
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

fall of a bloodline part 1

Blaze was running at Jack. Blaze jumped in the air and tried to punch Jack.

Blaze cracked the ground with his punch. And Jack jumped back.

Before Jack could hit the ground,Blaze was already behind him.

Blaze delivered a nice hit to the back of Jack's head. Jack fell over then got back up quickly.

"What the hell?" Blaze said.

Jack turned around and tried to land a punch on Blaze. But Blaze used the fire under his feet to fly backwards.

(I know I hit him square in the head). Blaze thought to himself.

Jack lifted his head up and ran at Blaze.

Jack used his left leg to kick Blaze. But Blaze caught his leg.

Blaze started using the fire in his hands to heat up. But when Blaze looked down he was stunned to see that his flames weren't hurting Jack.

"As I figured. Your using amour ice." Blaze said.

Jack smiled.

He used his right leg and kicked Blaze on the left side of his face.

Blaze dropped Jack and then gathered himself.

Jack waved Blaze over again. He was taunting him. Blaze ran over and started pin I hung at Jack's stomach area.

"Hahahahah. It doesn't matter what you do. My ice regenerates at a fast pace." Jack said as Blaze was still punching at him.

Blaze could see I've forming on his stomach area and then coming back with a blink of an eye.

Blaze took a step back. It looked like he was about to throw a punch but instead a huge line of fire came out of his hand.

Jack's eyes opened up in surprise.

Jack leaned his body to the right and did a side cart wheel to dodge.

He could see the flames getting closer and closer now.

"Hahahaha, Ice wall." Jack said.

A hue wall that looked like ice appeared In front of Blaze.

"Damn it." He said.

Blaze couldn't we Jack at all. He was on the other side of the wall.

"Now,now, Blaze you know that I don't want to kill you. You flame users are so close to dying out it's not even funny." Jack said.

Blaze could feel his anger building up.

Blaze used the flames underneath his feet to fly over the ice wall that was created.

Blaze stood on top of I now seeing Jack anywhere.

Blaze could feel the ice melting under his feet.

"Where the hell did you go?" Blaze asked.

"Look behind you." Jack yelled.

Blaze turned around and shot another fire beam at Jack.

"Ice sword…hardened level." Jack said.

A sword formed right from Jack's hands. While in air he slashed at the fire and it split it right down the middle.

Before Blaze could see through the flames. He could see the sword right at his face.

Blaze jumped off the wall with his back at the ground.

The sword cut his eye off in the process.

Blaze landed on the ground and yelled in pain.

Frost looked in shock and didn't move a muscle. He had fear all over his face.

Jack slid off the ice wall and walked towards Blaze.

"Don't you get it? You can't beat me without my beautiful armor. This must be how your father died Blaze." Jack said in a joking way.

"Give me at least a challenge. I know I'm one of the division captains for the new clan but…for you to lead a clan….your incredibly weak." Jack said.

Just then Blaze began to think about when he was a child.

He could remember his father sitting on the throne. Looking down on the clan he loved most.

Growing up as a kid Blaze was very weak compared to all the other kids. He was picked on and bullied.

All because he was related to the king of the fire clan.

Some clans have rulers from bloodline. Others have different roles for leading. But if you are royalty then most of the time u have insane power.

But Blaze was very weak as a kid.

After his father died in battle. People wanted to leave the clan. Because it was given to someone so weak and young.

Blaze trained all day and night. Perfecting his craft and powers.

Still though. The con didn't accept him. Even though he put in so much work to better himself and the clan.

Blaze lay on the ground still. Now not being able to see out his left eye.

Blaze did a push up and got up slowly.

"Weak you say?." Blaze said as he was struggling to get up.

"Hahaha. I've been called weak my whole live and haven't been accepted by my own people."

"The fights just started Jack, don't you dare count me out yet." Blaze said.

"Blaze. Your telling me you'd die to protect your clan?"

"Ive heard the stories. They don't even like you now. Why in the hell would you defend them?" Jack asked.

"Because…it's where I grew up…and it's my home." Blaze said.

Blaze stood up on both legs, his eye was still bleeding and it was shut close.

"I've been doing all that training as a kid. Just for someone like you to show up. Now I'll show you the true power of my peoples bloodline." Blaze yelled.

"As long as I live. I won't let anyone hurt my people."

" Flame Technique, First art: A Blazing World

In the field where the two were standing turned into red with flames everywhere around them.

There where little volcanoes around them and the floor was a little hot to Jack.

Jack looked up to see Blaze in a karate type stance with his whole body lit up.

It looked like Blaze had on a robe made out of fire. With his hair flowing in the wind.

"What the hell is this? I don't even remember you flame people being able to do this." Jack said.

Blaze said nothing and took a deep breath.

Jack looked down at his hands to see that his sword was now melted away.

