
Isekaied adventurer wakes up

" Hold on! I got isekaied? Woah, how cool is that?! New world, Here I come--- " ~ Our Protagonist. The new world: "...." "What? WHAT THE ****!!! This planet doesn't even have an atmosphere!? Is there atleast one living creature out here?! Hey! I dont want to be isekaied anymore. I want a refund and ----AAAA I'M FALLIIIIIIIIIIIING" ~ Our Protagonist. ... Well, looks like our mc is going to have a tough time... Is this the boring end to his isekai journey or just the crazy beginning? You guess (:□)

Ghuhd · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapt 3: A new beginning...?

The portal opened and threw our Ayuma in a flash. For a second, Ayuma found himself spinning and everything appeared blurred and reddish to him. Although he could not see anything, he knew that he was falling head downward at a tremendous speed. But he wasn't feeling afraid... he was still a soul, so surely a soul would not have a crash landing? But recollecting the death spirit he had spoken with recently, he wasn't sure.

Fortunately when he reached the surface of the new world, his speed dramatically slowed down until he fully came to a stop. As he floated in the air, his vision slowly adapted to the atmosphere they were in and slowly, his eyes could see what was happening around him.

When he looked ahead of him, what he saw left him speechless. He cused and shouted...



All he asked was a peaceful planet probably with no excess dangers... but what this was... this was something totally nonsensical. He felt like kicking someone at the moment. But wait up... that's right, he didn't even have them legs now.

The reason for truly irritating Ayuma to the point he felt like throwing a tantrum was what was right in front of him.


The planet he had landed on was a decent one alright... the atmosphere wasn't polluted, there were no monsters, no conflict and there were no arrogant young nobles either. Then what was the problem, you might ask?

Nothing. There was absolutely nothing on the planet. Nothing. Nil. Nada. Zilch. Void. ... .

The planet seemed like the Earth soon after the Big Bang... the atmosphere was barely condensed. There were no mountains or lakes. The heck, there wasn't even any soil.

As for living beings... there was absolutely none. Not algae, nor bacteria and certainly no humanoid life forms... Yup, this was going to be one heck of a bore...




Meanwhile... several light years away:

The Grim harvester took out a beige coloured diamond and glanced at it. It showed him Ayuma standing there looking speechless. Seeing that, a smug smile spread on his cloaked face, well hidden from sight.


Though he knew, that Ayuma could not possibly hear any of what he said just now, because they were literally apart by different Cosmic timespaces. Taking a final look at the young human... he wished they would meet each other soon. With that his eyes glowed a bright red shine and he vanished.

Where he next appeared... it wasn't to pick up another isekai adventurer. Instead it was time for him to blow up a planet and send billions of souls to be judged. Now this was something he loved, killing billions of vile sinners was his way to let out steam. As long as he whisked away the last few innocent people on that planet to safety, he could kill the others how he saw fit.

He smiled, thinking how they would react to him.... would they call him as a demon? Or would they call him a disease? Maybe, they would deny him and altogether label him as a hoax... His eyes gleamed with cold excitement... if there was anything that a grim harvester found delight in, that was ruthless face slapping people and genocides.


Character Bio ( This is honestly a new section. Every few chapters will mandatorily have atleast one bio. Hopefully that helps make character more intriguing. )

Name: Uckclak

Designation: Grim harvester numbered 4105

Power level: Beyond human comprehension.

Mental state: Immune to emotional attacks.

High level spiritualist.

Special moves : Death Yield.

Plague of death.

Esoteric Ectoplasm.

Age : 12 Eternitys

Equipment : Beige diamond, Truth artifacts(3), Death scythes(5), Bone exoskeleton, Cloak of Shadows, Star forgeid sword

Yeah this one is quite short though. Sorry about that. And one clarification, if you feel genocide is cruel and psychopathic... that's not completely right.

Sometimes, sentient life also has to be put down like a locust swarm... else they will end up destroying all that exists. Grim harvesters specialise in this, and they personally wipe out sentient life which has become a cancer and threatens the peace of not only their planet but also others.

But you don't need to worry as the Death chap is an interesting story character but he isn't anything like a sub Protagonist. So mentions about him will be lesser.

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