
Isekai no Plus Grande Love: Master of World Break Aria of Curse

Takumi is a typical high school student who suddenly finds himself transported to a fantasy world filled with magic and danger. There, he meets Ria, a young woman who tells him that he has been chosen as the World Breaker, with the power to break curses that have been placed on the land by an evil sorcerer. As Takumi and Ria journey deeper into the cursed land, Takumi realizes the gravity of his powers and the challenges that lay ahead. He must use his strength and cunning to break through the sorcerer's barriers and free the land from darkness. Along the way, Takumi and Ria develop a close bond and eventually fall in love. However, their journey is not without danger. The sorcerer will stop at nothing to protect the curses, and Takumi must face him in a fierce battle to break the final curse and save the world. In the end, Takumi emerges victorious, and he and Ria are hailed as heroes. But their journey is far from over, as Takumi realizes that he has found a new home in this world and must continue to use his powers to protect it from future threats. And with Ria by his side, he knows that he can overcome any challenge that comes their way.

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29 Chs

Chapter 6: Betrayal

Takumi and Ria had been traveling for weeks, breaking curses and defeating monsters. They had become close friends, sharing stories and supporting each other through difficult battles.

But as they entered a small village, they sensed that something was off. The people seemed tense and guarded, and Takumi and Ria could hear whispers of danger and betrayal.

As they walked through the village square, a group of armed men approached them, their eyes filled with suspicion and anger.

"What are you doing here?" one of the men asked, his hand on his sword hilt.

"We're just passing through," Takumi said, trying to keep his voice calm.

"We don't want your kind here," another man said, sneering at Ria. "We've had enough of outsiders causing trouble."

Takumi and Ria exchanged a worried glance. They had encountered hostility before, but this felt different. It was as if the villagers were hiding something.

Suddenly, the men drew their swords, their expressions turning hostile.

"Get out of here!" they shouted, advancing on Takumi and Ria.

Takumi and Ria drew their weapons, ready to defend themselves. But as they fought off the attackers, they realized that they were outnumbered and outmatched.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out of the shadows. It was a man that Takumi recognized, a man who had approached them earlier with a friendly smile.

"What's going on here?" the man asked, his voice laced with false concern.

"These outsiders were causing trouble," one of the men said, lowering his sword.

"Is that so?" the man said, his eyes flickering with malice. "Well then, I think it's time we taught them a lesson."

The man drew his own sword and joined the attack, his strikes aimed at Takumi and Ria's vulnerable spots.

Takumi and Ria fought back with all their might, but they knew that they were fighting a losing battle. As they fell to the ground, surrounded by their attackers, they realized that they had been set up.

The man who had approached them earlier had betrayed them, luring them into a trap.

As darkness enveloped them, Takumi and Ria could hear the man's voice, taunting them with his betrayal.

"You should have known better than to trust a stranger," he said, his laughter echoing in the empty village square.

Takumi and Ria knew that they had been foolish to let their guard down. But as they drifted into unconsciousness, they vowed to get revenge on the man who had betrayed them, and to continue their journey with even greater caution and vigilance.