
Is It Wrong To Find His Own Sun

It is a story of a man being whisked away from his normal life to an unknown world where gods and monsters roam the mortal world, as he sets off on his journey to find his own incandescent sun. English is not my main language so don't expect good grammar from me. if you do spot any bad grammar do help by commenting on it (The cover art is not mine and I don't own anything)

Psy_duck · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Clash of Titans

~~ Four and a half months passed. ~~

In the deep underground of the earth, a young man swung his iron pickaxe against the stone wall in front of him. Near the young man, there was a torch placed against the stone wall, which lit up the dark underground mine with its light.

The young man who was mining was, of course, Henry. Why is he mining? Is to collect building materials to create for his future projects, and the best thing he could think of is underground, where at least there is more stone than dirt that he collected deep in the ground.

Henry stopped his swigging as he pulled out a pocket watch and looked at the time, because when he is deep underground, he sometimes forgets what time it is. When Henry looked at the time, he grabbed his pickaxe once more, put it on his shoulders, and walked back from the mines.

As now is time for his next task, as he walked across the corridors of stones that were lit up with torches across the wall, the corridors were quite big as he dug them in a manner 3 meters in height and length to make it much easier to move around and to make it easier for his future projects.

The walk didn't take long; when he was out of the corridors, there was an expanse of open space that was about 14 meters high and about 20 meters long. This room was the entrance and exit to the mines.

And the most important thing is that this place was the main storage hub after he finished mining. He has many plans for this place, but now he needs to go back up for his next task.

But one of the most annoying things about the mines is that he has yet to install a minecart system to go down and up. So, he needs to walk back up, but when going down, he already installed a slide to make it easier for him to go down to the mine.

Now that he needs to put back all of the blocks of stones that he got from mining, Henry pulled out a letter bag, or a 'bundle' to be more precise, as he got ten of them from the gacha with the item from the world of MC, and as an added bonus, when he put the maximum limit of items in the bundle, he would never feel the weight of it.

This was a great thing for him, as he needs to haul heavy items, and for long travels, he shouldn't be worried about the weight that will burden him anymore. And with the system space, he couldn't put an item in if it wasn't from the system gacha. It's quite annoying, but now he doesn't have that problem any longer.

The storage hub is filled mostly with chests and furnaces lined up against the wall of the cavern. In those chests are mostly stones and other minerals that he mines for his first purpose of collecting building materials. The rest of it is mining tools, mostly pickaxes and shovels.

Henry walked to the chests lining the wall, pouring all the blocks he collected from his mining trip into the chest. He also put back the pickaxe that he used on top of the chest, where there was a hanger. And he walked to the wall of furnaces; some are still burning with intense heat, and some have already died down. He pulled out a stack of smooth stones from it. and put it inside the bundles.

The nice thing about the bundles that he got from the gacha is that even if there is an item in them that is not from the system, it could still be put in the system inventory space. He quite likes it, as it makes it easier for him to carry around more items.

After he finishes filling the bundles up, he needs to walk back up the stairs to the surface. Ooohh, how he dreads it. Getting into the mines is great, but getting out is not. As he needs to fast-forward his plan to make that minecart system. But sadly, he is missing a lot of materials to build it, like gold and magical red dust that can create energy.

Several minutes passed by as Henry walked up the stairs out of his mine. He finally made it out of the mine and reached a room with the rays of the sun shining through the glass windows as they lit up the room with their light. Henry couldn't help but feel great to finally come out of the mines.

"Ahh, how nice." He stretches his muscles in the warm rays of light that are coming from the windows. In the room Henry was in, there was one window that was open. Suddenly there was an orange-blueish-white blur and the sounds of its cries coming at Henry at breakneck speeds.


Henry noticed it as he caught the blur quickly with his hands, as he already knew who it was, he looked at the little bird that was shaking his head out of dizziness from getting caught when he was flying.

"Tweet…" The finch puts his wings on his head and rubs it. Sometimes Henry finds that every time Tweety takes an action like this, it makes him quite uncomfortable. But he is more curious about what made Tweety come running to him like this.

"What happened, Tweety?" Asked Henry with worry in his tone. After Henry asked the question, Tweety looked at him and made a gesture using his wings of something big, and the motion again was as if something were coming here.

"Tweeeeet! Tweet!" As Tweety explains what he saw to Henry. Did Henry finally understand what Tweety had been describing.

