What... What's going? I was watching a video while crossing the street... Did someone hit me? I feel so light... What's that sound? Follow my adventures as I live my new life in a beloved game that has aged perfectly due to a wonderful and dedicated modding community.
"You have to be kidding, why would I do that?!" Sapphire exclaims incredulously, making me take my eyes off the girl.
"Because, I've got business with him, and I'm still asking nicely..." I say, before glaring at Sapphire and releasing a little killing intent before reeling it back in.
"Woah! Easy, easy, consider the debt forgiven and he'll have his damn package tomorrow, but... I'm going to need your help in exchange for this little favor." Sapphire propositions, despite still being a little shaken up.
"Oh? What's it you've got in mind?" I ask, intrigued by the unexpected turn of the conversation.
"Simple, I got a personal job, one I could use an extra set of hands and eyes on. If you think you have what it takes? Unless Goldenglow was a fluke?" Sapphire says goading me a little as she smirks back at me, her previous unease disappearing as if it was an illusion.
"Okay... I'm interested, when and where?" I ask after thinking it over for a minute.
"I knew you'd be interested, but no rush. Still got a little footwork left to run. I'll reach out when I'm ready." Sapphire says, getting off the wall and heading towards the door.
"Alright by me. See you around the Flaggon." I say as I watch her leave before returning my attention to people watching.
The girl I had noticed earlier is now talking with Inigo and M'rissi. She seems to be asking them for change, and after getting it she enthusiastically hugs Inigo who doesn't seem to notice her little hand slipping into the pouch he had drawn his gold from. Taking out a handful more before slipping them behind her back and continuing on to her next mark.
I shake my head as I come over to my friends, hearing Inigo say, "Ah, what a lovely little girl, caring for her sick grandmother like that. I hope she gets the medicine soon."
"Yes, She thinks the girl was really sweet." M'rissi adds as she takes a bite of what looks to be a steak so bloody I'd swear I could still hear it mooing.
"Inigo... My dear friend... I hate to tell you this... But, you've just been scammed..." I say, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"What do you mean, my friend? Who scammed me?" Inigo looks at me with a confused tilt.
"Check your coin pouch." I tell him with a knowing smile.
Inigo quickly reaches to his pouch and realizing its several coins lighter, "What is going on, my friend?"
"Huff..." I sigh before explaining he just got scammed by that little girl.
"But... Her grandmother..." Inigo says dejectedly as he hangs his head.
"It's okay, it's not like we're hurting for money, plus, we've got those Thieves Guild jobs to turn in. Speaking of, we should probably get going while the night is still young." I say, comforting him as the three of us head out of the tavern and make our way into the depths of sewers under the streets of Riften.
Though, I'm slightly confused with the winding layout of the path to the tavern, Inigo, M'rissi, and I are able to sniff our way to the tavern.
Secretly thanking Delvin for his strong booze and the clean cistern the Ragged Flaggon was built on.
Once inside the main chamber, I see Salthasar and the face sculptor I wanted to meet.
As I head towards Salthasar with M'rissi, Inigo goes over to speak with Delvin at the bar.
As we close in on Salthasar, he turns to look at us with his eyes going wide, well as wide as an argonian's eyes can go, in shock as he quickly turns and tries to walk away. Pretending not to see us as I hear him mumble under his breath, "Oh no, not these two, again."
I quickly double my steps as I rush behind Salthasar and place my hand on the back of his neck as I say with a smile, "If it isn't my favorite jewelry appraiser? How have you been? You left in such a hurry the last time we spoke, I thought I did something to upset you."
"Oh, new blood, I didn't sssee you there... Isss there... Sssomething I can help you with?" Salthasar says as he eyes me nervously, probably praying I'll just leave him alone as soon as possible.
"You know, I'm glad you asked. You see, that book you gave us last time? There's a few pages missing from it. You wouldn't happen to have been holding them back for an extra payment, would you?" I ask, slightly tightening my grip on the back of his neck.
"No! No! No! I would never do that, he, he, he..." Salthasar awkwardly chuckles, before continuing.
"I can't sssay I'm surprised, though. Mosst of thiss lot down here are thievesss becausse they can't do much else... Not you of courssse, New Blood." Salthasar says, backtracking.
"Uh, huh..." I say with a nod as I finally release my grip on his neck and let him turn around properly.
"Yesss, bookss can be hard to turn over for a profit, sso they ssee them asss mosstly worthlesss." Salthasar explains starting to breathe a little easier now that he can turn around and face me.
"Your insights into our fellow business associates completely astound me, but I'm more interested in getting the name of the person who brought you this book." I say sarcastically.
"I'm sssorry, but in our line of work, anonymity createss opportunity. And thosse who reveal sssecretss do not live long." Salthasar rejects my request with an unexpected amount of resistance.
"Come now, Salthasar. Can your conscience really let you sleep at night, knowing you'll deprive such a pretty girl of her memories?" I ask stepping aside to show M'rissi.
"Yes, she does not know what she would do if she could not recover her memories... She might just go crazy in desperation for answers." M'rissi says as she flexes her claws at Salthasar intimidatingly.
(Author's Note: Hey everyone, sorry I'm late. I'm in America, and today was mother's Day, and I was busy celebrating with my family. Hope you enjoy the latest chapter!)