
New Me, New Family IV

"I wish for you to be an instructor at my compound. Where you and your apprentice will be welcomed with open arms and you can continue your research without meddlesome rumors and hearsay to distract you." I say elaborating on my intentions.

Falion mulls it over for a moment before retorting, "I taught at the college for a while, and I left because those tottering old fools would only demean and shackle my research. To the point, my only recourse was fleeing to this backwater town to continue my research in relative peace."

"Well, so long as your research doesn't endanger the people under my care. Then you're free to research as you see fit. And if I find your research intriguing I may even help you fund and source materials for it." I assure him.

I see him starting to get swayed by my offer, as he asks, "And you said my apprentice could come with me? What of our accommodations?"

"Your apprentice could either bunk with the other children or we could design your home to accommodate them. It's up to your personal preference." I shrug no longer concerned about whether or not he'll join me as his interest in his accommodations shows I already have him in the bag.

"Alright… I'll join you, but… Morvarth has to be dealt with first. I can't let this evil feaster in the town when I take my leave." He finally relents.

"That's fine by me, stay in town and make sure it's safe while I turn this journal into the Jarl." I say turning to leave.

"Sure thing." He says, starting to return to his home.

"Oh, and one final thing. Jenassa." I say signaling Jenassa to let loose an arrow that lands between Falion's feet shocking him to the point he falls on his ass in fear.

"The next time you think of raising a hand against me… Make sure you don't miss, because you won't get another chance." I say with a devilish smirk.

"And they say us conjurers are evil…" I hear Falion mumble under his breath as I go into Highmoon Hall with Jenassa close behind.

Once inside I see Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone, a mature but respectable elderly Nord woman. Resting on her "throne" as her steward and housecarl stand watch over her.

I start to open my mouth, but the two motion me to remain silent.

After several minutes Idgrod finally opens her eyes and I see a strange and terrifying intellect peer into my soul before her eyes shift to that of a kind old woman.

"Oh my... What brings a Far-walker to my humble court? What plans the Divines have cooked up for you I wonder?" Idgrod says in a creaky old voice.

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Indeed you should be, for impersonating those with the sight... Though... Impersonation is a strong word since your knowledge is true." She says with a knowing look of chastisement.

"How did you know?" I ask even more perplexed as I begin to panic.

"Aslfur, Gorm. Leave us... Me and the Far-walker have much to discuss, most of which will be beyond your understanding." Idgrod says dismissing her steward and housecarl, who give me warning glares before reluctantly departing without complaint.

Idgrod then looks to Jenassa. "Jenassa, please wait outside." I order her, catching Idgrod's meaning.

"As you command, Sera." Jenassa replies, before walking out of the Hall.

"Now that we're alone, how is it you know what you know?" I ask.

"The Divines have blessed me with sight beyond sight. Visions of our world, and sometimes others. Our world may be but a game in your old world Far-walker, but know that your world is but a dream of a crazed old woman here." She replies with a knowing smile.

"I... I see..." I say almost shocked speechless by this revelation.

"No you do not, but you claim to... And that has put you on a dangerous path... One with many trials and pitfalls... Most pressing at the moment being the clash of this civil war, and its role in your future rises to power." Idgrod replies sagely.

"What do you mean?" I ask wondering just how much she knows.

"Your plans to become High King, of course. And the conquests that lie far beyond that paltry accomplishment in comparison. And before you ask, I stand by Hjaalmarch and will only support your claim to the throne of High King after you've secured at least three other holds to your cause. I shall join you when the time is right." She says holding up three fingers and shutting down my next question before I've even had a chance to ask it.

'Shit, fuckin' prophets and their "when the time is right" bull shi-... Wait... Is this how I made Ulfric feel?... I'd almost feel bad if he wasn't a racist Thalmor puppet.' I think to myself before saying, "I... I understand, thank you for your inevitable support." Finishing with a bow.

"We'll see... Is there anything else you wish to discuss, Far-walker?" Idgrod says, slowly closing her eyes.

"Yes, I have proof of Alva being a spawn of the vampire Morvarth. It's all in her diary. I need to know the location of their lair and once I slay them I plan to take Falion with me." I say, explaining my intentions.

Her eyes open up in confusion before she tilts her head, "Hmmm... Strange... I did not see this... This is where he is located." She says marking my map, before continuing, "And Falion is free to make his own decisions. Now leave me, so that I may rest on this subject." She says as her eyes close once more.

I nod silently before heading outside to process all of this.

I see Jenassa and Grom talking about their preference in weapons before they stop, noticing my arrival.

"Time to depart, Sera?" Jenassa asks putting away her bow.

"Yes, we're done talking if you wish to return to your Jarl. She is... Dreaming now." I tell Grom as he gives a knowing nod before returning to his duties as housecarl.


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