
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

Hide n seek

Frost released the frozen spell and let everyone lose.

As soon as he did so Bella whispered "sleep"and everyone fell asleep.

"I'll be killing all these people who heard me…the rest of you can run and hide as I try and find you!" Bella said.

"Why are you doing this?" Frost asked.

"I'll count to 30."

Bella ignored his question and started counting.

"Can't we just fight her?" Metal asked.

"No we can't. I don't know yet, but something is wrong with certain people's powers. Only some of us can use ours…I can't." Summer explained.

"Yea same. I can't use it." Jade and Frost said at the same time.

Everyone heard Bella get to 20 and started running.

While running down stairs passing other people they were coming up with a plan to outsmart Bella.

"So who the hell has their powers on them!?" Frost asked while turning a corner.

"Me, Blue, and Metal." Hannah said.

"We'll come up with a plan to stop her. For now you guys get people to safety and hide them." Blue said.

Before the two groups could split up there were gunshots above them with people screaming.

"Ok, good luck!" Summer yelled as they ran into the dark hall.

Blue turned around to talk with the others.

"Everyone get in a circle!"

Blue didn't realize Gerry was with them. "Where in the hell did-do you have your powers Gerry!??" Hannah asked.

"Yea of course I do. The only people that don't are from Kani clan." Gerry said.

"I see….we have metals ability,mine,Hanna's and Gerry's." Blue said.

Before they could talk any further, Bella ran down the steps and shot two bullets at the group.

Blue and everyone scattered away except for Metal.

"Oh that's right…your body literally turns into Metal,haahahah!"

Metal punched the floor on the building they were standing on and made it fall on top of the people below them.

"All these people you've killed…you damn idiot!" Bella yelled.

Metal ignored her and charged at her with his fist.

"You don't even have aura…your just a basic user and that's lame, very lame!"

Bella jumped up and shot at Metal. Metal's body quickly evaporated in air.

"That's it?!!" Bella asked.

"No, not even close you damn idiot!!" Metal yelled out in the distance somewhere.

Bella was looking around for Metal. She was trying to find him among all the people still trying to get out the building.

"Humans….there so annoying….GO TO SLEEP!"

Everyone in the blink of an eye fell to the ground.

"Now kill!"

All the people that fell asleep quickly got up, and started running around killing people off on the floors below.

"Now that it's just us here…I'll kill you myself!"

All of a sudden,Bella could hear footsteps behind her from the shadows. It was blue.

"You think you can take us all on?" Blue asked.

"Well of course and besides….your all weak!"

Blue held out his hand to reveal lighting coming from it.

"What the he'll is that!?" Bella asked.

"Something I'll use to kill you…that is if this plan works." Blue whispered.

"Let's make it happen then." Bella said.

Blue quickly threw a jab at Bella with lighting coming out from it.

Bella quickly jumped out of the way and landed back first into a wall.

"I wasn't aiming for you princess!"

Bella quickly looked up to see Metal's body covered with electricity around his body.

"I see." Bella said, she quickly got up and started running deeper into the darkness around them.

Metal lunched his body at her with a loud explosion.

Blue and Metal were both, each on Bell's sides while running.

"Whenever I shoot him with my lighting it must travel through him to hit the ground!" Blue explained.

"Your not so dumb after all….but I'm not losing to you idiots!!"

Bella quickly pulled out two pistols and started firing in all directions.

Blue came up from behind her and thee a knife with electricity around it.

Bella shot it and made it reflect.

"Sleep!!" Bella yelled.

Blue fell to the ground and Metal came running at Bella.

"Sleep." Bella whispered.

Bella was shocked to see that Metal was still on his feet running at her.

"What the hell!?"

Bella jumped back and put some weird juice in her gun.

"That can't be-" Metal stopped in his tracks and backed away.


Blue got off the ground with rage in his eyes.

Metal just looked with shock in his eyes.

"How in the hell-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was blasted away with a Grenade. His body went flying out the huge tower and plummeted into the street.

Blue turned around to see Bella with the weird juice in her hand.

"As I was saying before…do you mind killing them?!" Bella asked.

"Sorry, but that sleeping crap won't work on me."


"I have electricity stored in certain parts of my body…there's also one in the nerve system area. All I have to do is pump it each time I hear you saying some shit with s."

Bella had a annoyed look on her face.

"Everyone…do it now!!"

Gerry and Hannah came out from the shadows. Bella looked at the floor to see that she had been caught in some weird black goo.

"Got her!!"

Gerry yelled out.

Hannah and Blue both ran at Bella. Blue got there first and tried to go for the head.

But Bella moved her head to the side.

As Blue missed his target Hannah could see the substance in Bella's hand.

"Get away from her now!!"

Hannah screamed.

"Oh? You all know what this is!?"

"Yea we know very well, you used that to attack the clan of skies before and start conflict." Gerry said.

Everyone backed away slowly.

"We do what we do because we want real freedom….what's so wrong with that?" Bella asked.

No one said anything and started creeping away.

"I won't use this…not yet anyways. Instead I'll go with the original plan."

"Wait what are you doing?!" Blue asked.

Bella slowly put both her hands together. As if she was meditating.

"Get out and run far as possible!!" Hannah yelled to everyone.

"To late fools…..expansion!!"

Everyone quickly ran to the opening mg where Metal was hit.

"Expansion….blooming wilderness!"

Bella started laughing historically as a huge pink fog started covering the whole city.

Bella looked up to see herself on the whole floor by herself.

"You can't run from this….now sleep."

