
Is it right to fear death?

After dying, a young man who hates humans is awakened by a voice that proclaims itself God. Proposing to be reincarnated in a different world, he will meet other gods who act strange. He doesn't turn out as he expected, because in the blink of an eye everything changes. What will become of him after discovering the truth? Complete trilogy on Kindle unlimited (and Amazon).

Lekim · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Chapter 9 –Responsibility

I remembered that I was a god. With my eyes I tiredly looked for Nugu; she was still in his pajamas hugging me tenderly and, as usual, I caressed his head.

My past should no longer be transcendental, but I still hated them.

"Mom?…" she murmured sleepily; she looked at me, was ashamed and hid her head without letting me go.

"It's okay," I clarified confidently. She seemed like my daughter, although to me she was like a cat.

Just like his feelings for his mother didn't change, I felt like this applied to me as well.

Even if I hated them, I didn't force them to change how they were for me, I accepted that no one was capable of fulfilling it; my other dream was unrealizable.

"…Why are you shaking?" She asked worried.

I was confused myself. How did I stop being god? Why did I have to be here? I hugged her to stop shaking; Because of our pajamas it looked like a bear hugging its cub.

"What can I create with my powers?" I asked, diverting the topic.

"Hum… I don't know, you have to find out over time and improve."

"Does that mean I'll have to hug you every day?" I joked, laughing; embarrassed, she struggled to get away. I noticed that she still had the shackle in her hand. "How did you go about calling Mugon?"

"I sent her a message through a device."

"Do you mean a cell phone?"

"H-How do you know his name!?"

"They existed in my universe. Do you also use the Internet?"

…Did that goddess bring them together from her laptop?

"I'm sorry…, I don't know so many terms for these things…"

…Yesterday I explained it to you above…

From a pocket of his pajamas she took out a sophisticated pink cell phone with a tiny pencil strap.

"I use it for work, shopping and contact; other than that, I don't use it."

"Shouldn't I have one?"

"The goddess always gave us one, maybe she forgot." she typed in it. "She told me to visit her only when you want, that she will deliver it to you," she informed after messing with it.

…I have a bad feeling.


"What's happening?" She turned her head toward me with her sweet voice.

"I feel too comfortable with you to get up."

She was ashamed and stood up:

"I-It's time to work! I-I'm going to take a shower first!"

She looked agitated, but not upset; she acted like an overly pampered cat.

I continued lying down and slept for the second time.

I was in a dark place. Before me lay that lonely moon.

I didn't hear or see anything out of place. The landscape and I were the same: without a reason for existence.

As if something disturbed the moon, it cracked.

I woke up to someone poking my cheek.

"Are you finally here? You're just as sleepy as A." Nugu puffed out his cheek.

"There is no better way to wake up," I said, returning to reality.

"Eh!?" Disturbed, she jumped back and covered the lower part of her face with her hand.

"I'm going to take a shower, thanks for waking me up." Exhausted, I headed to the shower; I was surprised by how energetic she was to take those early morning jumps.

Wearing the same clothes as yesterday, I sat at the dining table across from her. This time we had a kind of croissant for lunch with a glass of milk; although she ended up repeating it.

"Have you done it too? It's good."

"Yes, I'm glad," she answered smiling, wagging his tail energetically. "Will you visit her when you finish?"

"I think it's important. How will I go? I don't know how to connect the TIS. Can you show me later?"

She nodded, eating like a squirrel.

…It's a cat, right?

"I'll let her know by message, she's demanding about that."

At the end of dawn, we went to the TIS.

"The problem is that you have to hug someone to connect. You will be able to return if no one changes the direction from your side; if necessary, she can help you."

"I hope I don't have to resort to it. Then what do I do?"

"First, h-hug me…" She extended his arms towards me shamelessly.


"W-What's happening?"

"If I did it differently, from the side or from the back, would it work? Well, it doesn't matter." I hugged her normally; I thought the doubt that arose in me was interesting. "And now?"



"I'm sorry… I-I got distracted." She wagged his tail with happiness. "Closes eyes, it will be easier for you; now, thinks about the place. And don't open them until she notices something."

I followed his instructions.

"The only thing I feel is your body." With her small hands she tried to separate himself. I felt as if some instinct was warning me in my head. I think it is ready. "I opened my eyes, but the landscape did not change."


"That easy?"

She nodded.

"W-When will you stop hugging me?…"

"Your hair is soft, and it smells good."

…Is it thanks to that divine shampoo?

"E-Eh! T-Thank you…" she walked away, pushing her back to me. "I-If you don't come back before night, I'll go look for you."

"Are you worried about me? I'll be careful," I asked, laughing, I was like a house cat worried about his master. Before entering, I stopped to say something that fit that situation. "If something were to happen to me, I want you to know that I loved you."

It was a typical movie line, and it's not like anything had to happen to me.

I ventured into the tunnel and headed to the throne. My TIS was bland: the walls and floor were a luminescent gray.

The cat from last time came over, I bent down and stroked its belly; she stamped his feet placidly.

"I know it's you, I won't fall into the same trap twice."

"Muahaha! You're sure?" She asked mockingly, lying on her majestic sofa.

"That? Is this cat real?"

"No, muahaha."

The feline transformed into Mugon who was still face up and my hand on his belly.

"What are you doing here? Can you also transform?"

She wrote in his notebook from the same pose:

«She told me to collaborate so that you fell; it seemed like fun, so I agreed.★». After reading it, she used the notebook to hide her mouth from her.

"Did you want it to look bad at all costs?" I tickled his belly as revenge.

She pretended to laugh trying to stop me and, when she seemed sorry, I stopped.

"I definitely like you more when you're happy. I'm not angry, don't worry," I clarified sincerely.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at me surprised, then her eyes became teary.

…What happens? I don't understand humans, that's why I don't like them.

"It's not good to make a girl sad, muahaha."

…I don't know if I consider you as one.

"I'm sorry if I have offended you. Don't cry, it's not your fault, it's she." I pointed to the carefree goddess.

…Why should I be the only one to comfort her?

"Because it's your responsibility, muahaha."

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll find out soon, when you hug her."

"You say it as if I were going to do it… When I see their pasts, I experience their suffering; Your gift is not pleasant."

"Muahaha, you will do it because…" She gestured his malicious face.

Mugon lunged at me, knocking us over. Protecting her from her fall, she got me to hug her; a red stain devoured my existence.