
Isekai Rollback

Rick Ritchie is a brilliant scientist who was betrayed and conspired against and used and finally killed. After death, he is given a new purpose. He has to build a civilization and an army that can take on trillions. He has to fight against a multiversal threat that will become unstoppable if he doesn't stop them. But he only has an empire that has a meagre hundred million population. With only his wits and cunning, he will have to achieve the impossible. Oh, and also magic. And a supercomputer chip that he made. Anyway, it will be interesting. So, stay tuned. .................................................................................................... AN: This is my first book. I had planned for it for a long time. I have many arcs already planned out. Also, English is my second language. So, forgive some of my mistakes. Also, I wanted to add things that I love in a book. For instance, smart fights, conspiring mc, a bunch of fun wish fulfilment (Hehe). Also, many interesting tags like bloodlines, merchants, wars, adventures, and many things. Trust me, I have a lot of things I want to try out. Also, I like feedback. Anything you don't like, tell me. If it is reasonable and I agree with, I will maybe change them. I will explain the fantasy world gradually and the potential for the story is unlimited. I know where the story will end as well. So, unless there is a problem, I probably will not drop it/ ruin it with a sloppy ending. I mean the synopsis says it already. It is going to be a multiversal war with all its implications. Anyway, good luck. I hope you enjoy this novel. Author out

LazyReaderAlways · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Other Forms of Mana Usage

Now that I have an immediate goal, it might be good to check out the other forms of casting magic. Or other forms of using mana.

[Alice], show me the other methods of utilizing mana to achieve magical results.

[Multiple results found. These are Potion-making, Artificing, Rituals mainly. The others have too little information to be considered.]

Hmm, I already know about potion making. I can't really make many of them due to lack of ingredients. Sure, I could buy or gather some of them but the equipment necessary to make potions are not really available. Also, a 3-year-old child can't just go to the market and ask for potion making kit.

Also mainly, a 3-year-old has no privacy. And I really don't want to get caught while making potions. That will be impossible to explain.

Anyway, potions are out for now.

So, the next are artificing and rituals. Hmm, [Alice], show me the information on rituals.

[The book on rituals is {The Bloody Past of Rituals and The Reasons They Were Banned}]

I see, [Alice] has learned how to be sarcastic.

No other books [Alice]?

[No, sir.]

Well, I'll look into this later.

So, that leaves us with only artificing. This feels stupid. There is no way I'll be able to make artifacts like legendary swords and stuff. This is simply advanced blacksmithing. Might've been nice if there were enchantment in this universe. Just chant some stuff and bam, you got a legendary artifact. Sadly that is not the case here. [Alice], show me what we got on Artificing.

[Yes, sir. There is only one book here as well. You should like it, sir.

{The Basics of Artificing and Ridiculous Requirements}]

Ridiculous Requirements? This is another bust, isn't it?

Sigh! What do I do?

[Sir, this is different. You should read this book first before coming to conclusions.]

Huh, [Alice], You really think this is feasible?

Sure, I'll give it a read.

And so, I started reading. But the more I read, the wider my grin became.

"Now this we can work with. He he he."

"What Rick?"

"Nothing Ayna. You are still here?"

"Obviously, you are in my house, in my room, where do you think I should be?"

"Hmm, fair point."


How do you think magic spell works here?

Simple really, we make a spell model using our mana and then let it run its course. (Not really, there are many methods and techniques). Artifacts work in a similar manner.

Artifacts actually have spell models built into them, so when they get a supply of mana, they act as the caster of the spell.

Simple, right?

But, if you remember my comment about the way that mana works, you might realize that, that is impossible. Why? Because mana only reacts with living beings. Artifacts are clearly not living creatures. So, how can they work?

Well, due to a loophole.

Instead of living beings, that definition should be modified to become organic matters. Why? Because artifacts are made using both organic and inorganic matter. Organic matters handle mana and inorganic matters give it protection and a physical body.

Actually, the more organic matter used in an artifact, the better it works. Except for some exceptions.

But, here's the catch. It is impossible to imagine a spell model with extreme accuracy. I mean, can you give me every detail of a picture? Even in computers, after zooming in a bit, the picture becomes pixelated. The same case here. So, how do spells work? Well, mana sort of overcompensates for that. The spell formation is made using mana. So, if there is a bit of problem, mana fixes that, kind of like how water changes river banks while flowing through it. If there is a problem in the path or pipe, the mana fixes the minor problems while flowing through it. 

And after flowing in the proper path, when it comes out, it becomes different and gives us the preferred output.

Hence, we can cast magic with very complex spell models but with no problems. Because spell models are somewhat malleable, this problem is fixed.

But artifacts are solid and unmalleable. They are rigid. So, mana can't really make modifications to the spell models inside.

You noticed the problem already, didn't you?

It is almost impossible to make a spell model and carve it into an artifact.

