
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Acción
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129 Chs

Beast Vs Akie

Wonder ripped off his rob. White jogger-like pants covered his legs. His upper body was well built and firm.

"She'll we begin…Udo?"

Udo smirked as relaxed his body. "Yeah, let's go." Udo teleported in front of Wonder and threw a punch, causing the sky and atmosphere to split across the planet.

Wonder fell backwards and was falling from the cliff to dodge Udo's punch. Udo jumped off and dove towards him. The two began to throw barrage of punches at each other. Wonder quickly grabbed kicked Udo away and the two landed on the ground, creating a giant crater in the ground.

Dust was everywhere, but Udo could see Wonder's red glowing eyes. He flew towards Wonder,grabbed him by the neck, and slammed him into a nearby mountain.

Wonder slapped Udo's hand away and stuck him in his throat. This made Udo almost fall back. Wonder used the opportunity to spin Udo around and punch him rapidly in the stomach area.

Wonder's punched traveled through the mountain and made it start to crumble. Udo quickly grabbed Wonder and tossed him in the air, through the mountain.

Wonder and Udo both used the falling prices of mountain to fight, as they jumped from price to price while still fighting.

A large piece of the mountain fell between them. Wonder cocked his fist back and began to build up his energy on his fist.

Udo did the same.

The two threw punches, breaking the rock, and cussing two auras to clash together. Udo and Wonder floated in the air as the remaining pieces of the mountain fell around them.

They tried to push each other back, but no one would budge.

"Not bad…not bad at all." Udo laughed as he pushed Wonder.

"Shall we start getting serious?" Wonder purred as he began to push back.

The two held hands and pushed with all their strength. Udo and Wonder raised their energy, causing another explosion to go off.

Udo flew back and snapped his fingers. Wonder floated for a moment. "What was the point of-"

A giant hole appeared on his chest. Wonder laughed, as the hole healed.

Wonder looked up and couldn't find Udo. He spun around to see a giant hand. Udo grabbed Wonder by the head and was flying towards the ground.

Wonder used his legs to wrap them around Udo's arm. Udo was shocked to see him and Wonder had swapped places.

Wonder slammed Udo to the ground. Both of them jumped up inside of the crater. Udo pulled out his swords and charged Wonder.

Wonder let out a loud roar, as his black claws showed. Udo jumped and brought both his sword down on Wonder.

Wonder jumped out of the way and used his claws to reflect Udo's swords. Udo swung and swung, as Wonder kept blocking each attack with the swipe of his hands.

The two were moving so fast, it looked like just a blur. Wonder managed to land a powerful punch to Udo's stomach. Udo was launched back. He slammed his sword into the ground to stop himself.

"Infinity Slashes!"

Udo was stunned, as he could see white lines approaching him. "What…the hell?" Udo was cut on his shoulder. The cut traveled to his lower stomach.

"Oh, I see…I see! I'm actually bleeding, huh?!" Udo laughed as more slashed approached him.

Udo used both his sword to block the attacks.

The strikes where traveling through the swords and cutting the island to pieces. Udo clapped his hands, cussing Wonder to almost fall back with great force.

Wonder lifted his head and was met with a giant fist. Wonder held out his hand and caught Udo's punch. Udo pushed Wonder back as the two began to fly away from the giant crater they had created.

The two clashed throughout the sky and made the island shake. Everyone could feel the two's powers clashing.

"You finally done with the warm up, Udo?" Wonder taunted, as he landed a powerful strike to Udo, causing him to cough up blood and fall towards the ground.

Udo laughed and clapped, breaking the ground and making huge pieces of the island cover Wonder's view.

"Amazing physical strength…never seen a creature with so much potential." Wonder purred.

Udo appeared behind Wonder and pointed at him. "Ra's strike!"

A bright yellow light shined, sending a burning sensation through Wonder's entire body. Wonder's eyes lit up as he could feel his skin being burnt. He was launched away, hitting trees and crashing to the ground.

