
Chapter 3: New Start & New Powers

Upon regaining my consciousness, I found myself In a dark cave. Surrounding me are the three Goblins that "Killed" me, looking at me In shock standing on their feet.

Standing up slowly to the further shock of the Goblins, I stood up like a Zombie rising from the ground and smiled In the most cheerful way possible.

" Hello~!" Singing such, I thrust out my arm. In my grasp appears a dark long sword I created using Dark Magic and although it lacks any gems or shines to It, the sword wedges into a soft portion of the first Goblin throat with only minor resistance spears into his neck.

" Wha?"

The first Goblin eyes shoot open at the instantaneous affair, while his friends freeze rigidly.

He can no longer fight. While the others are still petrified, my free hand shoots for the medium one. I grasped him by the little hair he has and the ear and swung It, allowing no resistance. Riding the momentum, I smash the Goblin head against the cave rock wall.

Something solid crunches, cracks, and the Goblin draws a trail of blood down the wall as he crumples. Simultaneously, I jab my knee into the impaled Goblin whose eyes bulge open as he topples over. The direction he falls in is poor. He falls forward, and so the stick my sword digs deeper into him.

Now two of them can no longer fight.

Now only one left—

" Eep!?!"

The small one Goblin pales as he watches the instantaneous defeat of his two allies. If he proceeded to abandon the others and sprint for the forest, it'd turn into a contest of his leg strength against mine and he might not have a chance of surviving.

Instead he looks at the fallen duo and hesitates on whether to flee. Unaware that it is already too late-for them, wasting the single second of time he has.

Idiot. Imbecile. he'd get his reward for that moronic decision.

" Ghau, ghhg..."

I close my hands around the Goblin skinny neck, squeezing down as I presses his back against the wall. He struggles as he is lifted up against the wall and the force on his neck compounding as I strangles him.

He is raised until he is on even eye level with me. His eyes bulge as he is choked, his mouth flapping open and shut in search of oxygen. But his windpipe has been forcibly blocked, and he will not be saved.

" Now do you realize how much you fucked up meeting me?"

" Khhg, hgh..."

" You're meant to laugh: Mongrel."

I say as I glare at his face—growing bloodier, and running with spit and tears.

He has no leeway to say anything, of course. Actually, forget about leeway—having lost any capacity to resist, his body falls limp and I dump him to the ground.

After looking down at the defeated trio, I start stomping their necks just in case. Once I

feel the crunch of something breaking beneath my foot heel, I smiled.

The first Goblin has such a big neck that it takes five good stomps to do it.

" Wasn't smart to strangle him. ...Feels gross too and yet It felt sooo gooood~" I smiled In delight:" How odd~"

After having that moment of reflection, I loot two short stone swords and a few gold coins from the Goblins. Then I drags their their corpses to the end of the cave and chuckle. Both waking up and encountering the three Goblins happened rather quickly. Taking care of the trio did take a little time, but still ultimately less than a minute or so.


" Hm?" Hearing something, I looked back at the Goblins, seeing what seems to be their soul leaving their bodies.


Seeing them try to leave me, made me annoyed:" Mongrels, who told you, you can leave?'' Using my Dark Magic, I snickered," Because I know I didn't."


Smashing their souls together, I chanted:" Awaken."


Appearing In front of me a giant troll Goblin thing, retaining three heads and a ranch In their hands.

" Creator!" Seeing me, they got on their knees In bliss and fear. An odd couple to say the least.

" Leave. You already know what to do." I said, waving them off.

" Leave?... Yes, leave! We will leave and show them Creator's power!" Shaking its head childishly, the three-headed Goblin ran off, roaring to the world.

Why did I create that you may ask?

...Well, because I felt like It.

Nothing more. Nothing less.


[** 1 Week Later**]


Performing some tests In and around the cave I Concluded a few things.

(1)- By using: Cosmic Fire Manipulation, I can create, shape, and manipulate Cosmic fire  from the depths of deep space, from celestial objects such as from meteors, stars, constellations, planets/planetoids, etc. These flames can burn in space, and thus, do not need the consumption of oxygen.

The cons are: The flames may be hard to control and master due to their cosmic nature. And despite powers being cosmic, I may still be vulnerable to things like water  or  ice, depending on how powerful I am. The more powerful I am in controlling the cosmic fire, the more I may be invulnerable to fire-extinguishing powers.

(2)- I got a good amount of boons from my new Wife. One of them is Supernatural Strength. After being revived by my Wife, I now possess supernatural strength, despite being only a human, due to my special resurrection, allowing me to easily overpower most of my enemies(or was said by my Wife). Next: I got Supernatural Mobility. Capable of easily outrunning and Maneuvering most beings of this new world.

Supernatural Stamina: I now have an incredible amount of physical staying power. I can last for a couple of years with no rest and still be alright and fuck without stopping for years on end too.

Personal Immortality: Due to my pact with my Wife and thanks in part to my new dark arcana, I possess an odd form of immortality and an inability to die. I cannot be harmed by mortal means and don't feel pain.

Dark Magic: Once upon being revived by my Goddess-Wife, I now possess Dark Magic. Instructed by her, I'm very adept at manipulating my dark powers for a plethora of ingenuities and effects, the application range so far being only limited by my own twisted imagination.

Physical Augmentation: I found out that I could use ng mystical abilities to amplify my physical ones, now probably strong as Berserker Hercules from Fate.

Mediumship: I discovered I could utilize my dark mysticism to enter conversations with the dead. Able to pick the memories of the recently deceased to fuel my Magic and Knowledge.

And that's what I could uncover about my Dark Magic. There's probably still a lot more I could do, but that's for later.

Next- My Fallen Angel Bloodline. With this Bloodline, I'm a Fallen Angel, an angel either exiled from heaven or corrupted by dark powers or evil intent. The most common manifestation of the fall is in the coloration of the wings, which usually turn dark, or the manifestation of a dark halo. Though they have fallen from grace, they still retain some of their heavenly powers even if it's minimal.

As a Fallen Angel, I was provided: Corruption Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation Demon Physiology, Demonic Arm, Demonic Infusion, and Demonic Force. Elemental Wings Manifestation, Photokinetic Wing Manifestation, Umbrakinetic Wing Manifestation, Evil Empowerment, Fallen Physiology, Morality Manipulation, Sin Empowerment, and lastly, Vice Inducement.

Truly, I have become quite OP. Because by going by my Wife, there are only a few beings that can truly fight me to a good level.


" Creator!" Breaking my train of thoughts is Drei's voice, the Three-Headed Goblin I created.

" Yes?" Lazily looking up from my soft grass I'm laying on, I asked.

" Drei has found other Goblins that wishes to speak to you." They said happily, kneeling to me, facing the ground.

" You did now?" I asked, still uncaring as ever.

" Yes, we did. They have a few odd Hobgoblins leading them." Drei added, smiling for no reason, other than talking to me.

" Odd Hobgoblins you say?" I hummed, remember a Manga, I read when I first got into Manga.

What was It called again?


Hmm? Oh, yes.

Re:Monster, that's what It was called.

" Tell them I'll meet them tomorrow." I waved Drei off and closed my eyes, as my big pair of soft beautiful black wings appeared around me, like a blanket, falling asleep then and there.


" Of course Creator!" Not caring Sora fell asleep, Drei ran off in the odd group of Goblins direction.
