
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs


Xavier flew high in the sky. "We aren't going to the field. Head west. Go to the blind clan, night-wing." Xavier ordered the bird.

The bird quickly changed direction and headed towards the clan's direction.


The bird hovered over the blind clan. Xavier jumped off and landed quietly on the ground. The birds wings produced winds as strong as a tornado.

"It would seem…we've had a traitor all along." Xavier said a after investigation the clan. "I've always wondered…where he got you birds from.


The beast wouldn't be in the mountains. It's all a little trick. Why…would the beast sit there and wait? I know there cocky, but they know the potential of our species when it comes to fighting. If the dark clan…is the one with portals, that means that the higher-ups are meeting there to summon the king! I tried to tell Star, but he would not listen. I have to see if my hunch is right or not. But still, I won't have anything to fight with. But…for some reason…I feel as though I could take on the whole word." Xavier pulled the bird to fly over the dark clan. "I've searched the Blind clan. Joster is suspicious. How the hell dis he manage to get his hands on such giant creatures I've never seen before? Has he been beyond the island? The blood clan's leader is gone. The blood clan is completely empty when I flew over. So, that leaves the dark clan." Xavier rambled to himself. He pulled out a white cape with flame designs at the bottom. "Let's go for another ride, Gia." Xavier was high in the sky. His jeans were burnt and his shirt was burnt off. He wore the cape to receive power from it. "Night-wing, stop me off here. I'll call you when I'm ready." Xavier said as he took a deep breath and jumped off of the plane-sized bird.

"Flame wings!"

Xavier's aura changed to a red-like color. They formed wings as he flew over the clan. "Empty…just like I suspected." He said as he landed. The clan looked to be abandoned. Xavier walked around.

"Where can they be!? Is everyone really fighting the whole group of beast!? No, there would be more destruction. This island is the size of three countries. I've read about them in books from our libraries. This world…isn't as small as they make it to be. I think…three Russias can fit in this island…that was the name of the country? Either way, if they really were fighting all of them, there would be more destruction around the island. It's insane how fast we can really travel. Anyways, where would I be…if I'm a beast." Xavier thought as he walked around. He stepped into the Dark clans office.

"Their leader is a quiet woman. Very…very quiet. After Dante died, she ruled over them. They've been quiet since. Now, I can finally see why." Xavier said as he was looking at what seemed to be a laboratory.

"Amazing. I've never…seen such creatures before." Xavier looked at the unknown creatures sitting in the water. "Trover, I'm gonna use your phone." Xavier pulled out the phone and began to take pictures.

Xavier noticed notes hidden underneath a desk. Xavier picked it up and started to read:

"We've never experienced anything like this before. The dark dimension! We've only explored 2% of it. The creatures and beings here are out of this world! Then, there's the beast.

Xavier continued to read. "I see. The beast… plan on using the dark Dimension after killing Adisa. For what? I do not know. Based on these notes, I can confirm that Adisa is a threat to the beast. At least, the thing inside of him. If these notes are true, then we are doomed. Adsia…is dead. But, why would Frost say that? I know his goal was to start a fight or cause a distraction, but why say Adisa is alive? Did he run into him?" Xavier flooded his mind with questions as he stepped on a soft piece of the floor.

"Oh?" Xavier kicked open what seemed to be a door to another room. Xavier jumped down and slowly walked down the long flight of stairs.

Xavier stepped into a room. There, sat Gem and Xenon, the leader of the blood clan.

"You…were not supposed to walk through that door." Gem yawned.

Xavier stopped and quickly looked around. "Oh, you two are alone. That…is no good. Where…are the others?" Xavier asked.

"Believe it or not…but you people are too late. It's only a matter of time before the signal-"

A buzzing sound echoed through the island. Only the beast could hear it. "That's it." Gem laughed.

"See you soon, Xavier." Xenon laughed as he and Gem's bodies began to faded away. "Trust me, Xenon. You won't laugh the next time you see me. And it's gonna hurt." Xavier threatened.

Xenon and Gem where teleported away.

Xavier quickly ran out of the building and called for night-wing. The black bird came in and took. bier away.

"Night-wing, when we get to the mountain, can you cut it?"


"You're right." Jerome said as he stood up. "Heal of the reaper." Jerome's arm was completely healed. "I'm afraid…afraid that everything was for nothing, afraid of losing Aubrie, afraid…of myself!" Jerome said. "You are right! I have changed! There's no going back from my sins! If I die, I know I'll go to hell! But…you started this, mother! You are the author of everything that I am! You evil…piece of shit!"

"Come on, Jerome! Let's get evil together and have a bloodbath of a fight! Get your revenge, save your sister!" Quintessa snapped her fingers, knocking Jerome back to the floor.

This woman…is nothing but pure evil! I hate you! I can't find anyone in the universe as heartless,evil, and manipulative as you! Just look at you! You smile while fighting your own son!? You're a parasite! You make me want to puke! I hate you! Jerome thoughts as he slowly rose up. His aura blew winds that made Quintessa uncomfortable. "Parasites…have to be exterminated!" Jerome yelled as saliva poured from mouth.

