
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

Killing spree

Aliyah wandered in the darkness. She continued to walk over the dead bodies of her clan mates.

Aliyah grew more and more angry by the second. "Have to know why they need us. Only the Leo clan?"

She continued walking. She heard footsteps approaching her once again. She turned around to see nothing.

"There has to be someone here…I just don't feel like wasting my breath again." She said.

She could hear what sounded like a little girl's voice in her head.

Aliyah stood in place and started to freak out.

"Th-there's someone alive!?" She yelled out.

(You let me die) she heard.

Aliyah dropped the fire and held her head tight.

"What are these voices!?"

She could hear multiple voices inside her head. Thousands of them.

Aliyah felt a hand grab her ankles tight.

She looked down to see all the bodies moving. She kicked the corps in the face and jumped in the air. M

(They're alive!? No, that can't be. This must be someone controlling them…unless)

Aliyah stood ok the roof. Hanging upside down as though she was a bat.

(You left us to die)

(We're going to kill you!)

"Shut up!" She yelled in frustration.

All the corps around her stated to climb towards her. Aliyah had fear in her eyes as she jumped away from the group.

A tall man with a missing arm tried to swing his sword at her.

She dodged and the blade barley missed. She could see pieces of her hair falling on the ground.

Aliyah tried to jump again but someone pulled her to the ground by her hair.

She grabbed a katana from her back and slashed their hand off. "Are you guys…still in there?" She asked.

Aliyah was surrounded by thousands of people. She stared hard at the ground and closed her eyes.

(There's to many. And I'm all out of ideas.)

All the corpse where getting closer and closer, now.

"Looks like this is the end…my friends." She whispered.

Meanwhile, back at the purple door. Winter stood in front blocking Trover and Jerome's escape.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop attacking?" She asked.

"What-what did you do with Aliyah!?" Trover asked.

"It's not what I did. It's what she's going to do! You don't think she'd kill all of her clan members, do you?" Winter asked.

Trover could feel is blood boiling.

Winter pointed to the right at two dead bodies.

"You see. These two kids tried to escape and run back to her. I killed them and turned them into warriors and they died in battle…how weak!" Winter said in anger.

She looked at the two dead boys and froze their bodies. Trover watched as both of them turned to dust.

"Winter…how old were they?" Trover asked in a calm voice. His hair covered his eyes. The only thing that could be seen was the frown made by his lips.

"I don't know. Uhh, 10 or so? They're nothing more than tools anyways."

Winter stopped talking when noticing blood coming from Trover's eyes.

He was crying tears of blood. Trover looked up with anger.

"That face….that's the face I used to make when father made me fight my younger brother. But…your to weak to do anything about it." Winter whispered.

"Why would you take their lives? They were only 10. They were young and still had their live's ahead of them." Trover said in a deep tone.

Jerome took a couple of steps back and sat down in a chair while out of breath.

"Listen. I don't care about them. So now that your pissing me off…I'm going to kill you!" She said.

Without any thought. Trover launched himself at Winter. Winter stood still and took the hit. The hit was so strong that the hallway now had a giant hole leading to another area of the building.

The smoke cleared and Trover was shocked to see Winter's pointer finger. (She stopped the attack with one finger!? I used some of my aura with my staff…how in the-)

Trover felt pain on the left side of his face. He was punched through the wall and into another room.

Winter slowly walked towards him.

"This…this isn't a normal punch. It's draining…my-my consciousness!" Trover said to himself.

"Can my brother do that?" Winter asked.

Trover ignored her and got to his feet. "Sacred art, first swing:judgment!"

The staff grew larger in size. Trover swung the weapon in Winter's direction. The force was so strong that it sent Winter flying.

She crashed into the wall and started laughing. "What level are you? Im guessing platinum or something?" Winter asked.

Trover looked at the ground and stared. "Shit…I'm about to pass out. And I didn't even do anything." He whispered to himself.

When Trover opened his eyes again, Winter was standing over him.

She closed her left eye. "Eternal ice." She said.

Trover's body felt cold on the inside. (This pain…what's going on with my body!?) he thought to himself.

"As of right now I've planted a ice seed in your body. In a couple of minutes or so…you'll be frozen for life."

"For life, huh? That sounds…interesting." Trover said with pain in his voice.

He took a look over at Jerome and noticed him passed out on the chair. "Well…looks like she's here." Trover said.

Winter had a confused look on her face. "She?" She asked.

Winter turned around and looked at the doorway. She was staring at Aliyah, who was drenched in blood.

Winter had a surprised look on her face. "Don't tell me you actually killed every last one of your people!?" Winter asked.

"I didn't kill them. I let their bodies rest!" Aliyah said with anger.

"You Leo people never disappoint in surprising me. But where will you go now? You'll have no one." Winter teased.

"I'll just join the Kani." Aliyah said as she lunged at Winter.

Winter turned red with happiness. "That's what I like to hear!" She said.

Winter lunged her body towards Aliyah and kicked her out in the hall.

"More room out here, don't you think?"

"Enough talk. I'm going to kill you, now!" Aliyah threatened.

Winter blinked and noticed Aliyah was gone. "Where did she-"

Winter heard footsteps approaching from behind. She turned around to see nothing.

Winter felt pressure on the right side of her face. She was his so hard with the staff that she didn't realize her head was falling off her body.

"Oh…your a strong one aren't you?"