
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

Frost vs the king

Frost held his sister tight in his arms as he wailed, alone in the snow.

"I'm gonna kill him!! Every last living thing around me! You hear me!? I know your watching father!!" Frost yelled at the top of his lungs.

Frost stared at the highest mountain near the clan. (I'll go to mountain shill. That's where father stays.) Frost buried his sister and walked towards the mountain.

He approached the gate of the clan. No one was around anywhere as he was getting ready to open it, he suddenly felt a powerful presence.

He turned around to see Nzinga standing behind him.

"You need to calm down! Look at what you've done!" Nzinga yelled.

"What I've done? What have I done, Nzinga?" Frost asked in a bland tone. Nzinga saw no emotion in Frost's eyes.

"If you kill him…you'll lose the last person from your family! Believe me, you don't want to kill the people who your related to or never see them again." Nzinga explained.

"Unlike you, Nzinga….I'm not a coward. Both, he and you are cowards! A real man would have put their lives down to protect their family! Not abandon their son and kill their wife!" Frost yelled in anger.

"And besides, after this, you planned on attacking your family kingdom and want to rule over it!"

Nzinga stared in disbelief as Frost opened up the door. "I might just be like you too." He said as he disappeared.

"I've already started my plan. I just need your help, Frost." Nzinga said as she disappeared also.

Frost walked past everyone in the clan and marched towards the giant mountain ahead.

"The cursed kid…he's here!" Someone whispered among the crowd.

Everyone stared at Frost and moved out of his way as he slowly walked and push people out of his way.

His left eye looked like a perfect snowflake, while his right eye looked like a galaxy was in it.

Frost stopped in his tracks when hearing a loud "Boom!" Two giant doors opened up from the tall mountain, were the king slowly walked out and stared down at Frost.

(Don't you dare look down on me!) Frost thought to himself.

"It's been a while…Frost." The king said in his demanding voice. His voice shook the earth.

"I'm not here to talk…I'm here to kill you!" Frost said with determination.

Everyone in the clan quickly evacuated and fled from the area. Frost pointed at the gate and froze it in place to block the people from leaving.

"You all are cowards, that's the problem with this awful clan! Every last one of you, will watch this battle." Frost yelled out.

Frost looked up at the mountain to not see his father. A huge man landed and sent buildings flying.

Frost turned around to see a man covered in amor. "He wants me to go to the mountain?" Frost asked.

"We demand that you return the eyes of the princess!" The man said.

"She gave it to me. Now,tell me where my father went."

The man ignored Frost and walked towards him. Frost made the man's head bursts open when staring at him.

Everyone in the crowd ran for their lives and screamed in horror.

(They're all scared!? How do you think my family was when you all feared them? When you wanted me dead!) Frost thought in anger.

Frost jumped high in the sky and landed on the edge of the mountain where his father sat on a throne.

Frost lifted his head slowly to make eye-to-eye contact with his father.

"So…you've finally come." The king said in a deep voice.

"You still look the same…and those bullshit eyes." Frost whispered.

"What makes you come back!?" The king asked.

"Your soldiers attacked my clan. If I didn't come, you were gonna start a war with my clan, am I right?" Frost asked.

The king said nothing.

"Your in my territory, Frost! Lower your head when- I don't lower my head for no one, not even our gods!" Frost said.

"You killed your own wife,banished your son,tortured your people,and tried to kill your son years later! I understand you want revenge on the people of the clan, but…why be a coward!?" Frost asked.

The king had anger in his eyes as he stared at the ground.

"You think I'm a coward for Saving my families lives!? I did the right thing, Frost!" The king yelled.



"A real man does anything to protect his family, even if it's to lay down his own life! In the end, you sacrificed our mother and pinned the blame on me and made it seem like I was the child of prophecy everyone feared! That's a cowards way! If I were you I would have fought my clan and put them in their place, because as king, you have absolute power…right?"

"Seems we aren't eye-to-eye after all, Frost." He said.

Frost grabbed his hair and started laughing. "I've been through a lot these past couple of years! All because of you,the clan,sister,mother, and everyone!"

"So…what do you plan to do?"

