
Is It Wrong to be Overpowered Isekai in Dungeon

One day, Chris received an email with a link to the CYOA. After filling out the form, a bright light shrouded him and transported him to Danmachi using the powers he gained from the CYOA.

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3 Chs

Day 2.1

"Why do you have so many skills and magic, Chris?" Hestia inquired.

Do I tell her the truth that I'm not in this world? Or should I lie, and say something like "I was born with it"? The latter seemed more likely to work as Gods can detect lies.

I began to explain myself from another universe, and I was transported to a work of fiction, as well as a very real reality that the fiction appeared to represent, and I gained my powers via a CYOA list.

"Really?" Hestia said with a raised eyebrow "you're telling the truth?" She asked me.

"Yes, really," I answered honestly.

Hestia then looked at me with a severe expression on her face.

"We will never tell others about you or your powers!" She told me seriously.

"It's for the best," I replied quickly.

She smiled at me happily.

"Tomorrow we will register our familia after that you can go to dungeon floor one and I will go to Hephaestus to learn how to hide your skills," she told me.

That sounds good, I thought excitedly.

"Thanks, Hestia! and can you ask for old blacksmith tools and a broken sword," I said smiling back at her.

"Don't worry about anything! We'll be there tomorrow morning!" She promised me.

After dinner, we went to bed and I fell asleep on the sofa without any problems.


The following day arrived far too quickly for my liking. I got up early this morning.

"Good Morning Chris!" Hestia chirped.

"Good morning, Hestia!" I said, smiling.

Hestia had been awake since five o'clock in the morning, cooking breakfast and preparing for an emergency in the dungeon.

after we have our breakfast we were ready to travel to the guild

"Are you prepared?" she said as she climbed to her feet.

"Yes!" I said excitedly.

We stopped on our way to the guild to get some street food.

"It's time to register!" Hestia exclaimed as we entered Guild.

"Can I help you?" A half-elf asked us politely.

"Umm, we want to register our familia!" Hestia explained to her.

"Hello, my name is Eina. What is your name goddess?" Eina said.

"My name is Hestia, and this is Chris," she said.

"Goddess Hestia First, you decide what type of familia you want to be. The most common choice is Exploration, where you try to map out and further explore the Dungeon, but there are numerous others as well. Business-type familia produce a product to sell both inside and outside Orario — Hephaestus is a good example here and Dian Cecht for potion— while Construction type builds infrastructure both publicly and privately owned. Houses, bridges, statues, landmarks, and so on." She continued.

"We're going to go with Exploration," Hestia remarked after reviewing the options.

"Please wait a moment while I gather the documentation," she said, reaching beneath her desk and pulling out a few sheets; "in the meantime, please complete the paperwork for your new child."

Great. Paperwork. I can't get away from it even in my fantasy world. We'll almost certainly have to learn about taxes as well. I recall the Guild taxing Familia for some reason or another.

"May I inquire as to what happens if we have to sell items to another adventurer?" I inquired.

"The Guild wouldn't allow you to sell to other adventurers unless you were part of a Business type family; although we can't and don't enforce commerce limits among non-adventurers, substantial penalties are enforced if you try to do things that don't match your job."

"Chris, Do you want to sell items to another adventurer:' Hestia inquired.

"Sure!" I said enthusiastically.

"I want to be blacksmith Hestia Sama, and we can have other income apart in the dungeon when we sell our items to other adventurers!" I added.

"Fine?" Hestia asks, dissatisfied, and I take a look at the document she's been reading. It appears to be a list of the taxes that each sort of family must pay, with the Explorer group being the most affordable. "I think we'll be more of a Business Type than an Exploration Type."

Hestia was unhappy since the lowest tax we'd have to pay is if we were an Exploration Family, and I apologized, but she said she supports me regardless of whatever choice I select.

After finishing the paperwork, Hestia went to see Hephaestus and me in the dungeon.

The Dungeon is strange. What comes to mind when you hear the word is a dark pit in the ground where castles hurl criminals or captives to rot. Alternatively, imagine a series of caves, a labyrinth-like the Minotaur of Greek myth, pitch black or illuminated by flickering handheld torches brave explorers bring inside.

That is not how the DanMachi Dungeon is. Instead of darkness, the first level is bright, with a ceiling sprinkled with small lights. The walls are a light blue stone, smooth to the touch, but with the possibility of a monster hatching and assaulting you; they actually become birthed from the mysterious cave walls.

5 goblins attacked me, thank goodness I teleported and I hit a goblin with a dagger in his chest. I killed two more goblins and then I was surrounded by goblins. They were all trying to kill me as one after another they tried to attack me but the dagger that I had in my hand just sliced through their heads.

I heard some noise coming from behind so I turned around and saw a few more goblins running up to me. There were three of them and I just stabbed one in his neck and then I used my other hand to stab another one right across the face. The third goblin started charging at me so I punched him straight in the head and he flew into the air. He landed on the wall and was dead instantly.

I get eight magic stones for the goblin that I killed earlier. I would need to find some more goblins soon if I wanted to buy a store in the Free Market.

I find another 5 goblins I use my replicate daggers to throw them at the next goblins. It got two goblins right in the head so they died instantly.

"This is going to be fun."

They advance toward me and I jump back I spin around again and this time I punch the nearest goblin that's attacking me in his stomach and he flew backward and fell to the ground. I took out my dagger and stabbed another one in his mouth.

The last goblin was running towards me when he tripped over his own feet and fell down.

I started walking towards where I saw the last group of goblins there are another five of them now. I run towards them and they just charge at me. I push myself away from the wall and dodge their attacks.

I threw my dagger at one of the goblins who had fallen to the ground. While the other four goblins were still attacking me, I just stabbed them in the sides until they stopped moving.

For the remainder of the afternoon, I grind on the first level, when I come across a rooster with fluffy yellow-green feathers.

This had to be Jack Bird that drops a golden egg loot. The jack bird flees, but I use my teleportation ability to travel behind it and stab its back, killing it instantaneously and leaving a golden egg.

I smile as I pick up a golden egg.


Hestia summoned her confidence and knocked, but the door slid open, and she found herself gazing into the face of the person she had come to see, with her Familia Captain standing behind her. Hephaestus squinted in astonishment before heaving a long-awaited sigh.

"I'm not going to lend you a single valis."

"Oh, I wasn't asking for valis Hephaestusm, I was hoping to know how to hide status, and borrow your old blacksmith tools for my first child," Hestia said, blushing as she explained herself.

"Ah, I see! You've already had a member on your familia."

"Yeah, he's called Chris. He's in the dungeon right now." Hestia explained.

"Come let's talk in my office," he invited, stepping aside and motioning for her to follow her.

While Hephaestus led the way, Hestia noticed that Hephaestus's captain didn't accompany them.