

Amelia Banks loves romance novels. How she wishes she could be the woman in the books she loves to read, to finally get the happy ending she craves for. Sadly this isn't a fairytale, she isn't the woman in the books. This is her reality; a boyfriend who is the biggest jerk to walk this planet we call earth, a job she doesnt want to be in and a home she desperately tries to leave. Let's take a journey with Amelia to see if she will get her happy ending. "WHAT?!!!!" Dwight shouted. "Yes, across my ass cheek was 'Property of Matthew' in bold letters." "Tell me that's not true Lia, please." He was now bubbling over with emotions, every one written across his face. "It is, I can show you..if you want." "It's never easy living in abuse, but if you can free yourself from it, it's the best feeling in the world. Freedom is taken for granted until you end up in situation where it's completely take from you." ¤¤¤ Author's Note ¤¤¤ This book is a work of Fiction. This is my very first story. I have a vivid imagination and I wanted to write a story for the longest time now, I just didn't know where to start. I work in healthcare and I must confess, there will be a few parts that will be similar to my life. However, the names of people and places will not be the same. Give it a go and let me know what you guys think. Thanks. ▪︎▪︎Editing▪︎▪︎

Briana_Ebanks_8993 · Ciudad
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38 Chs

Chapter 26- Exciting News

Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond. - Hunter S. Thompson 

At five o'clock, I made my way towards my car to meet Fiona at Angel's Restaurant. Our regular spot to meet, grab a bite to eat and relax.

I dialed her number, it went to voicemail. I tried again, it also went to voicemail. I was persistent, I tried once more. Finally, it rang.

"Hello," she said. She sounded as if she wanted to cry.

"Hey, I've been trying to call you, is there a problem with your phone? And what's wrong? You sound like you want to cry." I asked trying to determine what was wrong.

"I'm not sure what's going on with it, it had no signal all day, I was so frustrated - and I'm ok."

"Ok great, I thought something had happened to you.

I feel a lot better now. I'm leaving work now. I won't get to Angel's by five thirty, maybe six, depending on the traffic."

"Understandable, I'm on my way. I'm on I-65, I'll be there in ten minutes." She said.

There was no traffic on the road, that was a plus for me. I got to Angel's in record time - fifteen minutes.

Getting out of my car, I heard a loud pop sound. My body reached instantly, I froze and after a few seconds, I turned and saw that the number fourteen bus, that was going downtown, bleached out a huge cloud of exhaust.

Fumes taking over the spaces of oxygen. It slowly made it's way over to me. I tried to run as fast as I could to the entrance of Angel's, as it tried to blanket me with its odour and black soot.

Rushing into the building, I stopped abruptly at the hostess - almost falling flat on my face.

"Are you ok?" She asked, as she reached out to grab me, worry lining her forehead.

"Yes, thanks Amanda" I said.

"You're welcome," she said as she tried to steady me. "Fiona's already here, she's at your usual spot."


Brushing passed her, I walked in the direction to our spot, a booth located at the back. 

"Hey Fi," I said as I rushed to hug her.

"Hey sweetheart," she said as she stretched her arms from where she sat towards me.

I leaned in to give her a tight hug. "It feels like it's been forever since I last saw you." I said.

"So much truth there, where are the girls?" She asked as she glanced behind.

"They were not able to make it, short notice."

"See, this what happened a few months ago, remember? You were supposed to contact everyone and you waited until the last minute to do so."

"I did not, I waited until the night before." I said giving her a sheepish grin.

As I sat in my chair, I took up the menu from the side of the table. "I'm starving."

"You're always starving Amelia, when are you never hungry."

I didn't answer, I browsed to the menu, looking for something delicious. "I'll order the Lamb. Are you ordering anything?" I asked her.

"Yes, I want the salmon." She said as she pointed at her menu.

"Haven't had that in awhile. I think I'll order that instead of the lamb." I turned to the waiter that stepped out of the kitchen.

"Hey - James," I said as I looked at his name tag. "Are you new? I've never seen you here before."

"Yes, I started on Monday."

"Welcome, we come here often, it's like it practically own the place." I shielded my mouth with my hand then spoke in a hushed voice, "Don't tell anyone I said that or I'll have to kill you."

His face paled, all the blood left his face and rushed to his hands, which were now bright red. Fiona laughed at him. "Don't worry she's all bark and no bite."

He smiled. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, we both want the salmon, but I want mashed potatoes as my side, Melia? Do you want the same?" Fiona asked.

"Um, yes, can we both get a raspberry mojito to go with that?" I asked

"Sure. Do you want add rum?" He asked.

"Yes." I wanted to relax a little, but not too much, I had to drive home.

"No, I don't want the mojito, can I get a lemonade?" Fiona asked

"Yes. Is that all?" James asked before he walked away from our booth.

"Yes," Fiona said before I could say anything.

When the waiter left, I looked at Fiona. "Lemonade? Please explain."

"Wait, gotta pee," she dashed for the restroom.

Thirty minutes, that's how long she was gone. When she finally returned, James was carrying a large tray towards our booth. He placed all the plates and utensils in front of us.

"Let me get your drinks." He said before he disappeared.

"Where you building a house in there?" I asked as she sat.

"No, I was talking to Dom, he called to check on me."

"Oh, ok". I said as I placed the salmon into my mouth.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

I started to choke, she quickly got to work patting my back. A tiny piece of salmon, exited through my nose.

"What?!" I screeched.

"Yes," she said as she rested her hand on her flat tummy.

"Oh my God, congratulations." I enveloped her in a tight hug. "How far a long are you?"

"Thank you so much Melia, I'm almost at twelve weeks."

"I can't believe I'm going to an aunt. Yes! I'm so happy for you and Dom." I hugged her once more. "When are you due?"

"November twentieth."

"We need to tell the girls, they are going to be so happy. We're gonna be aunts." I said excitement dripping from my voice.

We video called; Halley, Nya and Erica, but Erica was on call at work, so she was not able to answer at the moment.

Everyone was ecstatic about her news, we all couldn't wait.

We laughed, talked and ate as we spoke to the others. We left twenty minutes before closing time.

I walked Fiona to her car, "it was great seeing you, and I'm so happy for you and Dom, you're going to be great parents. Get home safe, why did you have live so far away?" I hugged her then she got in her car and left.

I left Angel's two minutes after Fiona left. On my way home, I notice a black SUV that had been following me since I left the restaurant.

I tried calling Dwight, he didn't answer the four times I called. I had to think quickly, Nya was only two minutes away. I turned on her street. I sent her a quick message informing her of what was going on.

I thought about calling the police, but Matthew had a few on his payroll. This would have been over before it all started.

I pulled into Nya's driveway, got out the car walked to her front door, as soon as I stepped on her welcome mat, the door flew open.

"Come in babe."

"Thank you, that van has been following me from the restaurant." We looked out onto the street from the window in her living room. The van was parked five houses down.

"Do you think this is Mathew's doing?" She asked.

"Of course, he can't be near me, so he sent his henchmen to scare me."

"He's such a bastard." She said, she was now angry 

"Yes, he is."

"Go to bed Amelia, I'll set up my camera to see if they do anything."

"Are you sure? I can help you to keep watch." I said, now concerned because I didn't want her to do this alone. It was my problem and I brought it to her doorstep.

"That's not necessary babe, get some rest."  She said reassuring me that everything will be ok.

"Alright, but wake me in an hour."

"No problem. Go, I got this."


So sorry, about this late one. Had so many problems, writing and posting it. . I hope you guys like it.

Happy holidays everyone, stay safe.

Thanks for reading, until next time.

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