
Isekai: The Eight Soul Fragments

A group of friends were attending a cosplay convention for the sake of entertainment. They were having a tea break discussion as they watch their acquaintances perform on stage. But then, a sudden event of two gigantic magic circles materialized on both the floor, and the ceiling. Without any clue to what was going on, they lost their consciousness and were transported somewhere.

Voisenyer_Asylum · Fantasía
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240 Chs

State of Mirrored Equity

Watching over the gladiator's arena in the prosperous country of Polytopia, Serkyrio kept his focus on what will happen in the match. For all he knows, the archons far surpass the levels of heroes since their training in the country of Quisterion. The only times where the archons and the emperor can fight on equal terms are against each other, or likely the new threats that appeared.

Rumors had already spread out through the capital, some were saying that Preeliance came to take over the capital, while some were saying that it's an official invitation to the Preeliance's [Tranquil Harmony]. There was much more credibility on the latter, since it is the official organization between rulers. However, there was still a faction that seemed against the alliance.

Some nobles only see the archons as tools since they only obeyed Serkyrio's orders. And it continued to seem that way since Serkyrio kept the reins on them to ensure no trouble would arise. He forced Arlesk and Claude to duel to show the nobles what it means to make an enemy against an archon, under the pretense of his own entertainment. It was explained as such in the meeting room to avoid misunderstandings.

In present time, Arlesk and Claude faced each other in the arena, both have different kinds of weapons equipped as a referee explained the rules in favor to their hero. The noble supremacist faction tried to twist the rules in favor of the hero, but it only caused the archons along with Serkyrio to laugh in pity towards them. Weapons and artifacts are only allowed, making Arlesk's celestial light magic useless. But he still has [Stellar Astronomiya] to work with, thus not really forcing him to give a handicap.

Claude doesn't have much aptitude towards magic, but his power from the [Hero Card] is still unknown to most of them. Their hint is only his hero title as each hero has abilities corresponding to their title.

"Ready!" Arlesk prepared his orichalcum blade which was prepared by Draxus on his right hand, while aiming a gaudy-looking musket towards Claude with his left hand. Claude brandished a metallic staff as his weapon, making him feel like a duelist more than a hero. "Begin!" As the hand from the referee swept downwards, Arlesk immediately fired a bullet from the musket which was deflected away by the staff skillfully. Claude then advanced and closed his position in an instant. Even though it was fast, it was somehow comprehensible to Arlesk. Arlesk made use of the musket recoil to spin and block the staff with the sword. That in which he quickly followed up with another bullet from the musket, grazing Claude's side.

"Ghh!" Claude dashed backwards to readjust his position, making a conclusion as Arlesk being tricky to deal with. But just before he attempted to bring out the [Hero's Card], Arlesk shot another bullet that struck his left shoulder, interrupting his attempt completely.

Claude crouched down from the pain, as he looked up only to see Arlesk showing an emotionless expression as the two fought. The musket was pointed towards him once again as if looking down on the entire country.

"As expected of Arlesk, no such thing as mercy in a duel." Draxus let out a comment as he observed the battle. He glanced over to Serkyrio who was talking to the Head Senator. "This is only the beginning, Arlesk himself hasn't been able to get a chance to fight properly at times as well, so we gotta let him loose." Serkyrio brought out his opinion on the state of battle before giving a quick analysis. "Arlesk has three fighting styles, one using magic, one using swords, and one using ranged weapons or guns. Removing magic out of the factor doesn't change anything, because he shines his full potential is combining two fighting styles." The Head Senator was listening to Serkyrio while glancing over to the supremacist nobles. He was thinking about what to do with them in the near future without bringing harm to his own country.

He had already seen the archons fight each other, and had seen their scores to his incognito trip towards Preeliance as a merchant. Between the three archons, who displayed abilities far surpassing heroes, had always kept a tied up score. There was nobody ahead of them, nor anybody behind. All three of them are equal to some extent. But when he had heard about rumors of Serkyrio's power trampling down the archons with ease, he quickly thought to never oppose such a country.

