
New Me, New Family I

(Story Recap for those who choose to skip the NSFW Chapters: M'rissi is revealed to have the same whip scars along her back as MC. Also, M'rissi admits that she consulted Inigo on how to make MC her's.)

In the silence of the night, I slowly close my eyes as her faint warm breathing becomes my lullaby as that galaxy of stars greets me and I'm finally able to level up.

After evenly distributing my stats I'm finally able to look at my skill tree when I noticed something peculiar.

A new constellation in the sky, following the image of a wolf howling at the moon.

I discover that the werewolf tree has its own perks and it seems that they have already been used to max out the Hircine's Blessing power.

"Strange, I don't remember the werewolf perk tree being this large? And can I only access it here?" I ponder aloud before exploring my perks and deciding how I'm going to invest my 9 perk points.

I decide to use up all my available perk points since I felt the burn when I had no access to use my growing perk points and I'm starting to get an idea on what I want to develop my combat style into.

I invest heavily in the frost branch of the destruction magic tree and the sword branch of the one-handed tree as I plan to use frost to slow my enemies down and my new ebony sword to cut them to shreds.

With the recent fight against the Heroes of Nirn, I also discovered the essential need for having a healer and how vital my Shouts can be mid-combat. So I decide to invest some points in speechcraft which now has a shout branch and the restoration magic tree.

I need to find myself a copy of healing hands though so I can support my companions better in combat or if something unexpected happens it'd be nice to be able to heal someone.

Lastly, I notice that my Gamer's Mind ability has been greyed out and a new (Desyncing) modifier applied to it… I wonder what's going on? Is this why it's getting harder to see this as just a game and not my actual life? I ponder the implications for several minutes before moving on.

(Check the Character Stats Auxiliary Chapter for exact information.)

And with that, I prepare myself to leave this starry galaxy as I exit this world space and brace myself for all the pain about to come my way from all this leveling up.

I awoke with my mind in a fog before the familiar pain returned, though this time it was much worse as I feel not only the searing pain of new information being imprinted on my brain, but it feels like channels are being burrowed through my bones and muscle as I shout out in pain at the unexpected sensation.

"AAAAGHHHH!" I shout for what feels like hours before the pain finally subsides and I can focus my eyes to reveal three terrified huddling figures and an amused Astrid clad in skin-tight red and black leather armor with a black hood and a red mask that fails to hide her identity as she perches lazily atop a bookshelf as her leg dangles over the edge.

I smell a strange scent on her though as my heightened sense picks up… An earthy musk? Is this Arnbjorn's scent? Is this what others smell on M'rissi now?

"Sleep well?" Astrid asks, shaking me from my thoughts.

I crack my neck and pop my joints before standing up from the wood slat bed, "Not particularly, I was wondering how long it'd take for you guys to find me."

"Oh? You become even more intriguing… Who do you think I am? Or are you often kidnapped and taken to secluded cabins in the middle of nowhere?" Astrid asks with a bemused smirk evident beneath her mask.

I realize my gear is set up in the corner and begin getting dressed as I speak, "The Dark Brotherhood, I'm guessing you're delivering on that threat you sent with that courier? And these poor souls… I took your job when I killed that monster, and you probably want a life for a life? Am I right?"

"You really are smarter than you look. Really hit the nail on the head. Go ahead, make your choice and your debt will be squared away. I just want to observe… And admire." Astrid says suggestively while I finish getting dressed.

"You said I owe a life… What if the life I choose is yours!" I shout waiting for Jenassa to burst in with her bow drawn…

But nothing…

"I said, what if the life I choose is yours!" I shout louder… But still nothing.

I hear Astrid giggling in delight, "Was that the signal meant for your little dark elf friend?" Astrid says making my stomach drop as I stare at her in disbelief.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't worry, she's still alive, just taking a little nap outside. The deal is still the same. A life for a life, and while a creative choice, mine is not on the menu tonight." Astrid laughs before reiterating the choices before me.

I go over to the captives and pull out my ebony blade… It feels lighter for some reason as if it's an extension of my own arm as I effortlessly decapitate the Khajiit, Vasha, who threatened to gut me if he ever got free.

I pass over Alea Quintus, who while an annoying Karen of a mother, is just that, and unfortunately that isn't worthy of a death sentence. Also, she's already pissed herself in fear and I don't want to step into it.

Lastly, is Fultheim the Fearless, who is an old nordic mercenary who I'm certain is either a rapist at worst and at best stood by and watched while his company raped a young girl.

I drive my sword into his stomach before channeling frost magic through it and freezing him from his very core as the ice slowly spreads across his body before I forcefully yank my sword out, shattering his body as his armor falls to the floor.

I turn back to Astrid who still has that bemused look in her eyes as I return to her.

"Interesting, one of those two had to have been the contract right? Not that it matters, you understand how the world works. That the only thing that matters is following my orders, and that you did splendidly." Astrid praises.


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