"Another horde of monsters coming towards here?"

"Tweet!" Tweety nodded his head.

"What type of monster did you see in that horde, Tweety?" This happened before a massive horde of monsters came to his house. This irks him, as his theory was incorrect; the bear was not the problem that caused this chaos. Because that begs the question, Who or what is the problem that created this?

After a month of staying at home, training himself, and improving his home, if not for Tweety notifying him of a horde coming toward their home, he wouldn't notice before it was too late. And this has accrued every month. But today was different; with Tweety's reaction and worry, it looked like a more powerful monster was in this horde.

Tweety was trying to describe the monster that was coming their way, but Henry didn't quite understand what Tweety was trying to convey.

"How far are they now from our home, Tweety?" Henry asked; he is quite worried; he needs to take arms now if they are near or not far away.

"Tweet! Tweet!" Tweety uses the fur on his wings to count and conveys to Henry how far the monster horde is now, as it is about 5-something away.

"5km away? Are they coming fast or slow?" He asked many questions because it is better to be prepared than not. As he walked out of the mines towards his log cabin with a hurried pace, as he needed to prepare now if they came quickly, he knew he probably could fight with his body alone now after he integrated with the 'Physique of Big Mom'.

"Tweet…Tweet…" he answered Henry's question, as he was about a dozen minutes away from home. Henry couldn't help but speed up his pace. But in his hurriedness towards the cabin didn't notice a black feathered lay in the snowy ground.

He is better prepared than underprepared. He had already arrived at his cabin home with Tweety on his shoulders. After he arrived, he quickly grabbed the armor that he had put on the armor stand, and put it on himself. It did not take long for him to put it on, and on his way out, he grabbed his winter coat.

He had already pulled out the endless quiver and put it on his waist. He put the bow blade on his waist with the sunlight-straight sword; he pulled out the cobalt naginata; and lastly, he put the attachment for the burial blade on his back and the curved blade on his other waist.

"What direction are they going, Tweety?"

"Tweet!!" Tweety used his wings and pointed to the north, where the monster horde was coming from. Henry understood as he marched up north that the hunt would begin.

It didn't take Henry long to find the monster horde that was coming to his home. He could probably see thousands marching, or even more. This monster horde could be one of the largest that he saw and probably fought at one time. But this will not stop him from ending them like the others before them.

After he fought three hordes before, this was different, but he couldn't tell yet what it was. In the hordes before, he has fought new monsters, including the massive woolly mammoths, the fabled minotaur, the elusive humanoid shadows that will always try to sneak attack him, and the massive silverback gorilla.

And many monsters that he has fought before that he already has experience fighting. Henry embedded his naginata in the ground, and after he pulled out the sunlight-straight sword from his sheath and pointed it to the sky, this gesture activated the sword's skill. A small sun was formed on the tip of the blade, and a golden magic circle lit up like the golden glow of the sun and enveloped him with its warm glow.

Henry could feel after he used the ability of the blade like there was another layer of armor now protecting him in its warm flames. He sheathed the sword back and pulled out the bow blade. Now he could see the monster was already nearing him at a fast pace, and with a flick of his hands, the long-curved blade turned into a bow. He quickly prepared three arrows as he pulled on the bowstring and fired.


Arrows flew in the air at a fast speed as they quickly reached the middle of the monster horde. With pinpoint accuracy, the arrows hit the heads of every monster that they landed on, and with the arrow's strong momentum, one arrow didn't just hit one monster but hit multiple at once.

But the arrows didn't just stop with the first batch; another barrage of arrows came, and another, like a never-ending stream of arrows, flew and hit every monster that came into their path. But the monster horde didn't go into disarray or panic at the never-ending arrows.

When Henry saw these signs, the monster horde would quickly go into disarray after he shot a barrage of arrows like this. But this didn't happen with this horde, and he already sent Tweety to see the scope of this monster horde. He just hopes for the best.

He saw the vanguard of the monster horde was coming closer now, so he lowered his bow with a flick of his wrist once more and turned the bow to the blade once more. And grabbed his naginata that was stuck in the earth as he prepared himself.

They were filled with many goblins and kobolds riding on dire wolves before they grew closer to Henry's position. Henry slashed with his naginata in the air. With this slash, he generated enough power and speed to compress the air and make a powerful air slash.

