she'll be torn apart! Kenan thought.

Totem threw a punch. Kenan's whole world had slowed down. He activated his ability. "I can see! The flow of aura throughout that body!"

The aura all gathered up in the area of impact. Within the blink of an eye, Kenan managed to land a devastating blow to Nzinga.

Nzinga's body shrieked and her muscles decreased drastically. Without eating a second longer, Kenan grabbed Nzinga by the neck and slammed her into the ground. He could feel her neck snap, as he cut all over her body with her own knife.

He then grabbed her eyes and pulled them out. "Kenan…" Totem turned away. He could barley keep his eyes open. He had lost too much blood. "Kenan, stop it. She's already-"

"Screw that! I'm gonna make her suffer for what she did! Everyone we've known is gone!" Kenan yelled.


Splinter and the woman were fighting at close quarters. Splinter had blood spilling from the top of his head and shoulders.

"You hurt us! Every last one!" Splinter yelled. The woman's eyes grew, as she kicked him away.

"You won't understand! You haven't suffered like I have!" She cried out.

"Frost weapon: Battle Axe!"

I feel like something's gonna happen. This unshakable feeling, she thought to herself.

The axe was made out of thick ice and was almost bigger than her body. Splinter floated around and dodged her swings with ease.

Splinter flew back and realized his foot was frozen. "No…it's perfect! I got you!" She used her aura to unleash an attack that seemed to have sliced Splinter in half.

The dust cleared and Splinter's body came in view. "That's fine. His aura is still activated for at least five minutes after death. I'll get Kenan and Totem". The woman put the axe back into a portal-like carrier.

She turned around and began walking away. Not long after…she was shocked to see Splinter, with his long hair hanging over his face, standing in the middle of the forest.

"I saw…I saw your body get sliced-"

"There's a lot you don't know about me! A friend…no, a brother of mine showed me new things! I have tons of information you couldn't possibly imagine!" Splinter yelled. He threw his arms in the air and laughed.

"You've lost! You failed to kill me! And even if you wanted to…it's just not possible! You don't know what I am!"

The woman calmed herself. "I'm not gonna lose. I raised you boys. I know all I need to know".

"You're wrong! After doing research…I realized just how rare my aura is. It's part of a legendary power family!"

The woman's eyes grew. "A power family!? There's only-"

"There's more than just what's on the island! You see, there were ten power families. We all know there's three or so on the island. Each power family is directly related to the ten gods of the golden era of our race! I also found something out! The only way for a power family member to die is of age or if they're killed by someone else who's in a power family! Only another power family can kill me! I'm royalty when it comes to this…you can't kill me, mother!" Splinter laughed as he began to spin around.

"That's what that feeling was. There are only three power families on the island. Each family is directly related to one of the gods. But…who is Splinter related to? Who told him this information?" She asked herself, as she used a long sword to cut through the trees. Splinter disappeared. "His speed is unreal!"

Splinter was behind her. He smiled and pointed at her. "Madness attack: Negative".

A black beam shot towards the woman. She pulled out her axe and held it sideways to block it. She crashed into a few trees. She lifted her head to see him laughing in the sky.

"You damn bastard. This isn't supposed to happen!"

(She thought about her husband)

"I…Power family or not! I'll find a way to kill you here and now!" She reached inside of a portal and pulled out a staff with a sharp blade on the end. She threw it at Splinter, as she casually dodged it.

(Splinter wasn't paying her any attention. He looked around at the ground and felt amazed)

"I'm sorry…everyone. I didn't want to take the risk and win. It's my fault you all died. Forgive me. I'll live…I'll live everyday remembering just how much of a coward I am. I had the power to stop this but didn't. I was scared of what might happen".

Splinter looked on and made eye contact with the woman. "A guy around the same age as us. He taught me the madness techniques. But this…this is something I came up with on the fly. Hope you enjoy it, mother. Madness attack: Black Hole".

A spark of dark aura formed in front of Splinter. He snapped his fingers. The woman dropped her weapon and accepted fate.

"I knew something was wrong".


Half of the woman's body was gone. Completely erased. Splinter landed softly on the ground. The woman was still alive. She lay on the ground and looked at the beautiful clouds above.

Splinter stood beside her. "I don't know what to say". He said in a soft voice.

"There is nothing to say. I lost. You boys…are truly remarkable".

Splinter gritted his teeth. "Why…why do this for your family? They're probably dead-"

"Don't believe it. We all…we all have things to believe in. That's what keeps us pushing".

"It's sad. After everything you've done…I still look at you as my one and only mom. What clan are you from? I want to make a promise".

"I'm from the Frost clan. Why?"

(She began to cough blood)

"Who's your husband? I'll go with what you said. Believing in things. I can promise you…I'll find him and tell him you were looking for him".

The woman stared at Splinter for a while. She smirked. "If you do get to meet him…his name is…Jack".


Splinter backed away and raised his sword. "Do you…have any last words?"

The woman thought about her daughter and Jack. "No. I'll be with my little girl. I'm glad".

Splinter raised his sword. "I still would've saved you. Even after everything. I still love you because you showed love to me. No one has ever shown love to me".

"I didn't want to do the things I did. I need the aura so I can get my frost powers back. The king pretended to kill me to create his little soldier out of my husband. If I had my frost powers…I could've made it back to possibly find my husband and broke the curse he placed on me to age quickly. Finish what I started and kill me".

(A slicing sound echoed through the forest)


Nzinga's body lay in the middle of the open area. Kenan slowly carried Totem's body through the forest. He saw Splinter walking towards him.

"Splinter? Are you alright? Totem…he bled out".

Splinter rubbed his finger across Totem's face. "Rest easy".

"Where do we go now?" Kenan asked.

"We go where he said we're welcome. We stay with that Adisa guy".


An old man stumbled across the woman's body. "Been watching this one for a while. Her body will do. The tree should accept her…I am the great Ellowyn after all".


Island IPs found Nzinga's body.

"Make a call to the Kani! Quickly! Tell Udo!"


Next Chapter: No Regrets