
Is this World a Game?

Bhavya12 · Juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
4 Chs

Chapter 3 JAY PATEL


Next day, Morning,

Date :- 30-05-2030

Shaurya :- "Let's log in to my new body and check its stats."

Shaurya then log in to its new body,

Shaurya :- "Open Level panel."




*Input your name above to create your new identity, You will also get your identity card of the country you are residing in.

[LEVEL] :- [1]

[XP] :- 100/200

[CP] :- 50

[CLASS] :- Due to an error your class will be unlocked at Level 200



* You can convert your CP into real cash.









[HEALTH] 100



* For every point HEALTH will be increased by 50 and SPIRIT by 5






NONE ___________________________________________________


Shaurya :- "Why is there an error in the class ? And it's says now i have to level upto 200 to unlock it , how the hell can i level upto 200. Any ways just leave it."

And then....

As soon as Shaurya entered his fake name as Rehan , an identity card (Aadhaar Card) appeared in his hand .

Shaurya looked surprised at how an identity card appeared out of nowhere and sighs

Shaurya :- "I should not be surprised a whole new body came out of nowhere then what is an identity card to it."

Now he can live 2 live one as Shaurya and another as Rehan

And suddenly remembered today is monday he has to attain school. He has summer holidays now but since he failed in board exams he has to go school for special classes .

Then Shaurya gets ready wearing school uniform and went school.

In School,

Homeroom sir :- "Your exam schedule is out your exam is on 6th June means 1 week from now so be prepared and don't fail this time ok Shaurya."

Shaurya :-"No problem sir I am prepared this time and since I only have to give the exam which I failed in , so I had only studied maths and now I am confident that I will pass in re-exam. "

Homeroom sir ( Sarcastic tone ):- "I know , I know how confident you are because that's what you said last time."

After school he gets home he start studying for school and he taken a week leave from his part time job for exam to prepare well.

After 1 week....

Shaurya :- "Paper was easy I will surely pass this time ."

Shaurya to himself :- "Now it's time to earn some money and not by a part time job , I will earn money with this VR which changed my life."

8 days earlier while doing his first quest Shaurya earned +2 stamina stats points while climbing the stairs , Then he thought what if he workout and read books and then while studying for the exam he used his other body Rehan , after studying for a week he got +2 intelligence stats points.


Shaurya:- "Let's make a regular workout and book reading schedule , and think I can also get stat points by quests and it will be faster ."

Shaurya then log in to VR and now it's time for Rehan to go outside.

Rehan then get outside of house and start searching for quest.

After 15 min of searching He found a man with a question mark on his head near a park. That person was looking like he is rich because the clothes ,shoes and watch everything he was wearing were branded

Rehan starts walking toward the man and stands beside the man.

Rehan :- "Uncle have you lost something , I saw from distance the your trying to find something , do you need any help ?"

Rich Man :- " Yes please, my phone and wallet are missing and I have to attain a very Important call in 30 minutes . "

IGAI :- "A quest has been generated."


{[ QUEST ]}

• Help this man find his lost phone and wallet.

• TIME LIMIT :- 30 Minutes

* If you find after time limit is over you will not get any rewards


{[ REWARD ]}

•1000 XP

•5000 CP

• Random Stat points based on your quest completing action.

[ ✓ ] AGREE. [ ] DECLINE


Rehan :- "Hey IGAI what's this difficulty."

IGAI :- " There are 5 types of difficulty S,A,B,C,D follow the difficulty order from very high to low . And there is also another one which is common which is regular with no difficulty just like your first quest. "

Rehan understand stand and

Rehan :- " Yes uncle I will try my best to help you out. "

Rich Man :-"And my phone and wallet has a crown symbol with RC written on it.

And Rehan and the man started searching , That man was searching inside the park and Rehan was searching around the park and alleys near it .

After searching for 15 minutes Rehan found 3 people sitting on their bike beside the shop in the alley nearby park . When he looked closely on the bike speedometer there was a phone and wallet as mentioned by Rich Man .From their look they looked like thugs . So Rehan carefully started walking toward and stops near them while pretending to be on the phone.

Rehan starts listening them carefully.

Thug :- "Today we got a big hand . This wallet has a lot of money and this phone is also costly too. "

Another Thug :- "Yes now we don't have to do anything for some time."

After 2 minutes...

Thug :- "Let's get a cigarette and something to eat from the shop."

Shop front was made of glass so can see outside from in there , so the thugs leave phone and wallet after taking 500 Rupees from it.

Rehan noticed them entering inside shop.

Rehan :- "Ok now is the best time, I have to take that phone and wallet back before they come back else I don't stand a chance against them. "

Rehan sneak behind the bikes of thug without getting noticed and slowly take both things and started escaping before anyone notice him.

Rehan :- "Oh yeah, there are 10 more minutes left so i can easily complete this quest. "

Rehan reaches park and handover both items to Rich man

Rehan :- "3 Thugs had stolen your things , they had taken 500 from your wallet , sorry i can't help in that because I took those things sneakily "

Rich man :- "No problem, the thing I most wanted right now is my phone."

Pop up appears.....




• You have been awarded by 1000 XP and 5000 CP .

• You have gained +1 INTELLIGENCE point and +2 AGILITY.






And another ....




And another message appears...


• You have gained a new skill [THEFT] :- While stealing your agility will be doubled.

COST :- 5 Spirit Points for every 10 second


Rehan (Surprised) thinking :- "Doubled! I think I should become a thief ."

At the same time Rich man was attending his call.

After 10 minutes...

Rich man :- "Thank you for your help boy."

Rich man :- "Sorry for the late introduction, I am Jay Patel and the owner of Royal Crown Hotel."

Rehan (shocked):- "What! The Royal Crown Hotel , Best hotel in the country and you are the owner."

Saurabh :- "Yes, and can I ask your name."

Rehan :- "I am Shaur...no..no..Rehan."

Jay :- "Rehan , I see , so you are a player , can you tell how you got VR."


Chapter 3 END

• Let's see how did Jay know about VR.

• Thanks for Reading. Make sure to give your review.
