
Return of the Alpha

It was a sunny day perfect for a walk in the park or

a picknick with your family however kien and his new

companion greater dragon was sitting in a water fall

it was early in the morning and kien was washimg himself

in the clear waters of the beatiful river.


"hey dont you think you need a name?" kien asked

the little girl who was now out of mana forcing her

to her humanoid form again.


the little girl was eating food that kien bought

she was siiting at the edge of the river while

playing water with her feet.


"hmm? what name?" she asked.


"what about liza? short for lizard?" kien asked.


"no! give me a more noble one!!" she demanded.


"hmm.. Luna?" kien asked once again.




"How about Maja?" kien asked..


"Hmm..not bad ill take it." she said as she continued eating

the pork buns.


kien layed down letting the deep waters swallow his whole

body. it was wierd for some reason he felt relaxed

when he was submerged in water.




kien was now walking to saligon city with maja

they were crossing a giant desert this time a merchant

said this was a shortcut to silagon but nobody take this

route cuz theres allot of monsters living thier and its very hot.


but kien wanted to get to silagon asap so he took the shortcut

merchant say if he took this shortcut he will be able to reach

silagon in less than a day.


kien continued walking and seems to be not faced by the

intense heat. maja however seems to be very tired as she

was panting heavily after climbing a mountain of sand.


"kien..i cant walk anymore! im gonna die.." she said to kien

who was a couple of meters away from her.


kein turned to see her she looked a mess

due to her dragon transformation yesterday

she ripped the only clothed she has. and

she burn the whole village down so they cant buy

anythin new. she was force to wear and old

torn. besides her clothes her hair was a total mess.


"tsk she needs a makeover i cant let her travel with

me looking like shes been mistreated." kind thought

as she went to the little girl and carried her all the way

to the last parts of the desert.


not long after walking for half a day he finally manage to

see the walls of silagon city. without wasting anymore time

kien dashed to the city full speed.


when he reached then entrance the guard stopped him

it was the very same guard from before.

kien payed the entrance fee and woke up maja

who was sleeping on his back.


"hey maja wake up! were here." kien said.


"already?" she said as she jumped down on kiens back

and opened her eyes. she wa amazed on how develop

thos city was it looked 10times better than the village

last time. "ohh i never been in a city before" she mubbled.


"hey hurry up." kien said. hearing this maja catched up

to him. kien led her to a barber shop that also sells

clothes he knew the shop owner since it

was also the same place where he dyed his hair.


"its been a while kien" the old lady said

with a friendly smile.


"yeah id like to have my little sister here a make over"

kien said.


"oh i never knew you had a little sister" the old lady said.


kien just dropped a bag full of gold about 20,000valis

and left not wanting to talk to the old lady.


"behave ill be back with lots of food" he said

maja only nodded in response.


while maja was getting a makeover kien went to the

base of operation of the Pack or should he say manwool.




Dexter the current leader of manwool is sitting in a luxurious

mansion with his new wife together they were eating and having

a conversation. he was living his life. he was the big boss of manwool.

and he just won the election officially becoming the mayor of silagon

everybody respected him. giving dexter the feeling that he was

above everybody else.


just then maids came to him and told him that someone

was looking for him.


"send him in" dexter said as the two maids did what he

said and lead kien to dexter.


"Bo..ss?" Dexter was startled to see kien again he thought

or wished that he never come back. he always feared kien

causing him to be submissive towards him unlike gary

that had admiration for kien dexter feard him also

one of the reason why kien choose him to takeover

his place.


"gather all the members of the pack now." his words were

simple but cold. dexter imidiatly stoop up bowed and went

to gather all the members. this also surprised his wife

to see her husband bow and follow someones order

this person most hold allot of power.


kien just took dexter like he owns the house which

actually this is kiens house this gigantic mansion

belongs to kien.


just then kien noticed the woman sitting across

the table he never seen her before.

"and you are?" kien asked coldly.


kien looked at the woman in the eyes

making the woman blushed before she

looked down not wanting to look at kiens

face again.


"im dexter's wife.. and you?" she politely asked.


"im his boss." dexters wife was shock to know

that the powerful mayor of silagon that even mayors

of other city feared. was actually someones lackey.


Kien then called one of the maids and told her to call

the head maid rhea. the maid were hesitant but did what

he asked. Rhea was one of the few people that know kiens

true identity that hes the actuall boss of Manwool.


"Sir kien!" she said bowing down.


"its been a whike rhea. ill skip the formality prepare

the meeting room." kien said.


"as you wish" as rhea exited the room.