
Is it wrong to become a God?

After being transmigrated into the world of "Danmachi," Adam receives a letter from GOD stating that he needs to get stronger or else he'll explode. Being in the body of Adam from "Record of Ragnarok", he vows to grow powerful enough to avoid from exploding even if it means turning into a god! Read and follow Adam's journey to godhood. Note: For those who are expecting things to be similar to the anime, please don't read. I'll be doing some changes that won't follow much of the story. In fact, it's best to consider the world an AU.

CryticLogic · Cómic
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4 Chs

Is it wrong to be this strong?

Chapter 4:


3rd POV

(A/N: I want to try this perspective for this chapter, let me know if you prefer this or the first perspective. Or both?)


Adam was standing across from the Babel, which was a very large tower that he had previously seen since he got out of the Church. It was hard for him not to notice it, after all, it's one of the biggest buildings in the city of Orario.


"Seeing it up close, I got to say, it's quite beautiful," muttered Adam, admiring the tower's architecture.


He's currently wearing light armor and has a dagger under his belt, which was loaned to him by the Guild. On his back was a backpack that Hestia gave to him before he left. And so, he started walking towards the entrance. He noticed that many adventurers were in groups and most consisted of demi-humans.


For him who lived in a world where only humans can talk and have a bipedal body structure, it was quite interesting to see people who have cat ears, dog ears, and a tail. People from his original world might think they were furries.


The main difference between demi-humans and humans is that demi-humans are naturally stronger and have better reflexes.


As Adam approached the first floor, the first thing he noticed was that the walls were light blue and the hallway was wide. He also noticed that there wasn't much activity here. Adam moved further along and soon enough, he came across a goblin holding a dagger of his own.


Adam quickly took out his dagger and charged forth. A part of him was scared, this was the first time he'd seen a monster, but another part of him was excited. For some reason, being on Adam's body gave him confidence in his ability to fight.

Right as the goblin was about to slash diagonally, Adam instinctively dodged, and his pupils changed from sky blue to a red star, which allowed him to copy the exact move the goblin did and reflect it, swiftly cutting the goblin's neck.


"Woah!" Adam's eyes turned back to their original color. He was surprised by what just happened. He didn't know his body could move so flexibly like that. Not only that, but when the goblin was slashing, his body was aching for him to activate his skill, and as he did, he was able to see the trajectory of where the slash was heading and how the goblin did it. And before the goblin could even bring his slash down, he had already killed him using the exact move.


Adam knew he shouldn't be that surprised, after all, it was just a goblin, a level floor 1 goblin. This much wasn't needed but he wanted to test his skills, and he was glad he did. That feeling made him feel so good.


Furthermore, he saw that as he killed the goblin, it dropped a magic stone and another item. He picked it up and realized it was a fang, and so he placed both items unto his bag.




Another goblin dashed towards him, Adam already knowing how [Eyes of the Lord] worked wasn't going to use it on this goblin but rather see if he could replicate the goblin's slash from before.


Like last time, Adam was able to dodge the goblin's attack with not much effort, and like the slash he killed the goblin before, tried doing it to this goblin. And although he was able to kill the goblin, he saw that the slash wasn't as perfect as the one he had done before. This goblin also dropped a magic stone but no other item.


"Hmm, it seems like there are some limits to this skill, let's find out more," Adam muttered before heading even deeper into the dungeon, killing many goblins and kobolds while testing his skills, and soon enough he got to the end of the 4th floor.


This is what he found: when using his skill [Eyes of the Lord], he's able to copy the attacker's move against that person only, which was the reason why he tried to make the exact move he did against the second goblin he killed wasn't perfect. However, after he killed a few goblins, he was able to successfully replicate it without activating the skill.


Though it was just a goblin's slash, he figured he could master other basic attacks.


The second thing he found out was that when fighting a pack of goblins, he wasn't able to mimic them all at the same time and reflect it all back, which was quite unfortunate. However, he believes that he'll be able to do that once he reaches a certain level.


When fighting a kobold, he realized that when he activated his skill, his hands morphed into claws, and he was able to scratch the kobold with his move. Meaning, that his body can biologically change to mimic the opponent's attack.


As for how long his skill can stay activated, he noticed that there was a strain on his eyes when it was kept activated for more than an hour, though he figured that it could still function well for another 3 hours before he had to deactivate it.


Another thing he realized was that whenever he used his skill to mimic and reflect the attack back on the monsters, it dropped an item besides the magic stones. And so far, he has gathered about 15 goblin fangs and 10 kobold nails, along with 50 magic stones in just these four floors.


He didn't feel like stopping anytime soon, his body yearned for more.


First POV:


I think it's been more than 5 hours since I entered the dungeon and for some reason, I'm not feeling tired at all. This is all because of my skill [Divine Body], and he had to admit, this skill is really useful. Not only does it keep me going without a loss of stamina, but it helps me with my reflexes, speed, and strength.


After I had tested my skills on the lower floors, I felt much more confident going to the upper floors, and so far, I've managed to get to the 10th floor. It's not because my body was reaching its limit but rather it was a bit challenging to handle 10 orcs at the same time…and they're quite big and sturdy. Fortunately, my body was quick enough to evade multiple powerful blows but there were some instances where If I didn't react fast enough, I would've been a goner.


Honestly, I have to thank God for allowing me to have these skills, otherwise, I would not have made it this far without them. They're pretty much cheats! I haven't even gotten a serious injury so far, some minor scratches and bruises but nothing that left me screaming for help.


My clothing on the other hand was quite bloody. The backpack I was carrying was also full, and that's one of the reasons why I decided to head out of the dungeon. I wasn't sure how many monsters I'd killed, I lost count after the 6th floor, but I think, I killed over 300 monsters. I wonder how much all of this would sell for.


Once I got back up, I quickly realized that the sun was going down. I figured it must be around 6 PM? It's quite early in the day still.




Oh yeah…I'm also hungry. Better cash these in and go eat.


On my way towards the guild, I got quite a few weird stares from people but I paid no mind to it. When Eina saw me, she looked freaked for a second.


"Are you okay, Adam? Is that your blood?"


"Nope, it's monster blood," I said, which calmed her down.


"I see, ahem! Well, it's good to see you're still alive, Adam," she said clearing her throat and getting into her professional attitude.


"Mhm, can we have some privacy? I'd like to discuss a few things with you."


"Of course, follow me," she said as we walked towards the same room we went to earlier today.


"So, how far did you go into the dungeon? I'm assuming you didn't get past the 3rd floor right? Most adventurers on their first time stop at that floor."


I've figured this was the case, I was an abnormality with these skills. Should I disclose the floors I went to? Hmm, Eina, from what I've seen in the anime is reliable and doesn't go out talking about private information to others.


"I went to the 10th floor," I said calmly with a smile.


"Huh?! The 10th floor? You must be mistaken, there's no way you could've gone to the 10th floor in just your first day!"


I chuckled, well I did!


"What are you laughing about, I'm being serious here!"


"Sorry, sorry, your reactions are just cute," I said, which caused her cheeks and ears to turn red. "I'm being serious too, I really did go to the 10th floor. Whether you believe it or not is up to you."


Eina rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed, still feeling embarrassed about what he said earlier. "Fine! Then show me proof, you got magic stones, right?"


I took off my backpack and laid it on the table in front of her. "Here, see for yourself."


Eina started looking over the contents of my bag, eyes widening by the second. "What is this?!"

[Word Count: 1600]