
Isekai with my family

You and your family were on a relaxing vacation trip when, out of nowhere, a truck unexpectedly appeared and collided with your car. The impact caused your vehicle to flip over and ultimately resulted in a fiery explosion. This dramatic scene seems quite illogical!

Velmiren · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

Chapter 4

Early in the morning, the family could be seen working on the building, and Galir, along with his friends, helped the family. Joseph introduced himself and his family to Galir's friends. Interestingly, all of Galir's friends were dwarves, which excited Joseph. While Joseph and Galir, along with his friends, were busy with introductions, Maya and Jessica sparred with each other to test how far they had progressed. Harold sat on top of a large stone, engrossed in reading a magic book. Surprisingly, he managed to learn four spells in a single day, thanks to his genius intellect. As for Mitch, let's just say he had the task of buying some groceries assigned by his mother.

Harold was attempting to comprehend how to use storage magic. Though complicated, he found a way to simplify it. Instead of reciting the magic chant, he employed his thoughts. To his surprise, a black portal materialized in front of him – the manifestation of storage magic. He effortlessly placed the stone inside and closed it using his thoughts. Afterward, he reopened the portal, reaching in to retrieve the stone.

Jessica took a break, sitting beside Harold, while Maya stretched her body before her break. They also delved into magic books – Jessica focused on magic plants, and Maya explored healing magic. Meanwhile, Joseph and his friends initiated the reconstruction of the family home, and the process accelerated due to the assistance of Galir's friends.

After several hours, half of the building was almost completed, and they were now working on the top while taking a break before continuing. Mitch returned with a load of groceries, looking grumpy because Maya planned to make food for the family and Galir's friends. Additionally, Mitch endured another round of training from Maya, leaving him sighing in frustration.

"Your wife is really something else," Darvin said, sitting on his chair while talking with Joseph and Galir.

Joseph nodded, "Well, she's a fighter, which is why I like her more," he chuckled as he placed cement on a brick and then put it on top of another. He then looked at Darvin, "What about you?"

Darvin just chuckled, "Heh, my wife is an elf, she very beautiful and kind to me. Man, I can't ignore my wife's dinner; it's very delicious." Joseph and Galir just chuckled, enjoying the conversation about their wives.

"Young man, is that all you've got!? Try harder!" Maya yelled at Mitch, her voice echoing loudly, causing everyone in the town to hear and become confused. Darvin and Galir were surprised by the sudden boom of her voice, and they sweated on their foreheads, realizing how formidable she could be when angry.

Joseph chuckled nervously, rubbing his neck. "And that's why I don't want to piss her off; she's very scary," he whispered to them. Galir and Darvin nodded before continuing their work.

Mitch, however, was very tired. All the practice and lessons from his mother were ridiculous, and he wasn't able to keep up because his body was already tired after walking through the city just to buy food.

He panted and sweated a lot, making his clothes wet. "How many reps?" Mitch said as he tried to take a deep breath.

His mother just glared at her son. "5 more, then you're done."

Mitch sighed, annoyed and frustrated, so he continued without arguing. Jessica and Harold just watched his miserable training before continuing to read their books.

Their home was almost repaired, but it was nighttime. Galir and his friends went home, and the family slept in tents for one night because the building would be done by tomorrow. Harold became a bookworm, practicing his magic along with Jessica, Maya, and Joseph. Mitch had read several magic books, but he became lazy to read and got bored easily.

Jessica managed to grow plants on the ground using magic. She was happy as it was her first successful attempt. Trying different magical plants, she was able to grow various flowers and even managed to grow vegetables to full maturity. Maya and Joseph were surprised and proud of her unique magic.

Joseph had also been practicing his gravity magic extensively. He could create zero gravity around his body, allowing him to float effortlessly through the air although he couldn't fly just yet. He was able to lift a giant boulder with just one hand and he has a shield gravity magic. Harold attempted to hit his father's shield with a fireball, but the fire instantly disappeared into thin air when contact Joseph shield.

Maya immersed herself in learning various healing magic techniques, recognizing their significance in caring for her family without relying heavily on medical supplies. To test her abilities, she even cut herself, and to her surprise, the wound instantly healed without a trace. Delving deeper into her studies, she also explored blood magic, aiming to fully repair internal organs, the brain, and nerves. Combining healing magic and blood magic proved to be a potent approach, enhancing the efficiency and speed of body repairs. Maya vowed to utilize blood magic for benevolent purposes, ensuring it was wielded for the greater good.

Harold delved into a multitude of magical realms, mastering various elements, light and dark magic, creation spells, teleportation, summoning animals, and numerous other enchantments—all within a single day. His relentless dedication to reading and practicing magic was evident.