Bella looked down on the city to see everyone in the street passed out.

Jugo's copies we're still up and running.

"Who the hell is still up?"

Bella looked further down the street were Jugo's copies we're headed.

Down the street you could see Jerome and Jericho still fighting off the army.

"That maniac…good luck fighting your own comrades. I know you don't like to kill the people you actually care about….and that's what makes you weak." Bella whispered.

"Now kill!!"

As Bella said that everyone in the street had woken up and started marching towards Jericho and Jerome.

"Can you take on hundreds of thousands of people??!!" Bella laughed.

"Wait…where did the-" before Jade could finish her sentence she felt a cold pain on her back.

She turned around to see a little girl .

"Wait…your the one I put to sleep!" Jade said.

The girl lifted up her hand and formed a fist.

In that moment Jade could feel her throat being crushed.

"What is this?!!" Jade thought.

"I told you if you annoy me….I'll kill you!"

The girl said.

She walked closer to Jade and proceeded to lift her up on the wall.

It was as though Jade was floating on air and being choked. But the girl wasn't near her.

"This is the power….of the families…amazing. And for her to be so young!!"

"Time to get rid of you…goodbye stranger!" The girl said.

Before anything else could be done Frost busted in the door and quickly froze the girls hands.

"Wait…don't kill her!" He said.

The girl had a confused look on her face.

"Why do you want to save her!? She attacked me and put most of the city to sleep…and by the way, your ice is weak."

Frost had an annoyed look on his face.

"We need at least one of them alive and we don't know where the others are. One of our comrades are fighting the other one!" Frost explained.

"Hahaha….Frost you've always been soft. You could never kill the people you love most." Jade whispered.

"What was that?" Frost asked.

"Here's a little present."

Jade reached in her pocket and pulled out a baseball.

"You know." She said as she tossed it over to him.

It felt as though Frost's heats skipped a beat.

The ball rolled closer and closer to him.

A memory started surging his mind. He could see blood in grass with a baby crying.

"Where did you get this from?!!" Frost asked in a demanding tone.

"Three strikes and your out….am I right?"

Frost stared in disbelief.

Frost quickly put his hand on the floor to freeze Bella in air.

"That's enough from her." He said.

"Why did you do that? That was my kill."

"No. You won't be killing anyone today. Your just a ten year old."


"So you won't be doing that. We are here to protect you from these people!" Frost explained.

"If they get their hands on you then it's done. You'll stay in the building with Xavier while me and the others go outside to fix this." Frost said.

Frost and the girl heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

It was Xavier, Summer, and Jade.

Jade had disbelief on her face as she walked in.

"What happened!?" Frost asked.

Jade said nothing.

"For a while now…the fighting and yelling had stopped while they were fighting Bella. Did she kill all those people?" The girl asked.

Summer slowly nodded her head.

"Impressive!!" The girl said delightfully.

Jade raised her head up and had anger in her eyes.

"Shut your damn mouth!" She yelled over.

"I'd advice you to watch your mouth.." the girl whispered.

"You should take pride in your power…there's nothing wrong with being powerful. And besides, it's not like you can control all the damage." The girl added on.

"Damage?, no control?, what the hell are you saying?!" Jade said.

"Guys, we don't have time for this shit!. We need to hurry up and get out there to help Jericho and Jerome!" Summer said.

"There's four people coming as we speak…three are climbing to this floor right now and the other is lacking behind on a tower." The girl said.

"Me and Jade will stay behind. Summer and Frost, go help Jerome out!" Xavier said.

Summer and Frost jumped out of the giant hole in the window and headed towards the giant group of people marching down the street.

"There are around almost one million people going to them…interesting "power"." The girl said.

Back on the street in front of a arcade building, Jerome and Jericho were fighting off Jugo's.

"Damn it. There's no end to these bustards!!" Jericho said.

"Retreat to the highest tower. That way the humans won't be able to reach us!!" Jerome ordered.

Both of them quickly turned around and jumped on the roof of the building while dodging bullets.

"I'm getting sick of this shit….I'm about to use it and kill everyone here…" Jerome said.

"He must be talking about the reaper." Jericho thought to himself.

Back in the food tower the three waited and waited.

"You hear that?" Xavier asked.

"Yep. They should be approaching….right about now!"

Three figures could be seen standing in the opening.

It was Metal,Hannah,and Garry.

"What the hell are you guys-oh….looks like they are under control also." The girl said in a bored way.

Somewhere far in the distance watching the destruction was Light.

He looked down on the city.

"Step one is complete….now for step two."

"Laity…handle the queen's daughter." Light said.

From the darkness behind him came out Laity. She had a black robe on and a big hat.

"No need to worry. I've never lost a battle before in my life. I'll kill her in five minutes at least." Laity said in a very calm voice.

"That's true, very true."

Laity started walking off the building and she stood on the edge looking at the city.

"My power bring destruction and death….all my pain will be felt as of today by these weak minded fools." She said.

"Oh before you go…make sure you try not to kill everyone in the city. We need people to see this." Light said.

Laity rolled her eyes slowly.

"Whatever you say. And besides…I'll be the one to capture Jade."

"She still doesn't even know!"

"Know what?" Light asked.

A soft breeze went by, Laity's black hair blows in the wind. With the beautiful city lights.

"Nothing,It's for her to find out herself. This should be fun….very fun."

Laity walked off the building and disappeared into thin air.

"Destruction is always on the move huh?" Light asked himself.

"Well then…time to kill the other brat myself. Good luck Laity."