
Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Mc was suddenly reborn and become the brother of Raku Ichijo, follow along his story where he play around in the world where Romcom anime is combine, will he become just like his little brother who is involved with many unusual event or will he cruise his life and find love without being involved in a Romcom situation Disclaimer : the cover book is not made by me 3 Chapter per weak

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50 Chs


Here's an extra chapter for this week since you guys reach 200 powerstone, next week I will make a milestone, extra chapter for 200, 500, 900 and 1000k powerstone


I notice their action and allowed them to approach me, when they were closed, the man with lean build smirked as if I have fallen for their trap.

One of the two people who were rushing towards me arrived first and tried to grab me by the collar of my shirt, I counter by grabbing his pinky finger to removed it and hit him in the elbow with the knuckle while his hand is extended, making his bones become dislocated in an unnatural way.

"AHHHHH." he scream very loudly, since the place I walk with Ai is quite deserted and it was already very late there is probably no one that heard it.

I took the chance to throw him towards his companion to make a safe distance from the four of them.

His friend caught him after seeing that I throw one of their friend.

"Kid you are going to pay for that, I was thinking to only beat you up but I should make your hand cripple like my subordinate."

"You can talk, but can you do it?" I mock him trying to rile him up, I also ask Ai to find a place to hide while I stop them, It is easy to deal with delinquents, but dealing with adults is another matter since you don't know if they are skilled or not with just looks.

They saw Ai was running away and hid while I pull their attention.

"It seems you are quite smart and very experience in dealing with people like us." It seems the one who aim for Ai is not very powerful since they don't know who I am, anyone who has connection would know me.

With this I already know the most likely suspect of the kidnapping, it seems I will need to have a private talk with him.

The three of them let their friend down and then rush towards me at the same time.

The leader of their group was quite fast for his huge build, but what surprised me is the lean man, his move is very refine, it was a not a single martial arts but a street fighting technique that was gain from countless fight, it moves look very sloppy at first, but he will attack and force his enemy to counter or defend, giving time for his friend to come over and hit me.

I choose to Bob and Weave their attack first, it seems in one on one I can wipe them on the floor but, when these three people came together it will be very hard, but I can still see loophole in their fighting style, good thing I disable one of them if not it will be even harder to deal with them.

When I was busy analyzing their attack I didn't notice that my back was now was stopped by a wall and can't back away again.

"Got you little bastard." the lean build man already launch and attack that will hit me on the head, I evaded the attack by tilting my head to the side, and grabbing his clothes while hooking my foot to his forward foot and pushing him to the floor.

After that stomp on his stomach to debilitate him and rush towards one of his friends, seeing this his friends sends a punch that I swiftly avoid, I was about to hit him with my knuckle when I felt danger coming from the side, I choose to evade by rolling away to the back of his friend.

I heard sound of a metal hitting the concrete.

I turn back to look it was a trash can that was thrown on where I was standing.

"Oi are you okay, can you stand up."

"Cough.... no I feel like I will puke anytime now, it seems he is very skilled."

hearing this the leader of this group was rummaging something from his pocket, he took out a military knife, his subordinate also took out a dagger from their pocket.

Seeing the situation I decide to turn the knuckle into a knife behind my back, I realize I should just use the dagger from the beginning since cutting their tendons will be far easier.

I decide to take the initiative and rush to the lean man and thrust my dagger at him, he evade it by side stepping but I followed up by slashing at the hand that is holding the dagger, disarming him.

I then knock him down while slashing at his thigh tendon to get rid of his ability to move, I then took the dagger he dropped and rush to the rest of the enemies that is rushing towards me, the leader of their group aim at my neck, I duck down and slash at his Achilles' heel and stabbing the dagger that I just pick up on his thigh and .

"Now only one is left." 

I decide to to dispatch him quickly but it seems he run away while I was dealing with his other two friends.

When I was about to throw my dagger and take him down I saw a maid rushing towards him and knocking him down and dragging him towards me bringing his one other friend.

"It is nice to meet you again Young Master." she throw the two man that she dragged in front of me then pulled the hem of her skirt and bowed.

"It is nice to see you too Roberta, strong as always." 

"It is my honor to be complimented by you Young Master, what is your order for the thrash we have here?" she ask with a gentle smile on her face.

"Before that where is Ai?"

"Miss Ai is now safe and sound, I already ask her to wait with the other bodyguards." she said.

"As meticulous as always, then can you extract information from the four of them, and after that hand them over to Ryu or someone to deal with the aftermath."

"Understood, please allow me to guide you to miss Ai." after grabbing the four of people by the collar and dragging them back with her, she guided me to where Ai was waiting.

"Arima are okay, let me check first." she then patted me on my body to check for any injuries.

"I am fine Ai, from now on you can't go to any place without Roberta following you, and no more visiting me like this."

"Ok I understand, but you promise me to visit me on one of my show." 

"I will, send me 3 ticket to your show."

"Ok I will." after that she ran to the car where Roberta and the bodyguard brought.

"Young Master please take the car, let me drop you off at your apartment." Roberta said to me.

"Sure." I then went into the car and sit next to Ai, Roberta order the other bodyguard to bring the four people to a special place.

After dropping me off she then took Ai home, I went back to my apartment and decide to end the day after taking a shower of course I make sure to lock the door.


