
Is This First Love?

Have you ever felt like everything you once had coming back to you, but then shattered in the blink of an eye? Well, that was the life Rina, a 16-year-old girl, was living until a day came where an angelic guy saves her from taking her last breath. This guy wasn't just angelic, he was the new bad boy at her school plus the leader of a vigilante crew called "Dark Knights" with the help of his best friend who's a hacker, a genius and very rich. This vigilante crew was a force to protect females who couldn't protect themselves against any threat toward them. The way this vigilante crew was secured and had an advanced system, they were even working with an undercover force called "Dark Society" which protects the world in the shadows. Meeting this person changed Rina a lot. Turning her into something new, something better. That slowly they grew closer and closer that they both asked themselves, "Is This First Love?". Thanks to everyone that helps and put in their part in helping me to continue making this beautiful and amazing story!

Rihana_hinds · Adolescente
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42 Chs

The chase

After Max rides off, his mind was no longer on how beautiful Rina is. He's only focus was to catch those kidnappers.

"I must trap them!" he said to himself as he rides and turns into a dark alley. He parks his bike and looks out if he sees the car that Liam told him about.

"Haha, there you are, " he said as he head back to his bike and got on. Before starting the engine he took out a joker mask and put over his face for he knows that the guys he's going after already known him.

Vroom! Vroom! The sound his bike made as he started the engine. Vroom! He rides out the alley fast and out on the street again.

When people saw the mask dude with tattoos on his arm and on a bike, that put fear in their hearts. "That guy looks scary, mommy!" a baby boy cried to his mother. "Who is that man! I must call the police!" the mother shouts at herself.

Max continues to ride at a very fast speed as he keeps his distance away from the car.

"Brown, I think someone is following us!" the guy in the black jeep cried as he looks in the mirror. "What do you see?" the man driving ask. "A mask dude with tattoos on his right arm and riding a bike!" he cried as anxiety hit him in the face. "Wait, dude with mask, tattoos on his arm and riding a bike! Holy shit, that's, Max!" the driver shouts out as he steps on the gas pedal even harder.

"Who the hell is Max, Brown?!" the guy ask that was beside the driver. "He's a crazy kid, that has a gang that defend women who can't defend themselves!". "This kid even went to prison for nearly killing his father!" the driver shouts. "That means we can shoot at him, right?" the shaken guy asks with fear in his eyes. "Do whatever you can do to get him off our tail!" the driver shouts.

"No! Don't shoot him!" a girl that was tied up in the back seat cried. "You little bitch shut up!" the guy said as he use his gun and slap her in her face.

"Ahh!" the girl cried out as she felt the pain.

"They are speeding up! Shit, they must have noticed me!" Max curse himself. Ring, ring, ring! Max answered his phone that was connected to his earpiece in his ear.

"Speak!" he answered angrily.

"We are tracking them now, and you?" Liam replied and ask.

"I'm right behind them, but they are speeding up. They must have noticed me!" he shouts.

"Okay, I will lead them into a trap!" Liam replied, trying to help Max.

"What's the plan you have so far?" Max asks as he speeds up his bike.

"I can call some enforcement, where they be waiting in a warehouse by the beach. I will hack their GPS system to lead them to the warehouse, where you would come in trying to distract them," Liam spoke, telling his plan out.

"I like it. Do what you need to do!" Max said, then end the call.

Liam is a very close friend of Max. They met their each other in Juvy, where Liam got in for hacking into top secret information trying to find his rich dad, who left his mother for a home-wrecker.

Liam is rich, but doesn't give that much about it. He's smart and an amazing guy who cares for others, but easily pissed off by others. He uses his smart skills to hack, help his mother to earn cash and enjoy helping Max stop these men that abuse women.

Pow, pow! The sounds of gunshots were heard. "What the hell?!" Max shouts as he dodges the bullets that are being fired at him.

Pow, pow! Max continues to dodge the bullets. "Shit!" Max shouts as his anger grows. "To hell with this! I'm going to attack!" he shouts as he speed up and was about to use his bike and knock the kidnapper off of balance.

"Max!", his earpiece made a sound.

"Have you successfully access their GPS system?" he shouts as he asks.

"Yes, I'm in!"

"And the enforcement?", Max question.

"Yes, they are ready too!" Liam replied.

"Good! Now it's my time to show how bad I am!" Max shouts.

"Do nothing too risky now! Remember the girl is in the back seat!" Liam warn Max cause he knew what Max could really do.

"Okay!" Max replied as he tap his earpiece.

Max pulled out a knife, but this one was a custom made knife with really sharp edges and a thick handle.

He rides over on the driver's side of the road and drags his knife on the Jeep that causes the back door to fall off.

"I don't see him!" the guy that's holding the gun shouts. Then heard a scrape sound on the car, then saw the back door on the driver's side fall off.

Pow! The man holding the gun fired at Max as he saw Max on the other side.

"Oh no, you missed!" Max teases as he held down his head and speed up his bike. "Fuck!" the man shouts.

As Max is in front of the kidnapper now, he turns his bike around and coming straight back towards the kidnapper's vehicle.

"Is this guy crazy! He's coming straight for us! We going to crash!" the driver shouts.

Max continues to press forward towards the kidnappers. As they were going to crash, Max dribbled his bike, turn to the right of the kidnapper's jeep and grab the girl that was at the back, scared and shaken by the scene.

"Well, aren't you cute?" Max teases as he looks at the girl that was in his arms while riding the bike.

"Liam!" he shouts to his earpiece as he taps it.

"Yes?" Liam replied.

"I got the girl safely!".

"Good! Bring the girl at old bunny warehouse and then you can head over to the warehouse where the enforcements are at!" Liam command.

"Okay!" Max replied.

Author here! Sorry for the late chapter! Wasn't feeling too well.

I hope all my lovely readers enjoyed this chapter!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

See you all in chapter 16! Be safety!

Rihana_hindscreators' thoughts