What... What's going? I was watching a video while crossing the street... Did someone hit me? I feel so light... What's that sound? Follow my adventures as I live my new life in a beloved game that has aged perfectly due to a wonderful and dedicated modding community.
I decide to bank the point and invest more in my magicka, since it has started to come in handy when I don't have a weapon ready. I think I'll head to Riften and get in good with the Thieves Guild before moving on to begin missions for them while making my way around Skyrim to collect some companions and maybe look at acquiring another thaneship to begin building up my prestige. Anyways time to wake up.
And with that, the familiar level-up sensation shrouds my body and my vision brightens to see the rising sun and a fluffy white butt in my face.
"Come on Crimson, time to get up," I say poking the cub with my finger causing them to stir, raising their head to stare me in the eyes before turning away and going back to sleep.
"Why you little! Fine, we'll do it this way!" I say swaddling them up and placing them on my back.
"How do you like that," I say with a smirk before they return it with a smile, licking my ear before going to sleep.
"Why do I feel like I lost?" I sigh before going to gather Sophia, Jenassa, and M'rissi before we head out.
After a short walk to Helgan, we come across some brigands looting through the rubble of Helgan, I motion to Jenassa and M'rissi to take up a hidden position with their bows while me and Sofia sneak ahead. Pulling our swords as I prepare a lighting spell in one hand while Sofia prepares flames in hers.
The bandits are sitting around a fire joking about all the easy loot just lying around in the ruins, while we slowly sneak up behind them.
"Divines! I love war, so many easy targets ripe for the taking!" A Nord says while laughing and downing a mug of juniper berry mead.
"Meh, this is not damage from a war…" A Redguard says taking a chunk of meat from the spit over the fire.
"Who cares? Never look a gifted hor-guh!" An Imperial begins to say before I run him through with my blade as Sofia decapitates the Nord.
But as Jenassa and M'rissi let loose their arrows the Redguard slashes them from the air and jumps across the campfire putting it between us and him.
"Who goes there?!" He shouts in disbelief.
"Your death!" I shout back before firing my lightning towards him stunning him long enough for Sofia to run up and cut him down.
As I begin to gather up the loot, Sofia pipes up, "You are such a show-off. Yea ok. I know that look you are giving me, but it's important to let people know that you are superior. It's for their own good. Otherwise, they would have no one but the gods to admire."
"Oh, I am the show-off? And who is the one who twirled while decapitating that Nord?" I smirk back at her causing her to humph in displeasure as I stumble upon a book in the bandit's possession, [Helgan Reborn]
What's this? I don't remember this quest being in the base game. I open the book and am notified that someone in Whiterun is looking for me… Though I can't seem to comprehend the text written inside the book for some reason. Well, I'll return there once I'm done in Riften. I think while gathering up the loot before continuing to camp further in the woods.
Once the first lights of dawn stream into our camp, we break and travel on to Iverstead. Quickly leaving the small farming village after selling off what I can of our spoils we begin traveling on to the south road.
While traveling along the road I receive the notification, [Jonestead Discovered] What? There's no town here? I think before noticing what looks like a crypt door in what's supposed to be a straight cliff face.
"Hold up, let's check what's inside here," I say going towards the door.
"Ugh, does she have to? She does not like these dark, damp places at all," M'rissi complains before following me in.
Once inside we are greeted by an ethereal sight, a misty forest village is nestled beneath the mountain. Climbing down the charmingly rustic staricase I come across a man leaning against the railing of a small wooden bridge that acts as the primary entrance into the town.
As I approach he speaks up, "Welcome to Jonestead, stranger." Revealing his name to be Walsh.
"Thank you for your hospitality, but what is this place?" I ask looking around with intense curiosity.
"An underground town, safe and far away from the troubles on the outside. I'm not surprised you haven't heard about us. It's not the most interesting place in Skyrim for adventurers." Walsh replies.
"Is there anything worth looking into?" I ask, even more, intrigued by this isolated town.
"Not really, normally I'd ask a newcomer if they're interested in building a game down here… But since that would mean relinquishing all of your weapons, I get the feeling that wouldn't work for you. I suppose if you're desperate for work, you can see if our town's founder, Marcus Pinder, has any errands for you?" Walsh offers.
"Thanks for the suggestion, but who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Walsh, co-founder of Jonestead. If you ever need anything around town, I'm the man to see." Walsh proudly says.
"Thank you, mind telling me the history of Jonestead?" I ask.
"Sure, about ten years ago, Marcus came to me seeking aid to build an underground town in this cavern. I was the head of a construction company at the time and I was a few weeks away from retirement. He said he was looking for a place to 'get away from it all,' and thought living underground, literally, was the only way to do that." Walsh says with a chuckle before continuing.
"The prospect of building something of this magnitude was enough to keep me in the job for another year. So, after adjusting a rock or two and building houses for the Pinder family and myself, Jonestead was completed. Families have come and gone, but the {under Family and I have been here since the beginning." Pausing to reminisce.
"Anyway, about the name, Marcas thought it would be a good idea to name it after the Aldmeri god of Secunda. Said he thought this place was like a crater on the face of the moon." Walsh concludes.
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