The next day I woke up a little bit early took heat up my lunch and breakfast for the day, While waiting I make a cup of coffee and took a shower to freshen up, I then enjoy a handmade meal and prepare a huge lunch box and watching morning TV show while reading the report on the PC.

I then look at the clock and decide to head to the school, I walked towards the school, I enjoy the fresh air in the morning and walk slowly towards school.


(Issei and Kanami PoV)

"Dear is it fine to let Arima stop handling the company?" Kanami asked her husband.

"It is fine, it will be a problem if this keep up, he grown up too fast, he act just like an adult, but it is not time for him to act like an adult yet, Kanami you know it already, the eyes he have is very empty in some occasion."

"I know that's why I worry about him every time, that's why I always try to tease him." Kanami agreed to what Issei said

"Yes he my act like an adult but he still lack so many pieces that make him an adult." then Issei continue "When he was still 4 I notice he act differently, he choose to distance himself from other kids and coop himself in his own world."

"But he still act normal Dear." Kanami tried to interject.

"Yes 'act' normal, he himself didn't realize that he is acting, he succeed in fooling himself that we were also fooled by him."

Kanami become silent after realizing that she overlooked the problem.

"Isn't fine, most parent want their child to be like Arima."

"Yes but if things keep up he will become lonely, He hasn't developed fully in the emotional department, that's why I want him to enjoy the school time, and it's not like I will not let him handle the family business."

"Then why did you tell me to ask him to stop." Kanami become very confused.

"He will but it will be very reduce and I will hand it to Miku care to handle most of it, I have a feeling he will find what he lack in that school."

"I will trust you then Dear."

"Ok I need to sleep now, I need to go overseas to deal with something."

Kanami nodded and turn off the light and also sleep next to her husband.


(MC PoV)

I entered the classroom and the room began to have a shift in the atmosphere, I feel a clear sign of alienation from the whole class, I felt weird, usually I could ignore the atmosphere around me like it was nothing, I then walk towards my seat and think about the problem.

Is it because I am not use to this kind of alienation or because I suddenly had a sudden realization that I become someone I don't know.

To begin with what is the problem for me to act like I used to, I easily deal with problem that most people can't do, am I fooling myself by saying this.

I shake the weird thought and accept that what is done is done, the action I do is already impossible to take back.

I just now focus on the school, since now my job is basically just handle some small stuff like a hands of president of a company the only thing I can do is play and study at school.

When class start I listen to the teacher, when it was break time I find Karma and Nagisa to hang out and talk about interesting stuff at school, times seems to fly fast just like when I use Mind Palace, it feels different but I can't describe it why and I don't seem to hate it though.

It really is a novel experience for me.

When I the school ends the three of us decide to stop by at Mc'ronald.

"Say Arima do you understand this part?" Karma took out a book from his bag and point at a question.

"Yeah I know, Karma this is already next semester book."

"I am interested in it, I was about to ask the teacher but he went out very fast since there's something he need to deal with."

"Karma-kun and Ichijo-kun is very amazing, it feels like I am sitting with two genius and I can't keep up." Nagisa sigh seeing that I was explaining a next semester problem when he can't even solve some of the class material that was taught in class.

"Don't worry about that Nagisa if you want I can tutor you too, how about we work on our homework here, it will help since you can use this chance to explain to ask some question."

"I will, it is hard to ask the teacher in class for the some question." Nagisa said.

"Didn't the teacher allow you to put up your hand?" I was confused with his statement.

"We are allowed but the stare coming from my classmate is very harsh."

"How about you Karma?" I ask him

"I don't really care, I just ask right away." he shrugs his shoulder while saying that

"It must be nice Karma-kun, I lack the confidence to do that."

"Ok then let's use this chance to ask me, since it will be bad if you can't keep up."

The three of us took our schoolwork from our bag and started working, it was quiet easy for me since I love to read, a habit I pick up in this live since I got the Mind Palace even if some question is very unconventional I can still solve it, Karma was mostly the same like me, but Nagisa was stumped on science and math, while his Japanese and English is quiet good, while social studies is so so.

It become a teaching class where Karma help him on math and I help him with science subject.

"Phew finally it is done, thanks both of you, I can understand it now, I will treat you both next time." he said while stretching.

"It's fine Nagisa, but you can't keep going like this, I can help you on homework but if you keep this up it will be dangerous."

"I know I really envy both of you, you guys can keep up and won't worry to be dropped to E class." Nagisa said.

"That's a misconception Nagisa, Karma is more likely to be drop to E class, since he has a tendency to fight with delinquents, while I also have the chance to go there too."

"Why do I feel like I am being attack with your words of comfort Arima?"

"It's because our first meeting I saw you beat up those poor guys."

"I was defending myself." he scoff at my words lightly.

"Like hell you do, you probably lure them to that place so you can beat them up."

"Have I been found, Arima you are quite sharp."

He then stare at me with sharp eyes, Nagisa started to sweet because of the atmosphere, then both of us started to smile at each other and started to chuckle.

"Did we make you panic Nagisa?" Karma asked.

He became confused and finally noticed.

"Both of you are teasing me, I feel like both of you are long lost brother, how can both of you act in-sync without talking."

"It's because we share the same brain cells." I said.

"What kind?" Nagisa asked

"The one that like to tease and mess with people." Karma suddenly said.

He then sigh at this event, we three continue to talk with each other before heading home since it was almost time for dinner.


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