Jerome threw a punch. Quintessa dodged and kicked Jerome back to the ground.

"You…are too weak." Jerome remembered his reapers words. "I get what you meant." Jerome whispered as he pushed off of the floor. "I should have accepted who and what I am! I'm a killer!" Jerome yelled as a twisted smile appeared across his face.

Jerome had entered the reaper realm. A purple void had surrounded him, with a small piece of darkness In the middle.

"Come out." Jerome ordered.

The darkness spreader like a wildfire, Jerome was faced with his reaper. "I know what you mean…and I'm here to say I heard you." Jerome said.

"So…what will you do, Jerome?" The reaper asked.

"I'm going in the dark. I'll let you…take control…as long as I have my mind."

"There is no need for that. You should be dead already. I do not want-"

"I know…I failed to protect the person I cared for. I've failed to become a reliable fighter. These recent years, I've done nothing but train Aubrie and went on hunting missions! I've done nothing with my life! But, this is my calling! I know that I'm a bad person! Everyone is evil in this world!" Jerome said as the darkness started to surround him.

"So, what are you saying!? What will you do!?" The reaper asked.

"To beat evil…I believe you must go a little deeper. Lend me all of your power, and this'll be a great show for you to watch!" Jerome said as the darkness entered his body.

"Then show me….JEROME SOUL!"

Jerome opened his eyes and jumped away from Quintessa. "I'll kill every last one of you." Jerome laughed as he put his hoodie on. "Expansion: Call of the reaper!"

Jerome grew in size. His aura sent chills down Quintessa's spine. "Why…am I getting skinnier?"

"It's my expansion, dumb ass. It cuts half of your life while I take it and use it as energy! Then, on top of that, Silva's ability is screwing with your powers too! "Troop Sacred weapon: Scythe!" Jerome's aura formed into a reaper around him and a giant scythe was formed in his hands.

"Blast away-" Quintessa began to cough up blood. "My words…have been cut short!?"

"Reached your limit early? That's what happens when you think you're the shit!" Jerome's expansion had drained all of the trees in the area. "Damn…I feel amazing!" Jerome laughed. He took a fighting stance. "You think…this is over!? No, it's just the beginning of this war! You people are already too late!" Quintessa laughed.

"Who said I was here to fight you?" Jerome said. He raised his sword over his head. "I can hear…there heartbeats!"

"Stop!" Quintessa screamed. "Screw this! Come out, bastards! Reaper slash….equinox!" Jerome's attack sliced the entire mountain in half. Everyone outside watched as the mountain crumbled. "Woah." Silva said.

Jerome managed to jump away and back onto the field as the dust cleared. "He knew…were they where?" Mono asked as the higher-ups were all in the process of fusing.

The higher-ups had formed what seemed to be a egg…but surrounded by white yolk.

Gem emerged from behind the egg. "What-oh, they finally found out!" Gem said. "In ten minutes…the king will be here! You all are too late!" Gem laughed.

"The egg doesn't look complete! I'll destroy it!" Jerome said as he raised the sword once again. "Half of their strength is gone! I can end this, now!"

Gem stopped laughing and immediately gave Jerome a sinister glare. "Reaper slash…equinox!"

The powerful force of aura shot directly at Gem and the egg. Gem used his wings and quickly flew in front of the egg.

A huge explosion was set. Jerome was shocked to see Gem still standing in front of the egg without a single scratch.

"Not a bad attack…for a Akie." Gem said as he dusted himself off.

Jade wasted no time. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" She screamed as she flew towards the egg. "Oh!?" Gem laughed. Quintessa jumped out. "Expansion: Word of Absolute! Kneel!" Quintessa screamed.

The thousands of soldiers all stopped and kneeled.

"Way to come up clutch, Quintessa. Now, we sit back and wait." Gem said.

"I'll keep them here…for as long as you need."

"You…you guys really think it's over!?" Spark laughed. "You guys…did a great job! The plan worked perfectly! We poured them out of the mountain! Now our air team can strike!" Spark cheered.

"Air…team?" Gem asked while looking up at the sky. The giant bird crashed through the clouds. The bird had a sack in its claws. "A bomb!? Gem, Protect them!" Quintessa screamed as the bird was getting closer and closer to the egg. "Shut,shit,shit! These fools…created a plan!? They knew that the higher-ups would emerge and start the process! But, it's too late! As long as I can protect…the king!" Gem said as he clapped his hands.

"Where…are the soldiers controlling it!? Is it alone?" Quintessa asked.

The bird flew over the egg. It had dropped the sack it had carried. "Gem clapped. I need…to become something big enough to stop it! I don't have enough time to change the wind! In that car, I'll just-"

Gem immediately flew towards the bomb. "NOW, Joster!" Jade screamed as Joster and his crew came from underground and ran towards the egg. Everyone could do nothing but watch as they all surrounded the egg.