"First, I'm gonna kill you! Second, I'm gonna burn everything to the ground! Screw this clan, when your dead I'll find a new leader to rule over it. It all starts with you father, I need you dead at my feet to achieve this plan! This is for winter and mother!" Frost explained.

"Your too weak to face me, Frost. But if it's a death wish you want…I'll gladly kill you."

"Wrong again." Frost laughed.

"What was that?"

"You wanted me gone because I was given the dragon mark of leader ship! The ice god chose me as the rightful ruler of the clan! Which is another reason why you wanted me banished. It means…I'm destined to surpass you!" Frost said.

(This brat knows about his mark?)

Frost lifted up his hair to reveal a dragon-looking tattoo.

"Your death comes now, father!"

The king quickly launched off the chair and punched Frost in the face, sending flying off of the mountain.

Frost Oop end his eyes quickly and summoned a barricade the kept him from falling.

Frost wiped his mouth and saw blood. "This if gonna be good!" He laughed.

"You can punch harder than that, right father?" Frost yelled.

The king took off his shirt to reveal his giant muscles. "I'm gonna enjoy killing you, Frost!"

The king closed his left eye. "Melt!"

Frost could feel his left arm being torched. (Shit! I forgot he can melt other ice users!)

Frost jumped out of the way and clapped his hands.

"Ice Dragon: purple lighting attack!"

A giant dragon was formed and shot the blast right at the king. The smoke cleared and a giant golem appeared through the smoke.

"The kings giant guard." Frost whispered.

The king stood on top of the golem's head as it marched towards Frost.

"Looks to be 50 meters tall. You giant pice of shit!"

The golem held out it's hand and created a ball of energy. "He's gonna shoot!?" Frost asked himself.

"Ice beam!" Frost quickly shot a giant beam of ice at the creature.

The creature shot back, making their powers clash.

Frost jumped through the smoke and summoned a very long sword. (Winter, I'm gonna burrow your monster!)

"Triple headed dragon!"

The dragon scooped Frost from beneath his feet and fly him towards the golem.

Frost jumped off and landed on top of the golem's head.

(The triple headed king dragon should be able to fight the golem. For now, I'll focus on my dad!)

Frost put his hand up to his mouth. "Breath of ice!" Blue flames shot from Frost's mouth as he pointed it at the king.

The king jumped out of the way. To avoid the blue flames.

"King's sword." He said as a long blade formed.

He swung it at Frost as Frost dodged it smoothly.

(There's no opening to this man! It's not that he's fast…but that he's slowing down my attacks somehow!)

Frost jumped away and waited for his dad's next move.

"Your still not strong enough to face me alone!" His father said.

Frost said nothing as he noticed blood, coming from his stomach.

"I must've been slashed." Frost whispered to himself.

"Give up my son. Winter already knows the truth about me and so do you! Why fight? Why not just come home?"

"Are you kidding me? What home!? My home is with the Kani! Nowhere else! You got that, father!?"

Silence fell between the two, as cold wind blew in the beautiful night sky.

"It's dark already!?" Frost asked.

"No. This is what happens when two powerful frost users fight! We have entered another realm!" The king explained.

(I'm too low on power to even cast another move. I'm finished, for real.) Frost thought to himself.

The king quickly flew over to Foray and grabbed him by the hair. He threw him across the mountain and into the middle of the clan.

Everyone ran away quickly as Frost let out a loud yell.

His aura spreader everywhere as his eyes and went full white. The king kicked Frost so hard that blood came from Frost's mouth.

"Forgive me." The king said as he stood over Frost. He stabbed Frost in the heart and pulled it out of his body.

The king squeezed it in his hand, as blood splattered everywhere.

The king rolled his eyes and walked away. "I thought you could be strong enough to defeat him…guess I was wrong!"

"Where are you going , Father!?" Frost asked as he was standing on two feet.

The king turned around with suspicion as he stared at Frost.

(His heart was crushed! How the hell is he alive!?)

"Your probably wondering how I'm alive! It's simple, I'm not normal, anymore!" Frost laughed.

"What the hell did you do!?" The king asked.

"I made a deal with a certain someone to give me immortality. You can't kill me, to put it short!" Frost explained.

The king took off his uniform and his shirt. "Fine. The real fight starts now, Frost!"

Next chapter: Frost's Trump Card To Victory!

Coming in 8 days