With this air slash alone, the vanguard of the monster was quickly gone, along with some snow and dirt. He didn't just stand on his spot; he dashed forward using Soru and charged towards the orcs and minotaurs, who held a giant makeshift stone axe and used a log of trees as their weapon.

He had already arrived in front of the orcs that were in front of the minotaurs. Henry used his naginata and created an air slash once more, which quickly ended the orcs before they could even reach in time. As he decapitated their heads. A fountain of blood came gushing out of their now-headless bodies.

He kept swinging his naginata every time he swung creating air slashes and killing every monster in front of him. This created a vacuum where a large part of an area now was empty and devoided of monsters and only filled with their corpses.

But the empty space quickly is getting filled up once more with monsters, that's why they called it a vacuum. But he notices they didn't seem to be running past him but at him as if the target of this attack was on him. This was worrying but was not unpredictable, from the first sign of Tweety's reaction was already enough to conjure some hypotheses.

Now he needs to focus more on the battle, even if there was a monster that was commanding all of them it wouldn't matter. He will face it all head-on. Henry put his naginata into the ground once more and pulled out the two curved blades on each on his side from the bow blade and the burial blade.

As he holds it in each of his hands, now the true hunt begins. Henry used Soru once more as he instantly appeared on one of the minotaurs, he made a vertical slash at the monster, but he tried to use his stone axe to block it, but it was not a match against Henry's slash. With Minotaur's body cut in half by henrys slash.

After Henry send a kick that was strong enough to create an air blade toward the monsters, most of them got cut or decapitated with his blow. Henry kept on using his blade creating an air slash towards the monsters that seemed to be never-ending with their numbers every time he killed one two would pop up the next.

Henry doesn't mind he could fight them for multiple days he would not be tired, because after he integrated 'Big Mom physiques' and Hamon he could do this for weeks and not get tired. And now he feels fighting them was much easier, with the training of his body, Hamon, and weapons.

After he started training the swordsmanship from OP, his swordsmanship has now grown leaps and bounds from before. As he jumps and slashes toward the massive woolly mammoth head using the burial blade it cut true the thick hide and bones of the mammoth easily, cutting his head off his body.

The mammoth was an interesting creature it has massive sized almost the same as the bear that he fought before with its body a sized six to seven meters tall, and they have a giant spear-like tusk. But one of the most unique traits was its dark red fur that covered them. One big difference between them was they were much weaker than the bear even with their same size.

Henry swung his dual blades and sent air slashes towards the minotaurs that came his way. He jumped from the back of the now-dead mammoth's corpse, he kicked the air as he used one of the techniques from six style, Geppo or more appropriately moonwalk.

When he was in the air he sent out multiple air slash attacks towards the monster horde that came his way. With a golden spark traveling around his body and true his swords, he channeled his Hamon true his blades, with an X slash towards the monster's horde. That led out a final air slash that cut true the earth and left a devastating blow that turned the ground to black melting the snow and the many monsters that came swarming him.

When there was no monster around after he unleashed his attack, Tweety had already come back to him as he landed on his shoulders, he reported what he found in the back of the monster horde that came attacking him this time.

"There is a lot more monster than I imagine, and you saw what is commanding them too?"

"Tweet…Tweet!! Tweet!"

"A giant humanoid monster that commanding this horde."

"Sigh.., this world is getting more and more dangerous by the day. So be it!" Henry puts his bow blade back on his waist next to his sunlight-straight sword.

With a swift and quick motion that didn't even take a second, Henry transformed the single-handed blade into a scythe using the attachment that he had been carrying on his back. He instantly disappeared from his spot, and Tweety was no slouch either, as he flew towards the monster and attacked using his beck.

Henry was already once again attacking the monster horde, or more appropriately, slaughtering them with only blood. Dismembered monster body parts lay bare on the snowy ground that is now covered in crimson and a pile of dead monster corpses. He used the scythe of a famous hunter to reap the lives of beasts.

Tweety was by his side as he helped kill the monster that came hurtling his way. As this goes on for hours on end, with every monster that he kills, he will move forward to finely defeating the commander of this horde.

With the moon peaking out of the horizon and the sun setting, Henry made it after slaughtering thousands upon thousands of monsters on his way to reach him.