Hence, the only artifacts available are ones with very simple spells inside. Like [fire ball].

Also, the cost to benefit ratio is very little.

But that was changed when a guy theorized a very special rune cluster. That rune cluster is called 'Mana gatherer.'

Can you tell me why that rune cluster or spell was a revolutionizing concept for artificing?

Because, before this mana had to be manually put inside the artifact by someone. It simply acted like a spell model except not. It was only usable as a training prop. But after this, it was possible to make this automated.

Think of this, now there was no need for a mage to keep inputting mana. It can simply gather the mana in its surroundings and use that to cast a spell. For as long as it can. Until it's eroded.

That is simply amazing. No need for mages if you can simply use a hairbrush to constantly spam fireballs.

Yeah, that's another fun part. It can be practically anything.

Now, time to start researching. The more I know, the easier it will be.


Inside the Silvanine household,

"Mother, could you feed me? My hands are tired, and I am hungry."

A 4-year-old boy can be seen demanding to be fed by his mother.

"Aww, so cute. Sure Rickie dear. If you need to. I can feed you all day."

"No, mother. I am a big boy now. I'll eat by myself. Just this one time."

"Yes, yes. My boy is a big boy now. He can eat by himself. Just this once. After this he will never ask to be fed forever."

"Um, maybe not forever. Huh? You won't feed me again mommy? Really? You won't? Even if I ask to."

"I'm just kidding dear. Of course I'll feed you. You're my little Mumby-wombly. Why won't I feed you? Now come here."

"He he he. My mommy is the best."

"You bet I am. Your dad wishes he can be half as cool as me."

Dad is just reading some books while eating in the dining room. Bookworms will be bookworms. The best hobby possible.

"So, Rickie dear. We were thinking about you finally getting into a school. Before you say anything, I know that you love staying with Ayna, but you need to socialize with kids similar to you in age too. What do you say?"

So, like the lovable cute sweetheart that I am, I instantly agree.

"Yes, mom. I would love to go there."


"Great. How about we go to the tailor tomorrow to order your uniform. He he he, Rickie in a school uniform."

She started to drool imagining a crime scene.

Fu*k. Nuh-uh. I am not going to school. Never ever. What do I do?

I need to do something. I can't do this. I have to practice magic, practice artificing and other things. I can't waste time with obnoxious brats.

This is a predicament that every re-incarnator has faced in life. Most just go through the torture. Some try to cheat the system. And you can bet your as* that I am the second type. I have an idea in my mind but this will be tough to pull off under the circumstances.

Hmm, I need to get some estimations.

"Mommy, when will the class begin? I really want to know."

"Oh, it will start in three months. Why sweety, are you anxious? You can't wait to get there right?"

"Yes mom, I can't wait."

Shit, I don't like where this conversation is going.

"Hmm, in that case. Brad, isn't the principal your friend? Could you ask him to start the pre-school part a little earlier?"

"I think so? It shouldn't be too hard."

My mother turned to me, proud and smiling.

"There Rickie. All done. See how awesome mommy is?"

"Yes, mom you are the best."

"Aww, so cute. You can have one extra hug today."

"Yay, I love hugs." (I don't)

And that's the story of how I F*cked myself over. You enjoyed that didn't you? You little sadist. I hope you rot in hell for that.

Anyway, my dad talked to his friend after that. And yes, he agreed to start it after just one month. So that's all the time I had to make a solution for this stupid situation.


One month later,

Rick can be seen inside a basement working and tinkering with his latest version of his solution to the problem at his hand.

Phew finally, finished. Just in the nick of time too. Tomorrow is the class. I needed to be ready before that.

This will work, right?


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Author's Note:

I usually add this in the author's thought. But this is important. I want to tell you about my original thoughts and plans for this part of the novel which I had changed afterward to make more sense.

Here's the thing, while writing I started to notice more things about my novel that I didn't think about before. Like School and his solution to it. Also, I didn't want to give his parents much importance. I actually wanted for him to be a part of a family with one father and 7 mothers. Why many mothers? Simple, mortality rate of men. Due to wars and natural situations, many men die off. Hence disproportionate population. Also, his father would be a cripple war veteran. He would also have many siblings and very busy mothers. Allowing him to be neglected. Ayna was always part of the story though.

Anyway, the premise was dark and somewhat interesting. Do you want to see this? Then maybe I can add another character or maybe tell this same story but in a different place. Food for thought.

Hi everyone. I have decided that elements related to the story will be put in as part of the chapter. But my personal thoughts and life will be here. If you aren't interested, Just don't read this bit. You are free to do so. You won't miss out on anything.

And next, my exams are over. If you read the bit at the end of the chapter today, then you might understand why I am feeling troubled by the story. I have many stories and plotlines planned out. But writing is troublesome. Give me some advice if you can. I'd appreciate that.

Thank you for reading.

Time for some fast phrases.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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