"Shit! I can't move! I'm stuck in this position! I cannot allow the army to move!" She said.

"Shit! What do I do? Stop the bomb? Or the soldiers!? Either way, the egg will be ruined. I can't…protect the king!"

"Attack!" Joster yelled as the soldiers all closed in on the egg. Suddenly, a giant wave of ive covered the area, freezing everyone around the egg.


Gem flew up and punched the bomb out of the air. He grabbed the bird and threw it across the field.

Frost emerged from the forest. One eye showed as it looked like a perfect snowflake. "Can't use both…but one shouldn't do too much damage." Frost sighed. He walked past everyone who was frozen and took a closer look at the egg. Gem flew down.

He landed beside the egg. "Can't you sense it? That incredible power!" Gem laughed.

Frost turned around to face the crowd. "Frost, you can't let them do this! If they succeed…we…we will Al die!" Jade said.

"Frost, why are you doing this!?" Silva asked.

Frost glared at Silva and quickly put his blindfold on. "I'm doing this…because I'm certain about him." Frost said.

"What are you talking about?" Spark asked.

Frost walked around to stand behind Jade. "Don't worry, your powers can't hurt me." He said as he rested his hand on Jade's head. "Adisa is alive. The whole island shall know this." Frost yelled. "He is no hero! Adisa is going to kill us all! All because he wants to! He has no feelings,goals or dreams! He just wants destruction!" Frost yelled to the crowd of people. Frost pointed to the egg. "If we can have a being that can surpass Adisa in battle, we can kill him! We can all live in peace!" Frost cried out.

"Tell the truth." Jade said underneath her breath. "What was that?"


Frost ignored Jade and walked away. "Tell them

How you and your little bitch of a girlfriend started this! You guys sealed him away! You slaughtered your own family! And now, now you killed my lover! I swear I'm going to…to kill you. And I'm gonna enjoy every last second of your screaming." Jade said with a crazy look in her eyes.

The crowd all spoke amongst each other as Frost turned around. "Every last one of you…are all fools." Frost said. He raised his hand. "Time to die-"

The sound of thunder was heard in the distance. "The wings…of night-wing?" Joster asked as he looked up and noticed the giant black bird flying over the clouds. "He…he did it! That bastard….really is alive!"

Joster yelled in celebration. "No one can take night-wing!" One of Joster's soldiers said. Everyone from the blind clan started to chant as the sounds of thunder were getting close.

Suddenly, the bird dove towards the crowd of people. Xavier jumped off of the bird. "Thank you…for letting me use one of your claws as a sword!" Xavier said as he dove beside night-wing.

"Night blade…slash of chaos." A purple and black aura formed around Xavier's body as a powerful attack was headed towards Frost.

"Glacier." A huge glacier was created to shield the egg and everyone else around it.

"The ice is melting!" Joster said. "Attack!"

Everyone started to hit the ice. "Frost, we must do something! The king doesn't have long-"

"I know, Gem. That's exactly why…Aliyah opened it." Frost whispered.

A twisted smile appeared across Gem's face. "Oh? She did it!? She…opened the portal!?"

"Yes. I'm going to teleport you,Quintessa, and the egg back to the mountain. I know it's broken up, but it can hide you until he comes out! The portal should take around five minutes to open. Aliyah is in the middle of caring a spell as we speak! Victory is ours, Gem!"


Back at the Leo clan. Aliyah sat in a circle of what seemed to be made out of trees. Her aura spreader out. "Almost…ready." She said. "I couldn't…bring myself to kill Xavier. I threw him where the fire was least aggressive. He should be okay." She sighed.

"It's been too long, Aliyah." A deep voice said.

Aliyah spun around. Behind her stood Adisa, Alayah,Splinter, Kenan, and Zarbon.

Aliyah was in shock. She couldn't bring herself to speak. "I'm going to keep it simple. I'm here to kill you." Adisa said as he pulled out his sword.

"A-Adisa…I-you-I…I…this is-"

"Get up, Aliyah." Adisa demanded.

Aliyah turned back to take a quick look at the spell. "I…need to-"

In the moment, Adisa leaped across the area, grabbed Aliyah by her head and slammed it on the ground.

"Do not turn your back on me." Adisa said as he backed away. "You fight. I will not kill a unarmed person. Now, fight." Adisa said.

"I need to…finish the-"

Adisa slapped Aliyah into a nearby hut. "Fight. Fight me, Aliyah. Fight."

Aliyah got up and slowly walked towards the circle. "I need…to finish-"

Adisa grabbed Aliyah by her hair and swung her into a nearby building.

"I had a feeling you'd be here. What are you even doing? Praying?" Adsia said as he kicked the circle, breaking the spell. "No, you fight for what you want! Nothing comes easy! Now get up…and fight!"

Next chapter: Aliyah and the forest vs Adsia