He finally saw the culprit, the one who commanded the horde of monsters that he fought. A giant as Henry could think of it as he saw how big it was, the being in front of him was already outclassed by the height of the bear that he has fought for in height, and he is only sitting down now.

He was tense as he gripped the handle of the scythe, and he watched the giant slowly rise from his sitting position. With every move that it made, Henry could feel the ground shake and quake as if an earthquake were happening.

The giant standing tall on his two legs in front of him, he could tell it was already 10 meters or above, with a big bloated belly, long eras like a goblin, and legs, arms, face, and chest that were built like jagged stones. Henry could see that near the giant was a large, or even a giant, stone club that was nearing his height.

When he saw this, Henry could not help but curse in his mind; he could already tell this monster was already nearing the strength of the bear that he fought, or it could even be stronger. He already knew this monster was intelligent, far surpassing the others, and could command an army of monsters on his own. And added to the giant stone club that it holds beside him, it has the intelligence to use a weapon.

Henry paused in his observation. Because the giant spoke with a loud, booming voice that even distorted the very air itself and sent a shockwave, Henry could feel his ear ringing when it spoke.

"YoUr… THe HUMan… ThAT KilLed… ThaT Deranged BeAR oF The EaSt … AreNT YoU!!!"

Henry was not quite surprised by the monster suddenly speaking, but it's a good thing he understood the monster at least. One of the memories that he got was the knowledge of the language of this world, as he doesn't need the hassle of understanding and learning a new one. And this is the first time that he has had a conversation with anyone since he came to this world.

And the bear that the giant speaks of must be the one that attacked him that day and the one that he killed. But the question is, how did it know that I killed the bear?

The thoughts that stirred in Henry's mind were but a moment in reality; he was still quite a bit away from the giant, with his body still tense and his grip on his weapon even tighter. He spoke back to the giant.

"Yes, I did kill it! So, what's your point, Beast?!" Henry yelled to the giant, as he was afraid that he couldn't hear if he spoke in his normal voice.

"BeCuaSe I CouLD… sMEeL His ScenT FroM… You HUMAN!!!"

Henry understands now that he has been handling that bear's corpse for quite a long time, but to still smell the scent of the bear on his body was already an indicator of the giant's heightened sense of smell.

"That bear attacked me, and I defended myself. I don't owe you any explanations," Henry retorted, determined to stand his ground.

The towering figure of the giant-like monster in front of him was casting a shadow on Henry, who felt so small in front of it. with its booming voice answering him.

"WhO… Said I NeEd Any… ExpLaNaTIon… FrOm YoU… HUMAN!!!"

"I… CaMe HeRE… FoR oNLy One… ThInG… And It's KiLLinG… YOU!!!"

The giant monster spoke, taking hold of the stone club that it had been holding in its right hand all this time. The giant monster swung the stone club with all its might towards Henry, who was surprised at the quickness of the giant's speed in striking him. Sadly, it missed as Henry was already gone from his previous position, he used Geppo and Soru to get out of the attack.


Henry already knew he couldn't talk to the monster after he attacked him like this, but the best thing to do is to just try to quickly end this fight. Maybe if he talked a little bit more, he could gain some new insight into this world. And try not to get himself beaten to a pulp like when he fought with the bear, with his new weapon, ability, and intense training these past months. He could probably handle this fight much better.

"How about we talk over this? We are not enemies!" yelled Henry, attempting to convince the giant to engage in conversation rather than fighting. However, deep down, he knew it would likely be futile.

The giant's eyes burned with rage, its grip tightening on the stone club. "I Have No InTeReSt In TaLkInG... OnLy… In KILLING YOU!!!" it retorted with a booming voice.

"EAT… THIS HUMAN!!!" The giant swung its club once again, this time aiming with more precision and determination, aiming it directly at Henry.

Henry used Soru and Geppo, with him swiftly maneuvering around the area to dodge every attack that the giant hurled at him. However, he wasn't merely evading the giant's assaults. Henry also unleashes multiple barrages of air slashes toward the arm of the giant that held the stone club.

To his dismay, his multiple attacks were thwarted by the giant's rugged and jagged, stone-like skin. Nevertheless, Henry remained composed and called upon Tweety for assistance. He looked up to the sky and exclaimed, "Tweety!"

