
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Sir_Smurf · Fantasía
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195 Chs

Short Story: The great goddess (Iden) declares that this is Youth (Aoharu)

"[Ability value] update? Well, this is not something that can be done

casually. Maybe I have said it before, combat duty Preferential treatment is

given to those who wish to participate in the combat skills discipline, and

"God's Favor (Pharna)" is updated as a team. It is scheduled regularly.

However, if you want to do it individually, you must apply through a

dedicated document, so please be careful. If not If you apply as early as

possible, your application will be pushed back to one month later, and this

may happen."

"I-I see... No matter how many gods there are, the number of students is

still too astonishing."

Soon after enrolling in the "School District" (tentative), I spent every day

asking Nina questions that I still have. While I thanked her for teaching me

various things like a teacher──I was overwhelmed by the amount of

information──I just made some notes on the notepad I received.

at this time. A student who was eager to get ahead happened to pass by

nearby and accidentally bumped into Nina's back.



I quickly walked around to the front of her who was knocked away, and

caught her firmly.

The moment she was reassured that she was not injured, Nina's ears

gradually turned red as she buried her face in my chest. I also felt ashamed

and blushed at the soft body touch. My ears hidden inside the wig were also

very hot. I put my hands on Nina's shoulders and hurriedly let go.

"A-are you okay, Nina?"

"Hmm, um... It's okay, but..."

"...Um, Miss Nina?"

Nina looked coy and shy, then stared at my head motionlessly.

Moreover, he glanced slightly at the waist area.

Not long after, she suddenly became a little disappointed. What, what


"I, I, because Mr. Leon still has something to call me, should I leave first?


I felt a little embarrassed and left there to hide my shyness.


After the rabbi left, Nina sighed unusually.

Rabbi: Derived from the English Rabbit, that is, rabbit

The human girl caught her like that in her field of vision and talked to her.

"What's wrong, Nina? You're an honor student, and you sigh like you're in

love trouble."

"Love, love...!? No, Alyssa-senpai!...I think it's different..."

After the "supervisor student" of [Badelban], who was older than her and

wore glasses, pointed it out, Nina's face turned red and her voice quickly

became deeper. The girl called Alyssa pushed up her glasses and smiled.

"As the president of Mr. Leon's fan club, I know all about the scent of love!

Come on, let's talk about it!"

Facing the senior sister who was gradually approaching, Nina couldn't hold

on anymore and blushed, and started to speak coyly.

"Well...just now, in places like dungeons, our bodies were quite close to

each other...but Rabbi-kun, neither his ears nor his tail reacted at all..."

Rabbi Fremethio is an orc. The orc's emotions and inner activities are easily

expressed on the ears and tail.

But as for him, although he was shy on the surface, his ears did not twitch

and his tail did not wag. Even the students of the Youth (Aoharu) Club,

where the goddess (Iden) serves as an advisor, issued this instruction: "If

the beastman you like doesn't even twitch its ears and tail, just give up."

Although I don't know if this kind of heartbeat is love, but if the boy she

cares about is not attracted to her at all, even Nina will feel disappointed.

"Am I not attractive?"

He is pretending to be shy, could he be a pervert (playboy) who plays with

women's hearts? Nina even had such thoughts.

"Ah, that new student. Although he is very serious and has good conduct,

he does have an incredible feeling."

The supervising student put his finger on his chin and added "but", and then

showed a smile on his face like a senior who is teasing a junior.

"That kid must be harder to conquer than Mr. Leon. Although this is just a

girl's intuition, that's how it feels!"

Rapi Flemish: Should I say it intentionally or not? Rapi Flemish, in my

poor English, it looks like Miss You, Freya misses you?