
Chapter 3

as she arrived she heard a voice causing her to stop it's not like she loved to hear their voices she just stop because of what they mention.

"Do you know Doo ha died because she committed suicide on the top floor"

"oh really why did that bitch died and committed suicide"

as she heard it she was going to punch those girl who was saying bad things to his younger sister.

but she stopped herself and calm down to stop causing unnecessary troubles and unwanted attention.

"sshh stop before everyone can hear you"the girl cover her mouth friends and whisper.

"but-"her friends glared at her causing her to stopped.

"Anyway she committed suicide because of her guilty conscience of snatching other boyfriend's."

"Yeah right"they sneered as they left.

"She died."she whispered.

Uni toured the whole school as she finally found a trace of Doo ha keychain in the library.

she check the library and found a trace of blood in the floor.

because the floor is color red cement it isn't obvious.

"Doo-ha..."she cried silently as she mourned for her death sister.

Even though they are not close as they clashes each other because her of being opposite to her.

Doo ha was a pretty girl but because of his beauty she was surrounded by boy.

causing the other girls to be jealous but they only say a harsh words they don't hit or beaten her.

So who would be cruel enough to kill her.

she though as she cried.

as she cried her phone suddenly received a message from Doo-ha around 11:56.

"Hlp m"these words can't be understand but if you look carefully you will know that she was looking for help.

"Help me"she said as she slowy close her phone and promise herself to avenge her sister.