"Blaze you maniac…"

"Hahahahah. You really are amazing after all. No one else in flame history has done this yet. This is incredible." Jack said. Jack was laughing hard as ever.

"I guess I'll do the same. Ice technique, first art: Ice world."

On Jack's side of the field it switches from red to blue with snowflakes falling from the sky and a cold breeze.

Half the field was on fire and hot, while the other side it was cold and freezing.

"Hahahah. You ready for round two Blaze?" Jack asked with a smile on his face.

Blaze let out loud laugh and charged at Jack. Jack was running at Blaze also while laughing.

Meanwhile near the Fire clan. Adisa and Summer were headed to the clans entrance.

"Adisa why are you in such a rush?" Summer asked.

"You don't understand what I've learned about this clan and Blaze. He's a really great man." Adisa said.

Summer said nothing as they kept running.

"I see." Summer said.

"I've called Jerome and told him to meet us here. So if we do have to fight, then we will have backup coming in no time." Adisa said.

Adisa and Summer reached the gate. There was no one on top of it to watch. So Adisa quickly jumped on top of the gate with Summer.

Adisa and Summer could see the people in the clan still living their everyday lives.

"Everyone." Adisa yelled while on top of the gate.

"We need you all to evacuate the area. Head towards the back of the clan." Adisa yelled.

Everyone just looked at Adisa and then continued on with there normal activities.

Adisa started to get annoyed.

"There is a danger coming this way,It's from the new organization. And no one here is strong enough to stop it." Adisa yelled.

"That's why we have a king. That is if he wants to ever stop being weak." A man yelled in the crowd.

Others were also making comments about Blaze.

About how he was weak as a kid,not liked by anyone in the clan,ect.

Adisa just lowered his head and thought about the things he learned about Blaze.

Adisa was angry now. He lifted his head up night with his chest out.

"All of you are pieces of shit." Adisa said.

The crowd got quite and said nothing. They just looked up at Adisa.

"Who cares if he is weak to you guys. You've all haven't even seen him fight. What are you to say he's weak?"

"He's fighting to protect you all. He sent me here, and not because he just wants me to protect you guys….it's because he truly cares about his clan." Adisa said.

"For you all to judge someone who has done nothing but smile at you all, put food on your plates, and protected your home. It's wrong!" Adisa yelled out.

"He's done nothing wrong to you all. Without him. This clan would be nothing you dumb asses. You all are very ungrateful."

"We have kids at my clan who have died and innocent people. And you all are sitting here on your asses complaining about a man who has done nothing but help you all live better lives?"

"It's bullshit." Adisa said.

Everyone started to whisper Among each other and headed towards the back of the clan.

"Well. At least there safe." Summer said.

"Yea." Adisa responded.

Adisa turned his head to see a tall man in front of him. It was Dante.

Meanwhile Blaze was fighting against Jack.

Blaze jumped in the air and clapped his hands together.

"Flame dragon." Blaze yelled.

From the fire around Blaze a dragon was being created with them.

"Ice dragon." Jack yelled back.

Ice started forming into a frog a also.

Both of the men yelled loud and watched as their powers collided.

Blaze's dragon was shooting flames out of its mouth. While Jack's dragon was shooing ice.

It was evenly matched. Both sides were starting to fall apart.

"Now is my chance to strike." Blaze said to himself.

"Flame sword."

Blaze used fire under his feet fly towards Jacks dragon.

Blaze used his dragon and put its flames on his own body.

Blaze was glowing with flames. He was headed straight to the ice side of the field and to the dragon.

Blaze punched right through the ice dragon and was now headed for Jack.

"You fool. Don't you know if you come on my side. I have the advantage." Jack said.

"Wrong. I've done to much training for that mistake." Blaze said.

Blaze made it onto Jacks side of the field. Blaze could feel his feet starting to become ice.

"Fire technique,second art: Blasto inferno wave."

Blaze released so much heat from his body that he was melting all of the ice around him.

Half started to fall back and run away.

Everything around Blaze was being burned to the ground. But he kept on going, not letting up.

Jack was still running away. He picked up Jade and was making a run for it in the woods.

"Damn it. If this was anyone else I could have been killed them by now." Jack said in frustration.

"Ice technique, second art: Destructive freezing." Jack said.

Jack jumped in the air and could see the flames getting closer and closer to him.

Jack smiled hard as he lowered his right leg and kicked he ground as hard as he could.

Ice started forming to stop the shockwave in place. "Hahaha. Brilliant." Jack said.

He put Jade in the ground and headed towards the blast that was frozen in place.

Jack looked down to see Blaze froze.

"Hahahah. I'll go pay your clan a visit also while your stuck. Have fun." Jack said as he grabbed Jade again and headed towards the clan.

Frost just at there with fear all over his face. Even when he tried to move he couldn't.

Blaze was frozen with only his eyes moving.

He looked in anger as Jack disappeared running towards his home.