In response to Henry's call, Tweety swooped down from the sky and started to circle around the giant monster. Before, Tweety didn't carry around anything, now hanging around his neck was a small bundle, and the item that filled it now gripped his two talons. And it was a grenade, or more precisely, it was a sticky hand grenade from Terraria.

Henry didn't need to instruct Tweety, given the months that they have been together and fighting alongside each other. He yelled at the giant monster to gain his attention.

"I tried to handle this peacefully beast, but you started this fight. Now, I will end you like the monster you sent after me!"

The troll roared with pride and arrogance, mocking Henry's attempts to defeat him. "YOU… Measly Human think that you could kill me? Hahahaha!!! I AM HODAG, THE UNKILLABLE TROLL! REMEMBER!"

The troll now held that giant stone club with both hands, striking with a quickness that tore the air toward Henry. This time was different Henry didn't dodge the attack; he stood his ground. And in that fleeting moments, the scythe in Henry's hands slowly was coated with a dark red color, with golden sparks swirling around his body and his weapon.

When the two weapons meet, a massive shockwave was sent out from their clash. Despite the vast size difference, Henry held his position unwaveringly against the towering foe. But their clash was brief, as the troll quickly backstepped. Seizing the opportunity, Henry dashed towards the troll, his scythe poised for a strike. With precision, he aimed for the Achilles heel of the troll.

The troll hadn't even recovered from their previous clash when Henry's attack landed. A geyser of dark green blood spurted from the troll's grievous wound, staining the surrounding earth with its unnatural color.

After henrys attack landed, the troll let out a bellowing roar of pain and fury, staggering backward as Henry's strike hit its mark. The troll's movements became sluggish, weakened by the critical blow to its Achilles heel. Sensing an opportunity to support Henry, Tweety used the opportunity as it swooped down.

Using his tiny build of Tweety was an advantage, now that he is flying near the colossal foe unnoticed by it. with him sticking multiple grenades on the giant's monster's arms. Without hesitation, Tweety swiftly soared away toward the sky, distancing itself from the impending chaos.

When Henry saw Tweety make a move, he as well moved from his position and distanced himself from the explosion. Oblivious to its surroundings, the troll let out a furious roar toward the sky, desperately trying to rise from the ground.

"YOU… ACCURSED HUMAN! YOU WILL PAY!!" the troll roared with unbridled rage.

However, it was too late for the troll to notice the multiple grenade that was stuck on its arm. Only a second passed the multiple grenades was denoted.


The explosions erupted with tremendous force, engulfing the troll's arms in a fiery blast. The concussive impact tore through its flesh, inflicting severe damage and rendering the troll's arms useless. In agonizing pain, the troll staggered and stumbled, its once mighty stone club slipping from its grasp and crashing to the ground. The force of the explosions shook the very earth beneath them, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. Debris and billowing smoke filled the air, creating a scene of chaotic destruction.

When the dust settled, Henry and Tweety their eyes remained fixed on the battered troll. Tweety took to the air, positioning itself for strategic advantage, while Henry, still holding his scythe, maintained a safe distance from the wounded beast.

The troll, now disarmed and wounded, let out a guttural growl of frustration. The explosions had ravaged the troll's arms, reducing them to a mangled mess. Its towering figure trembled as it struggled to regain its balance. The once fearsome creature was now vulnerable and on the brink of defeat.

But Henry noticed that the troll's wounds were slowly closing, regenerating at an alarming pace. It was as he had anticipated. troll, in folklore, myth, and any media they are creatures of intellect. But the troll was most renowned for their incredible regenerative abilities.

However, there was a significant difference in the rate of regeneration between the wound on the troll's Achilles heel and the wounds on its arms. While the wounds on its arms were regenerating rapidly, the wound on its Achilles heel was healing at a much slower pace or even healing at all.

It was because of the properties of the burial blade that made the wound. As Henry processed this information, he was caught off guard by the troll's bellowing roar, which reverberated through the earth and air, shaking the very ground beneath them. He watched in astonishment as the wounded troll, fueled by fury and an unyielding spirit, attempted to rise to its feet, only to stumble and fall repeatedly.

"ARGGGG!" The troll growled in agonizing pain, its voice echoing with defiance.

The troll's burning eyes blazed with an unrelenting fire of fury as it unleashed its wrath upon Henry. With a resolute voice, it declared, "YOU... THINK THIS WILL END ME, HUMAN? THINK AGAIN!"

