
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

No Regrets

"You're always running away. There's nothing wrong with that…at least try to put up a little fight". The man said. He towered over Charlie. "It's a flight or fight. Not good for creatures. All of them have that feeling".

The man pointed his gun at Charlie. "So…what are you gonna do in this situation? Let me kill you? Fight back? Run away? What are you gonna do, Charlie? Tell me!"

Charlie sat in silence and jumped up to quickly run away. "Come on little brother! This is supposed to be training! If you're not willing to risk your own life…you can't even call yourself a true fighter!"

Charlie ran and ran. "Chester is crazy! He knows damn well I can't beat him".


Charlie slowly opened his eyes. The water moved aggressively, as Titan walked closer towards the island. Charlie could barley lift his hand.

"Can't move. Am I scared? Or am I really injured?"

Charlie looked around and tried to move his body. "Get up. Your job isn't finished yet! I have to do this!" Charlie pushed himself off from the water and yelled at Titan.

"Where are you going?! The fight is just getting started!"

Titan stopped and slowly turned his head. He opened his mouth to prepare another blast, But Charlie couldn't take another step. Fear corrupted his mind. "I…I have to move. Come on! Move you stupid body!"

The blast was approaching Charlie. Suddenly, Charlie was pushed out of the way. He looked up. It was Splinter. "I didn't ask for your saving!" Charlie yelled, as Splinter focused on the blast. "I know…what you're feeling! It's not the body that's stopping you from taking action. It's the mind. Conquer the mind, you'll conquer and learn about yourself! Now let's take this thing down".

Splinter pushed the beam in the sky and ran towards Titan on top of the water. Titan clapped his hands and slammed them into the water. "Decaying spiderweb".

The water broke apart into a spiderweb-like shape. The decay traveled towards Splinter. Charlie swooped in on his cloud and grabbed Splinter. "Woah!" Splinter laughed, as Charlie dodged Titan's attack.

"You have a plan?" Charlie asked. The two floated over Titan on top of Charlie's cloud. "Yep. A pretty painful plan. Here's what I've got".


Charlie stared at Splinter. "Are…you sure? I don't think me or you will-"

"I'm positive. Years ago…I didn't want to take a risk. I'm willing to risk it all to save my crew on the island. After this…there's some things you need to know about your little captain". Splinter jumped off of the cloud and towards Titan.


Wonder turned his head and focused on Udo. "Things are finally starting to heat up. I can feel everyone getting ready to fight. This is destiny". Wonder purred.

Udo's body and aura had changed. He seemed a lot calmer and less talkative. "Aren't you supposed to look like a devil? This form is different. You fused with your aura beast…but look the same?"

"You talk too much". Udo said. Udo opened his eyes and moved at great speed through Wonder. Wonder froze up. As slashes appeared around his body.

Wonder spun around to meet Udo eye to eye. The two started throwing punches that made the water levels rise. Udo threw a left hook. Wonder blocked it and countered with a quick jab. The jab pushed Udo back.

Wonder clapped his hands. Udo was shocked to see afterimages of Wonder starting to take shape. There were three of him. Udo took a few steps back and studied the afterimages.

"You aren't the only one who can move at great speeds". Wonder roared. Wonder leaped towards Udo. Udo and three three punches at each other.

Udo managed to grab one by the leg and throw it into another. "Ra's shine!" A light formed in Udo's hand. He shot the ball at the two Wonder's, hoping it was the real one.

The two vanished. Udo spun around to see a giant fist that connected with his jaw. Udo was knocked off of his feet and began to fly through the air. Wonder ran on top of the water to catch up with him. Wonder kicked Udo in the back to push him higher in the air.

Wonder put his hands together and brought them to his side. "Beast Attack: Beast Beam." Wonder shot a powerful beam of aura at Udo.

Udo opened his eyes and smiled. He spun around and flew out of the way. "This is what I need". Udo whispered.

Wonder jumped across the ocean and spreader his fingers apart. From each finger tip shot little blast made out of his aura.

Udo felt powerful. He soared closer and closer towards Wonder, even while being hit with some of the blast that took his flesh.

"This is what I need!!" Udo yelled.

He's letting the attacks hit him! Why? His aura feels different from before, Wonder thought. Udo teleported to Wonder. He grabbed him by the hair. Wonder did a front flip to get out of Udo's grasp.

"Claw". Wonder whispered.

Udo pulled his arm back to prepare himself for a powerful punch. He was stunned to see his whole right arm flying in front of him. He looked to his side. His arm had been sliced off.

Damn it! I can't heal anymore. If I keep healing, I'll just waste all of my aura on it. I need to end this fast! But for some reason…I'm enjoying it! Udo leaned back and used his left arm to throw a powerful overhand. Wonder blocked it, but the force pushed him back.

"Your energy is…rising? That's unusual-"

"You don't know a damn thing about the Akie race, do you?" Udo laughed.

Wonder squinted his eyes. "The dragon boosted his movement and durability. My body is still evolving as we speak…but, it's taking too long. He has another ace up his sleeve".

Udo pointed at Wonder. "Akies…reach a mental breaking point in battle. Boosting all of our attributes to their absolute peak when pushed to the limits!" Udo laughed.

Wonder quickly took a fighting stance. "Limit breaking point!" Wonder growled.

"Bingo! When we fight for long periods of time, our aura starts to burn some of the brain cells. This triggers almost a fight or flight reaction. We don't run…never have. When the brain and aura clash…our power doubles! The finale response to us overworking our self! In this state…we tend to go crazy and let wild!" Udo laughed as his aura pushed Wonder away.

"You're gonna lose to a old man!" Udo pointed at Wonder again. This time, a bright light formed at the tip of his fingers. "Ra's Sunshine attack!"