Max remained his usual self—nothing particularly extraordinary about him.

Mitch, on the other hand, didn't have much interest in magic, except for magical swords. His focus was on combat swordsmanship, and he had purchased several books on the subject while in the city. Attempting to channel his mana into an aura, as seen in anime shows, Mitch's efforts were hindered by his inherent laziness, much to Maya's dissatisfaction with her son's attitude.

Jessica pondered as she played with her magical plants, "Do you guys think the nobles will find us?" Her question cast a shadow of worry over everyone.

"I don't know, sweetie. I hope those nobles don't find us," Maya replied, her concern evident. The thought of her children being discovered by the nobles and the potential consequences weighed heavily on her mind.

"We just need to be careful. I don't know how powerful these people are, but as long as I'm here with all of you, I'll stand by your side. I won't let those fools take any of you away, especially Maya and Jessica. If those freaks dare to do something nasty, I'll rampage through this kingdom with my bare hands!" Joseph declared in anger. The intensity of his words left the family fearful, except for Maya, who understood the depth of his protective instincts, even if the kids were reluctant to witness their father's anger.

Soon they finally go to sleep and wake up tomorrow to finish their home, unbeknownst to them someone stalking them.

Meanwhile inside the castle...

The queen, standing in front of the window with a wine glass in hand, inquired, "Where are they right now?"

The bowing stranger behind her answered, "It seems the family from Outworld and It appears they reside in the abandoned, former noble building. Their mana is incredibly powerful, beyond my imagination. It would be worthwhile to capture them at this moment," the stranger spoke with a rough voice, struggling to articulate the words.

The queen took a sip of her wine before turning around to look at the stranger. The stranger, a young girl with bunny ears on her head, wore only dirty ragged clothes. Her body looked almost skeletal, and her eyes were brown.

"Good, though not yet. We still need to plan something before taking them. Now all that done, you go back to your cage, useless demi-human. I don't want the smell of your filth in my room!" the queen said in a harsh tone toward the bunny-like being.

The bunny girl bowed and left the room, escorted by the queen's guards to her underground cage. Upon entering, the guard opened the cage door, tossed her inside, and locked it. The girl sat there, waiting for her food, but deep down, she knew the guards wouldn't give it to her.

Her stomach ached, and she had little energy left after her brief investigation. Now, she felt tired again, collapsing on the floor. She wished for death but was afraid to take her own life. So, the only thing she longed for was to succumb to hunger.

Next morning...

Finally, the house was completely repaired, thanks to Gavin and his friends. Their home now looked beautiful, and the family began packing their belongings inside the spacious house, which was as grand as a billionaire's residence.

Their home stood as a grand mansion, resembling the opulence of a billionaire's residence but on a much grander scale. With a second floor and a basement, it fulfilled their desire for a spacious abode. Maya's request for a training area at the back was realized, providing a dedicated space for honing combat skills. Jessica's wish for a garden house was situated on the left, adding a touch of nature to their surroundings.

Workstations were strategically placed in the basement, catering to the needs of the family's various endeavors. A well-stocked library adorned the second floor, offering a quiet space for reading and research. To the back right of the house, a large kennel was built to accommodate Max, ensuring their loyal companion had a comfortable space of his own.

After packing and rearranging, they embarked on the task of decorating the interior of their expansive home. Although the decorations were initially simple, there was a sense that, in the future, the house would be fully adorned. Following the completion of their decorating endeavors, they took a brief break before resuming their tasks. Maya and Jessica took charge of cooking, preparing a vegetable soup and black pepper meats, respectively. The tantalizing aroma of the food filled the air, prompting them to start their meal without delay.

While they were enjoying their meal together, the bunny girl was surreptitiously stalking them. The sight and aroma of the food made her mouth water, aching with hunger. Though she desperately desired to partake, she refrained from exposing herself, choosing instead to sit and watch them from a distance.


The noble woman, with a stoic expression, walked through the halls of her house. One of her maids reported, "Lady Belana, it seems the Outworld family has already built their home with the help of a half-dwarven and his dwarven friends. The family is planning to stay permanently in the kingdom."

Belana's stoic expression turned to one of concern, and she sighed. "Keep a close eye on them. We don't want any intruders taking advantage of the family."

"Understood," her maid replied before disappearing into the shadows. Belana tried to maintain a calm and composed expression, but the situation was becoming increasingly troublesome.

To be continued...


Author note

Next week, I will upload another chapter because I'm gonna rest a little bit. Anyway what do you guys think? Just comments so I can replied criticism are allowed so that I can improve the story.

See next time!