Despite the wound on its Achilles heel and its repeated falls, the troll miraculously regained its balance, standing upright once more. In a matter of seconds, the previously injured arm had fully healed, and the troll reached down to retrieve its fallen stone club.

Without giving the troll a moment's respite, Henry swiftly dashed towards his formidable adversary. Utilizing the techniques of Soru and Geppo, he exhibited incredible speed and agility, effortlessly leaping and running through the air. In a blink of an eye, he reached the left arm of the troll, his scythe gleaming with a dark red hue once more.

With a decisive strike, Henry brought his scythe down upon the troll's shoulder, aiming to sever the arm completely. However, the troll reacted with surprising agility, dropping its stone club and attempting to grasp Henry with its massive hands. Henry's instincts kicked in, allowing him to evade the troll's clutches, swiftly maneuvering out of harm's way.

"ARGGG, STOP MOVING!! YOU… DAMN, BUG!!" The troll roared with a mixture of anguish and frustration, its nearly dismembered arms hanging limply from its shoulders.

"If you want to catch me, try to get me! You big hunk of stone!!" Henry jeered, his voice laced with defiance.

Caught off guard by the troll's unexpected move, Henry felt a sudden drop in temperature that chilled the air around him. The tundra turned frigid, reaching sub-zero temperatures or even lower. He watched in astonishment as the troll's wounded arm, still oozing green viscous blood, froze before his eyes. With an icy grip, the troll reattached the severed arm to its shoulders in a crude manner, using the frozen blood as a makeshift bond.

"Ahh, shit!" Henry exclaimed under his breath, his dismay evident in his voice. The troll's ability to manipulate ice had thrown him off balance, and the situation had taken an unexpected turn. He knew that facing an opponent with such elemental powers would require him to adjust his strategy and find a way to counteract the chilling cold.

But the surprise didn't stop there, when the troll used the ice to mend his wounds, it let out a bellowing laugh, "HAHAHAHA, BUG… LET ME SHOW YOU WHY THEY CALLED ME THE UNKILLEBEL!!!"

Before Henry could react, the troll leaped into the air with astonishing agility and height. His massive body soared several meters above the ground, defying gravity. The sight sent a chill of fear coursing through Henry's veins, triggering memories of his previous encounter with the bear that had left him beaten and senseless.

Something flipped in Henry when this happened. Fear consumed him, and at that moment, the world seemed to stand still. Time itself appeared to freeze as Henry's mind was flooded with thoughts of his mortality. The weight of his own vulnerability pressed down upon him, causing his body to shake and quiver with fear. And the emotion that he has tried to hide deep in his heart, a voice, like a whispering devil urged him, 'Let the anger out, accepted it, let it out!!'.

"No, no get out of my head!" at that moment he put his hand on his head, and he lost his grip on his scythe, allowing it to fall to the ground. The voice didn't stop, 'accepted the anger let it out, let it flourish'. Struggling to regain control, Henry's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions. The voice continued to taunt him, 'Just let it out! Let the anger out!'

As Henry fought against the turmoil within, his attention snapped back to the present. The troll was descending from its incredible leap, its massive form hurtling toward him with an unstoppable force. In a desperate attempt to evade the impending impact, Henry instinctively used Soru, hoping to move out of harm's way.

But it was too late. The shockwave and icy onslaught crashed into him like a relentless wave, propelling him through the air with tremendous force. He careened uncontrollably, colliding with trees along the way, until finally being halted by the unyielding cliff face that now entrapped him.

As Henry's body descended toward the snowy ground, a sense of resignation settled over him. His eyes, once filled with determination, now seemed lifeless and devoid of light. The insidious voice in his head had taken its toll, its relentless whispers eroding his willpower. His vision blurred, and darkness threatened to consume him.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a familiar blur of color caught his fading gaze. It was Tweety, swooping down with unmatched speed and agility. As the bird cried with worry toward Henry.


As Tweety's concerned cries reached his ears, Henry clung to the thread of hope that the little bird represented. In that critical moment, he made a resolute decision—to confront the anger within him, not by succumbing to its dark influence, but by reclaiming control.

The insidious voice continued its relentless taunting, goading Henry to release his anger fully, to let it consume him. But this time, Henry would face it head-on, with a newfound determination, 'Come now let the anger out, LET IT OUT! YOUR WEAK LET IT OUT!' The voice whispered,

"Fine," Henry's voice resonated with a steely resolve. "You want the anger out? I'll let it out. But I will be the one in control."