The light glowed bright. Half of Wonder's body was completely destroyed, erased, it seemed. Wonder fell back and let out a distress call.


Obsidian's ears ringed.

Amethyst's ears ringed.

Lapis's ears ringed.

Pearl's ears ringed.

Opal's ears ringed.


Udo could feel the ocean shaking. "What's wrong?! Scared? You said you were immortal, right!?" Udo laughed, as he dashed across the ocean and punched Wonder in the face, nearly ripping is thick head off.

Udo managed to get behind Wonder while he was in the air from the hit. He grabbed Wonder by his head with his one arm and legs with his mouth. He slammed Womder against his knee.

Wonder roared in pain.


"Lapis!!! Go assist the king at once!" Pearl yelled telepathically to Lapis.


Wonder used his claws to slash Udo across the face. Udo didn't budge. He kept the pressure. Using one arm, Wonder blocked and dodged most of Udo's punches.

"There it is!!" Udo yelled.

He quickly moved his arm around in a circular motion. He slapped his hand against Wonder's chest, as a giant symbol appeared on Wonder's chest. "Slam!" Wonder felt his bones being crushed.

Wonder was hit towards the island. He crashed through the forest, with Udo running by his side. Wonder opened his eyes and tired to attack, but Udo delivered another powerful punch.

These aren't normal punches…these punches are hitting something else.

Wonder used both of his legs to jump away from Udo. He used his left eye to look at Udo. "You starting to notice?! I bet that ass is shocked now!" Udo yelled while flying towards Wonder.

"I don't know how…but…Udo is touching my soul!"

Touching one's soul not only does more damage…but it halts or slows down the person's abilities. Since the beginning, Wonder used his thinking ability to become immortal. Since Udo has landed great blows to Wonder's soul directly, his immortality has been halted completely.

"You're the second to go against this ability. This is called: Soul Punishment".

Wonder gritted his teeth while running through the forest. "My thinking has no affect anymore! Besides, if I wanted to think I couldn't, or I'd do damage to myself". Wonder said to himself.

Wonder turned to his left. While he jumped through the trees. Udo flew a few feet away from him, right at his side. Wonder and Udo both lifted their hand up. The two started to shoot little blast of energy at each other.

The energy shots clashed, causing a massive burst of aura in the area. Wonder and Udo stopped. The dust blocked their views.

The two charged up their remaining arms with aura. Udo jumped through the dust. Wonder had disappeared.

Wonder jumped from a nearby tree and landed a powerful punch to the back of Udo's head. Udo turned around with a wide smile on his face.

"Is that all?!" Udo laughed.

He kicked Wonder, causing the creature to go feet into the air.

While in the air, Wonder began to think harder and harder. "What is this feeling? I feel…like doing nothing…nothing at all. Why? Why do I have such feelings? I didn't think it would come to this…I'll use half of it for the sake of the island".

Udo stayed on the ground and snapped his fingers. The force from the snap traveled through the air.

Wonder turned, as his eyes widened from surprise, the attack hit him directly in the eye.

"This…is the end, Udo".


Titan swung his arms at the two. Splinter and Charlie weren't making any progress.

"He's getting too damn close. It's now or never, Charlie! No regrets! Just do it!" Splinter jumped towards Titan. He could feel his skin starting to decay.

Splinter used his aura to create a flash that blinded Titan. "Now! Go charge up the attack!" Splinter yelled.

Charlie raised his hands in the air and started to chant. Splinter turned his attention to Titan.

"DAMN…MY EYES!! YOU ANTS WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!" Titan stomped around, trying to hit one of them. Splinter floated above Titan and held his hands together.

"Madness…Azura blow!"

A black ball with purple electricity surrounding it formed on Splinter's hand. Titan pointed at him. "Air-type: Jab"

Splinter could see something traveling through the air. He leaned backwards to dodge it. "He can throw his decaying shield?"

Splinter teleported around Titan. He threw the ball of energy. The ball collided with Titan's decaying forcefield.

"I see. That's it! I found the opening!" Splinter yelled as he began to fly around at greater speeds. "Come on…where's the attack?"

Charlie gathered energy from the clouds above. "Ultimate technique: Hallow-"

Titan jumped towards Charlie. Charlie stopped his chant and froze. Titan opened his mouth and hit Charlie with another powerful beam.

Splinter ran on the water. Quickly beside Titan, who was running towards Charlie. Splinter pointed his sword towards Titan's giant feet. "Needle shot!"

Splinter's aura shot from the tip of his sword. The strike connected with Titan's forcefield, stopping his attack once again.

"I have to do this!"

Titan approached Charlie and threw a punch. "Perfect!" Splinter quickly jumped and flew towards Titan's fist.

Titan hit Charlie, but was shocked to see his body become mist. "A…a clone?!"

Splinter appeared. He swung his sword, but the forcefield stopped it on time. Splinter could feel his skin beginning to decay.

Damn it. I was too slow. I have to do it!" Splinter flew away. Titan was in pursuit. "For his size he's incredibly fast".

Splinter turned around and sped up. "Now or never…Charlie".

Charlie appeared from the mist. Splinter quickly stopped and spun around while reaching for his sword.

"Ultimate technique: Hallow Cloud play".

The mist thickened. Titan couldn't see,breath,sense, or feel anything. "Titan threw punches violently. "You hide in the mist like a coward! Come out and-"

Titan felt tired all of a sudden. "No,no, no, I won't allow you to do this! He's draining my power".

I'm this moment…Titan felt a pinch of anger.

"I didn't think it would come to this". He said, as he took a deep breath. "I'll destroy everything here. Expansion!"

Next Chapter: No Regrets pt 2