
Is the Phoenix ready to leave the nest ?

A child who lived in the shadows. A child who has endured it all. She, has seen the cruelty of the world. But is the world ready for her cruelty ? When her brother and sisters free her from her cage, will she fly ? Is everyone greedy and cruel? Cherry blossom asks herself Follow Cherry blossom as she discovers the world's true beauty. The story is set in a fantasy world based a bit on Ancient china, but the names are western names. It is my first story, so please give it a go and comment. Thank you!

WonderfulFlorentia · Historia
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30 Chs


In the outer rings of the mystic berg, the other group was picking berries. The ninth ring was home to animals and low levelled spirit beast. They had chosen their base on the border of the eighth and seventh rings. They picked fruits and found a few grain seeds.

There is a rabbit I am going to hunt it. Ralph said.

I am coming along too. William expressed eagerness.

I think I haven't formally introduced myself.

I am William. He scratched the back of his head while yawning.

I am Ralph.

You're not from around here, are you?

Well, I was born and bred in Hua City. Doris who was behind them said.

When did you arrive?

About five minutes ago I heard how you were trying to make a new friend. Doris giggled.

I know William doesn't even know that outside exists but what about you Ralph where are you from?

I am from the capital.

Which capital?

Of Catalan.

What is the name of its capital again?


That different empire William. Doris rolled her eyes.

Oh, I have also forgotten. Ralph said.

Can I talk to you under four eyes? Mara tapped on Orchid's shoulder.

Of course. For the conversation, they moved away from the rest of the group.

I just do not understand what happened. Why do Cherry and Poppy have such repellent personalities? It seems like under Poppy's smile more emotion than is shown. They are powerful but they seem scared.

Do you think they despise me? Well I did push Cherry in front of the Rhino and sorry can't fix that, but it seemed just for a moment she forgave me so why?

It is very complicated. Even I do not know what happened to us. The story of my side is not complete without all 16 sides.

Then what is your side?

In a cold and dark room, we were cuddled up together. Outside was freezing cold and inside even colder. The four-year-old cherry had a high fever, and she couldn't control her powers.

With a gust of wind the door opened. I couldn't find a single servant. The good news is I found some firewood bad news is I do not know how to light it up. Qing tu filled us in with his findings.

There was a week left until official Qing would return from his holiday with the royals.

The next day, It got worse and everyone except Qing tu was freezing from the cold. It was when poppy asked Qing tu why he was not freezing. To which answered, There is some sought of warmth from inside.

Grasp it Cherry said.

How do I


Five minutes later, A tiny flame rose from Qing tu's Hand.


Quickly light the firewood.

It was done. In the tiny room the temperature rose just a little.

But it was enough to regather strength, Peony to leave and come back with Doctor and some warm food. We recovered.

The doctor noticed Qing tu's how the fire got warmer and warmer due to this he gave us a letter that said something about him entering Cloud Sect. With this, we were able to arrange a reason why Qing tu would enter cloud city. Our goal was to move there. IT was one of the few places where the Official Qing nor the emperor of Catalan held any power.

Cherry knew someone from the Deadly flowers who did the paperwork. We paid a con artist to tell father about Qing tu going to the cloud sect.

Five months later, he left only sending letters.

The sun is setting. Peony came up to them.

Back at the base they met the others. It was when Mara realized the question had not been answered.

Making a barrier went quicker than we expected.

This month's task is To collect 30 beast crystals on Body tempering 8

The Dawns meadow

5 bundles of silver grass.


Elder Fang read from a scroll.

The Dawns' meadow where does that flower grow?

Is spying on other teams considered cheating? Qing tu asked.

It is not, but stealing is considered.

Let us break into smaller groups of four.

Who wants to collect silver grass?

I can Doris raised her hand.

So will I. William raised his hand

Then I will I. Princess Ming Yue raised hand.

And Poppy will join them.

What about the 30 beast crystal?

How strong are they in human ranks? Prince Cai said.

Body tempering 9 ? I think.

Then Tim and I we will do that.

Then Ralph and peony will join you.

Cressida will be collecting :

Princess Letícia, Orchid, Rose and Mara.

The rest will be protecting the base and finding hints on the dawns' meadow.

Can I change groups? Poppy asked.

Yes, you are now in the team protecting the base and lily will go to your team.

All settled.

For those who do not know the hot springs are also part of our territory.

We also need to find beasts with good hides to turn into tents.

Can we prepare dinner I am starving? Ralph said.

Of course but for that don't we need pots and pans? Princess Fan Ming Yue said.

Just share the fruits you collected.

After eating the fruits tomorrow is a long day, get some sleep. Qing tu said as he trotted to the near end of the barrier.

I will be on the watch-out.

Wait do you expect me to sleep on the floor? Princess Ming Yue said.

No, you can also sleep in the trees.

Mare Princess Fan screamed.

Your servant isn't here remember? No servants were allowed on sect missions. Doris said.

Then why is Tim here? Cherry asked as all eyes turned to her.

I am a proud disciple of this Sect. He said.

I am going to sleep by the hot springs it is probably warm there.

The group dispersed each finding a good spot to rest. Cherry sat by the barrier before she could fall asleep. Six-winged tigers ran up to her.

Can we sleep beside you?

Of course.

The kittens got comfortable one of them was even on Cherry's head.

Cherry appeared in the space jade.

I found a way to revive the egg. But involves alchemy.

Tim is very loyal. Cherry changed the topic.

So he also took the entry exam to stay with his beloved master? Little Spirit.

Do you also suspect that there is more between them?

Of course, That is the only friend we are talking about.

He has Friends, I thought the only reason Tim puts up with his behaviour is because of the pay. Little spirit.

Tim is better off without the money. He works day and night for him. When will spend the money?


Take a look at this pill. Coral red Pill.

Little Spirit handed a book to cherry.

As soon as she held the book. The contents rushed into her mind.

For this pill, I need the scales of a red Catfish, a fire lizard, The petals of a red lady and a red Coral. But I should try at least.

If you are able to use these techniques, you will stand a chance.

Thank you, it means much to me.

Can you play with me?

Cherry Blossom woke up.

Everyone is asleep Milk Tea said.

Cherry, you are awake? Qing tu and Su Rong came over.

I checked this morning. If the other teams have come out of the Array and there weren't many. I plan to set traps and mechanisms at the coordinates of their Spawn. When they spawn. We take their flags. But to accomplish this we have to calculate the coordinates.


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Creation is challenging, cheer me up!

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