The voice answered, 'So be it!'

When Henry opens his eyes, now it's already changed to deep red color but different from before there was still clarity tinted in his eyes. Now he could feel the deep anger that was ready to erupt, He stand back up on his feet. He looked at Tweety that was beside him and he said under his breath, "Thank you".

But not long after a massive boulder of ice hurtled towards him, Henry's heightened senses and newfound control over his anger allowed him to react with astonishing speed. He instinctively coated his entire arm in the dark red metallic hue, reinforcing it with the same energy he used for his weapon.

With fierce determination, Henry unleashed a powerful punch, striking the incoming boulder with incredible force. The ice shattered into countless pieces, scattering in all directions like shards of crystalline destruction.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing a gust of wind to sweep across the tundra. Henry stood firm, his eyes fixed on the remnants of the shattered ice, his anger now burning brightly within him.

Henry didn't need to know who did it, he looked at the direction of the bolder came from and at the giant troll that stood in now with the moonlight shining on his massive body. Now his anger burns more and more with every second that passed by as he looked at him.

A deep booming voice echoed across the now icy tundra with a mocking tone, "You only end up to this, a bug will always be a bug!"

The anger that was swelling inside him finely erupted. with a burst of speed, Henry closed the distance between him and the troll in an instant. His fist, coated in the dark metallic red hue, was ready to deliver a powerful blow. The anger that had consumed him fueled his determination as he prepared to unleash his attack.

In a split second, Henry's fist connected with the troll's face, delivering a devastating blow. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, causing the massive creature to stagger backward, its mocking tone silenced momentarily.

As Henry said to the troll with a mocking tone in his voice, "The bigger they the harder they fall!!"

Henry punched the troll with his fist that was coated in a dark metallic red hue and golden sparks, The impact of Henry's punch was immense, sending a shockwave through the troll's icy shield and causing the massive creature to stagger backward. The troll's face was bloodied, with multiple broken bones on its skull. Yet, true to its nature, the troll's special regenerative abilities kicked in, swiftly healing the damage inflicted upon it.

Henry didn't stop there, as he attacked the troll with a flurry of different attacks, from punching and kicking to using the six styles to attack the troll. Using Shigan, better known as the "finger pistol," he gouges the eyes of the troll. But in the end, it quickly regenerates. and used Rankyaku, or tempest kick, as he used it and sent an air slash using his legs and arms against the troll, wounding him, but in the end, its abnormal regeneration healed all of his wounds.

Though Henry didn't always win, he was sent flying and beaten in this never-ending exchange of blows and attacks. With the troll sending massive ice boulders and massive spikes of ice his way, in the end, he destroyed them and shattered them with his fist.

The ferocious battle raged on for three days and two nights, an unyielding clash of titanic proportions. Each blow is exchanged between Henry and the troll. The tundra witnessed their epic struggle, scarred by the remnants of their fierce clashes. But when they fought, Tweety could only observe the battle between the troll and Henry from afar, or he would get hit by their attacks.

In their fight, there was an unexpected, feathered friend that had black feathers covering its entire body as it watched the battle from afar with its pure black eyes that felt human.

The story of the troll and Henry reached its climactic moment, with the troll now on his knees, his head buried under the dirt and snow. Henry stood atop the troll, clutching the burial blade in his hands. The scythe form of the blade was coated with a dark metallic red hue, accompanied by golden sparks swirling around it. With a single motion, he positioned the scythe blade beneath the troll's neck and, in the blink of an eye, pulled upward, severing the head.

A dark green line followed, as the head rolled away from the body. Like a geyser, the troll's dark green and viscous blood flooded out, turning the ground into a small river of gore.

Henry remained motionless in his spot, drenched in the troll's blood that rained down upon him, soaking his armor and winter coat. He observed that the troll had not yet perished; its decapitated head continued to move, and it spoke in a deep and booming voice. "Human, you have earned my respect, the first in my long life in this world. Hodag will soon die after you employ that accursed blade on me. But before I meet my demise, tell me your name, warrior."

Henry pondered for a moment, and then he replied to the troll, "You too have earned my respect, Hodag. So, I will tell you that my name is Henry Valentine!"