As a country leader, Preeliance is a threat that is looming clearly. Thus they have to be careful on how they should approach that country. Thus they waited for a representative of Preeliance to come and invite the country to [Tranquil Harmony].

"Seems like the battle is at its peak now." Serkyrio smiled as the constant one-sided battle of Arlesk and Claude is starting to take an interesting turn.

Claude wasn't able to scratch through Arlesk's defense. Arlesk displayed good parries as if boasting the difference in status and experience. But it was then Arlesk decided to give him a chance to activate the [Hero's Card]. Seeing as Arlesk gave him that mercy, Claude grit his teeth and immediately activated it.

"[Hero's Card], [State of Mirrored Equity]!" Upon hearing the word [Mirrored], Arlesk narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Since there's one of them who enjoys mirroring abilities from certain games or such, he was expecting the enemy to be a mirror of himself. Just as the [Hero's Card] finished its channeling, Claude stood firm as if refreshed and rejuvenated.

"As expected, your power far surpasses mine." Claude stretched lightly to feel the difference in their status. He then tried to summon a certain object. "Come!" A small chakram came out from thin air and started reflecting the light all around the area. "These memories as well, you're the one that can hold their ground against your own emperor for a while huh?" Between the archons, Arlesk being more focused as a duelist gave him a good advantage on duels. Thus fighting one versus one against Serkyrio is something he can lead to at least a draw. But he has yet to manage and secure a win against him.

"So that's the [Hero's Card] huh? Equity, as if making it fair." Serkyrio's smile widened as he finally saw something entertaining.

The duel then finally continued, the chakram turned into two weapons, which were the exact same things in Arlesk's hands, a musket, and a sword.

Claude dashed in while shooting a bullet with the musket to force him to go into a quick defensive. Arlesk simply deflected the bullet and started dodging the melee attacks which were equally as fast as him, but still lacking in the full experience of his style.

Despite that, he was still overwhelmed to the point where he doesn't have an opening to attack. He analyzed the style Claude was using and quickly came to a conclusion. The card allows him to fully equalize in memory, and in status to the targets, if multiple are targeted, then all of it is combined towards him. He then implements his own experience as he uses the enemy's own weaponry against them. "Truly a dangerous strategy." Arlesk smile as he lightly spoke, finally deciding to get his win. Claude took notice of his smile and quickly opened a gap between them by dashing backwards. A small gap opened behind where Claude was when overwhelming Arlesk with attacks. After that, multiple tridents of light appeared from that location. "You managed to dodge that huh? Impressive." Arlesk adjusted his stance and muttered a small word which caused the musket to disassemble and change form to float around him. "That was from your main artifact wasn't it, [Stellar Astronomiya], [Neptunus]. I have to say, to open a gap within space isn't something that should be done by anyone." Claude reformed his stance as if ready to close the gap once again. "You're finally gonna attack are you? You've been trying to run away ever since I used my card after all."

Back in the audience seat, Remuel began distributing sunglasses to the Preeliance members along with the Head Senator as a precaution.

"Well, if you really want me to attack..." Arlesk's smile deepened to the point of madness. "Then you better enjoy it!" The disassembled musket changed into multiple bits of laser blasters which were pointed towards various positions to narrow down the range of dodging for Claude. Arlesk then swung his sword which starts to glow brightly at a rapid rate to fire stardust in waves. Lasers struck the wall while the stardust was speedily going into range of Claude. Realizing what he had witnessed, this was an attack he used on Archon duels as an opening move. Being unable to react, Claude was cut open on most parts of the skin, gravely injuring his state and causing him to fall.

"Winner! Arlesk Finlay Yatagarasu!" With such an attack appearing against anybody, they would immediately be subjected to a quick battle. This is why whenever the archons or the emperor fight against Arlesk, they would never allow him to make the first move.

Serkyrio healed Claude with the [Eternal Regeneration] gem and dispelled his [Hero Card]. "And with that, those nobles should shut up right?" Serkyrio glanced over to the head senator who was flabbergasted on Arlesk's attacks. "Heh, first time?" With everything completely confirmed now, nobody had the bright idea of messing around anymore. "Shall we proceed to the plan?"