
Is it wrong to pick up dragon balls in a dungeon?

Instead of landing in the world of dragon ball z are favorite palm tree haired saiyan lands in the world of Danmachi right next to Zeus. How will Goku shake up this world and most importantly how will this change our favorite rabbit? well read to find out idiot.

JJstired · Fantasía
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The landing of the saiyan

Bardock was mad, no beyond mad he was absolutely furious. Thre leader had betrayed them, Freiza was going to kill them all and he could stop it.

But he atleast could save his son so thats what he did. He quickly ran towards his family's home and explained his plan to Gine.

She stared at him as if he was a complete weirdo intill she finaly relented and allowed him to take there son. Not that she could stop him anyways, he was going to save his son even if it was the last thing he ever did.

Bardock told her to meet him at the outer regions of Planet Vegeta and blasted off towards his space pod.

minutes later he touched down to see a crying Gine holding onto there son. He sighed and picked him out of her grasp making her whimper and put him into the pod.

They both looked to there son in pure and unadulterated love, they weren't used to these feelings, saiyans usually didn't have them to begin with. But for some reason 3 years ago they had changed, they were kinder, and they didn't know why.

(I do, and that's because I like making up bullshit *Grins maniacally* YES LITTLE SAIYAN TAKE MORE S-CELLS)

But for some reason there potential had skyrocketed as soon as they started to become nice and Bardock had even surpassed King Vegeta in power.

But that didn't matter anymore, there son was going to be alone and they could do anything but send him off with a message. A message that told him that they loved him and a recording on how to use Ki.

They finnaly put in the coordinates and sent there son of world and away from there fate, Destruction,

The boy had quickly made it to his destination which was the world of Danmachi. His pod landed onto the ground making a huge cloud of dust.

A burly man with a beard holding a white haired toddlers hand just stared at the cloud of dust Intill shouting "Holy shit that was an alien!!" The white haired boy looked at his grandpa in curiosity.

His mouth grew into a grin and his eyes sparkled as he looked at the young aliens soul. it was as pure as his grandson Bells.

'Oh yes this will do, another soul to corrupt onto my perverted and heroic ways, HUZZAH' He leaped over to the crash sight with Bell in hand to see another toddler looking up at him.

"I may have not have thought this through, 2 toddlers how am I gonna get any" he cried out intill his despair turned into happiness.

"Maybe I will 'bargain' for some breast milk for you two brats" (Zeus buddy thats not how that works). and that was how the God Zues ruined his own life


Poor guy has to raise Goku and Bell, I can't wait to write it ;)