Hodag's voice, now sounding much smaller, echoed across the now quiet battlefield. "Thank you, Henry... I shall offer you a warning: there is still a powerful being lurking within this icy tundra. It has survived the age of heroes and continues to exist. Be wary of it... its wings capable of covering the sun and the moon, its scales darker than the night..."

Henry wanted to inquire further, but the life of the troll was nearing its end. Its once-booming voice became inaudible as it uttered its final words, "I thank you again... for a wonderful final battle... befitting of my defeat... and if there is a second life... may we meet again..."


Silence filled the air, broken only by the sound of a gentle breeze. Then, with a soft puff, the massive body of the troll slowly disintegrated into a fine ash, floating and covering the entire area. Among the remnants lay a giant monster stone, a river of dark green viscous blood, the troll's hide, and Henry standing alone amidst the aftermath.

Henry let out a sigh, contemplating the outcome that had unfolded. "Ahh... if fate allows, may we meet again under better circumstances," he murmured.

The anger that once fueled him had now dissipated after the defeat of the troll. He felt a sense of emptiness as he gazed at the slowly rising sun, casting its warm golden light upon the desolate battlefield.

Henry surveyed the aftermath of their fierce battle, his gaze taking in the devastated landscape that stretched for kilometers. Pillars of ice lay scattered across the area, a testament to the intense clashes between him and the troll. The ground was riddled with massive holes and craters, bearing witness to the sheer force unleashed in their exchanges.

Rivers of green viscous blood snaked their way through the now icy tundra, staining the once pristine snow with a macabre hue. The battlefield had transformed into a desolate wasteland, a chilling reminder of the power they had unleashed. The temperature in this scarred region remained perpetually below sub-zero, a constant reminder of the battle's chilling aftermath.

As Henry was lost in thought, Tweety swooped down from his hiding place in the sky and landed on Henry's shoulder, offering him comfort and reassurance with his presence.

With Tweety perched on his shoulder, Henry patted him gently on the head, appreciating the bird's companionship. However, he knew there was still unfinished business to attend to. He gathered all the items and blood he had collected from the defeated troll, carefully placing them in his bundle.

As he turned around, his attention was drawn to a large boulder with a raven perched upon it. Gripping the shaft of his scythe tightly, Henry called out, his voice filled with wariness, "You think I haven't noticed you lurking all these months?"

The silence that followed didn't deter Henry. He raised his voice once more, issuing a threat to the mysterious stranger, "I won't say it again. Come out, or I'll make you come out myself!"

With his scythe transformed into its blade form and his hunter's pistol drawn and pointed at the boulder, Henry prepared himself for a confrontation. This time, there was a response. The raven that had been perched on the boulder let out a piercing caw.

The soft sound of someone stepping on snow could be heard as an old man emerged from behind the boulder. He had a long white beard that reached his legs, and he was dressed in a dark cloak that had clearly seen better days. One of his eyes was covered with an eyepatch, and he leaned on a spear that served as his walking stick. Perched on his shoulders were two ravens, one of which had previously been on the boulder.

As the old man approached, his presence commanded respect and wisdom. His voice carried an air of aloofness as he spoke, "HoHo, it seems I have been discovered. You possess quite keen senses to have found me."

Henry observed the old man with a mixture of curiosity and caution, his eyes fixed on him. He sensed that there was more to this encounter than met the eye. Something about the old man's presence felt almost Godly somehow, though Henry couldn't quite comprehend why. Nevertheless, he kept his hunter's pistol pointed towards him, his finger on the trigger, ready to react if necessary.

"Who are you, old man? What is your purpose here?" Henry questioned, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

As the old man's cloak hood fell back slightly, revealing a smile across his face, Henry's wariness grew even deeper. He tightened his grip on both the handle of the burial blade and the hunter's pistol, ready to defend himself against any threat that might arise.


Author notes:

Sorry for the late update, but I made this chapter longer, and with the added advice that you left, I tried to fix my punctuation and grammar more on this one as I tried to use different software from Grammery Quillbot and lastly Chatgtp, which really helped me a lot, and try to learn about how to write a little bit better. I really do hope you enjoy this chapter.

I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors, and if you spot any bad grammar, please help by commenting on them. lastly thank you for reading.

And any idea of what items and skills to put in the lottery system? Please leave a comment.

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