Wonder thought about healing.

He's body fully healed and he stood up. "Ra?" Wonder asked.

Udo was flying towards Wonder. Wonder held out his hand and made another hand sign. "Dragon's…breath!"

He pulled his hands back, took a deep breath, and let out a screech with huge flames shooting towards Udo.

Udo slid across the ground on his knees, threw his swords in the air, and dodged the flames while approaching him

Udo noticed a slight change in Wonder's stance.

"Another attack?! Or…wait, I've seen that stance!"

Udo jumped up. Wonder's body exploded. Wonder had created a clone from Crystal's technique.

Udo caught the swords as multiple Wonders surrounded him. "Too scared to fight me one on one?" Udo taunted.

"Nah, just a distraction to load up a little attack." Wonder said. All of the clones pointed to the left. Udo looked and could see Wonder pointing at him. "Gonna use one of your favorite moves, Opal. Allow me to introduce you to one of my personal favorites! Plasma Ray…planetary devastation!"

Udo was stunned. Everything around him began to turn to crisp. Udo covered his face with both his arms. He could feel his skin being melted.

The attack was over and Wonder flew towards Udo. "He…really survived that. Interesting. Making a deal with one of the three devils really have made you a monster."

"Those damn memories are a pain in the ass, you know? I hate the facts you can see my past." Udo admitted as he walked out of the dust cloud.

Udo's arms were completely burnt and black. There was no way he could use them.

"I still…feel sympathy for you, Udo. What you did was wrong…and there's no coming back from it." Wonder walked around Udo. "Shall we start getting serious? I've just been getting the feeling for you."

Udo turned his gaze from the ground to Wonder. "Heh, you really are something. You can see my memories…hell, probably my future if you wanted. But, yeah, I'm done with the warm-up. Cast a little spell or whatever so we don't destroy my home."

"As you wish. I can cast a spell. However, only if you live up to the hype. I won't cast a spell until I'm satisfied." Wonder said, as he took a fighting stance and let his aura cover the entire sky.

Udo couldn't help but notice the magnificent color. The whole sky was covered in a rainbow-like color.

"You won't get the chance to be satisfied. You'll be dead." Udo smirked as his arms were completely healed.

Shivers went through the king's body. The air felt thicker than usual.

That wasn't his ability…Udo was….was given the ten contracts? Wonder thought as Udo's aura slowly spreader around his body.

Udo grabbed his locs and tied them into a ponytail. His red-like aura spreader across the ground, clashing with Wonder's.

Udo took a stance and ten books appeared in thin air. "Ahh, I see. Those are the contracts. Each contract requires a soul of a person you love, correct? I don't know much about love, but I do know-"

"That's enough." Udo said.

Udo's aura made the surrounding area start to burn in flames. Wonder held eye contact before shrugging it off and slowly walking towards Udo.

"Fun little warm-up, Udo. Time to go for the kill!" Wonder growled.

"Are you kidding me?! It's too early to go for the kill. I wanna see what your primal unleashed looks like and more!" Udo laughed as he walked towards Wonder.

So far, Wonder is almost on my level when it comes to physical strength. He hasn't used his ability too much, either. That's something to worry about, considering he can just think about me dying. Good thing for me, I am Udo. I have a little counter to his ability whenever I feel like he's using it too much. Udo thought as he slowly reached for his swords.

Seems we both are oddly close in physical strength. Now it'll be an all-out battle with our abilities and aura in play. The attacks I used earlier were nothing but my comrades abilities. I'm interested to see the contracts used in battle. The memories from the past kings and queens…all in my mind like pieces of glass. It's so damn painful. Once, there was a contract user and a king who fought. They both died in battle, ending in a draw. This is nothing but destiny! Wonder thought as a wide grin appeared across his face. "This better surprise me, Udo! I want to fight you and the guardian!" Wonder laughed.

"Well, time to go to work."

Next chapter: Devastation