
He's Aaradhana husband not my son

Kamatchi - Arjun , there is ghost in Aaradhana body , I confirmed it I gave her turmeric doll ,it became red as soon as she touched

Arjun - I don't believe in these things. Where is she now

Kamatchi - If you don't believe me , ask Poorva

Arjun - Amma what is she telling, is she telling truth

Poorva ( in tears ) - Yes

Arjun - Amma, tell me where is she now..

Kamatchi - We won't tell you

Arjun(worried) - Amma ,is she safe now? tell me. Where is my wife ?

Poorva (in tears ) doesn't reply

Arjun - Amma, I trusted you and left her here. Where is she now ?

Kamatchi and Rupali smiles as their plan worked

Kamatchi - Arjun, why are you shouting at her ? She is safe. A tantrik will come in 30 minutes, she'll remove ghost from her body

Arjun(shouts)- What ? Amma where is she now ?

Poorva - she is in guest room

Kamatchi scolds her for telling him

Arjun rushes to guest room and shocked to see Aaradhana tied there with iron ropes in unconscious state

Arjun sees Aaradhana's burnt hand

Arjun- Aaru , don't worry I am here. I'll not leave you even for a second ok.

Arjun takes Aaradhana to their room, Poorva tries to talk with him but he avoids her

When Poorva tries to enter

Arjun- Amma, please leave as alone. I didn't expect this from you amma. You and Anitha saw what happened in dinning table, how can you think there is ghost inside her after that

Aaradhana wakes up

Arjun hugs her tightly and kisses on her forehead

Arjun- Don't worry Aaru, I am with you, I'll not seperate from you even a second

Poorva tries to enter again calling " Rani "

Arjun- Amma , Please leave us alone amma

Poorva- Arjun, believe me,even I believe Rani

Aaradhana listens to their conversation

Aaradhana - Arjun, why are you behaving with Athamma like that

Arjun(shouts)-You be quiet , you don't know anything.

Poorva - Arjun, believe me Arjun, I was forced,why will I do this to my daughter

Arjun( shouts) - She's not your daughter. she is my wife, only I have rights on her

Aaradhana holds Arjun hand

Aaradhana - Arjun ,listen to me . You are thinking wrong

She tells the things happened before she became Jayanthi

Aaradhana - Arjun, there is really a ghost inside me

Arjun - Keep quiet, there is nothing inside you

Rupali controls her again

Aaradhana keeps hand on Arjun's neck

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) - I am here inside this bitch body, I'll not leave until I complete my mission

Arjun - Aaru, what are you doing

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) - slaps herself. I told you don't call me with this bitch name

Arjun ( in tears ) - What do you want ? Why are you here

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) - Yours and this bitch divorce and I want to see yours and Rupali's marriage..

Arjun - I will never give divorce to my wife

Aaradhana ( as Jayanthi ) - Arjun, give divorce to her or else

Poorva - Or else what ? I will not allow my son and daughter to divorce. I'll not let that happen at any cost

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) - You are raising voice against your mother for this unlucky bitch

Poorva- She is my daughter .

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) sees a knife there

Aaradhana keeps knife in Poorva neck

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) - I will go to any extent to save my family from this unlucky bitch, If anyone comes in between I'll kill them

Poorva- Then you have to kill me first. I'll not let anyone to separate my son and daughter when I am alive

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) - Then your wish. I'll kill you slowly so that you suffer pain for supporting this bitch

Aaradhana ( Jayanthi ) begins to cut Poorva neck

Arjun shouts Aaradhana and stands between Poorva and her

Rupali couldn't control Aaradhana after that

Aaradhana sees knife in her hand and injury in Poorva neck

Aaradhana throws knife away

Aaradhana (in tears ) - Athamma, I did that right, Just tell me I did that right ?

Arjun , Poorva gets tears in her eyes

Poorva hugs her

Poorva- Rani, no dear, don't think anything . You didn't do anything to me

Aaradhana touches Poorva wound

Aaradhana - No I only did. Something is happening with me

Poorva kisses her head

Poorva - No dear, you didn't do anything to me, ask Arjun if you want

Arjun carsses Aaradhana head

Arjun - Yes Aaru, you didn't do anything to amma

Aaradhana - They how come knife with blood is in my hand. What paati did it right . Tie me with iron ropes. So that I will not harm you people or else I' ll kill myself

Aaradhana takes knife and tries to kill herself

Poorva slaps Aaradhana

Poorva - Did you think of me , Anand, Anitha ,Arjun before taking this decision? Forget us did you think of Arjun before taking this decision

Aaradhana hugs her and cries

Aaradhana - Please forgive me Athamma, I didn't do that wantedly

Poorva ( in tears ) - Rani, my child, don't cry , you didn't do anything to me or Arjun ok. Have some rest everything will be fine

Aaradhana tells sorry continuosly and falls asleep

Poorva - Arjun, take her to hospital immediately

Arjun- Yes amma.

Before carrying Aaradhana

Arjun hugs Poorva

Arjun- Sorry amma for scolding you , I have hurted you a lot

Poorva - Arjun, don't cry my son. You did that for your wife. I am so happy that you can even stand against me to protect my daughter. I am so proud of you Arjun. Arjun let's talk about it later, take Rani to hospital

Arjun -Ok

They both see Aaradhana trying to walk out of the room locking them (it's Rupali who contrlled her again )

Arjun- Aaradhana, open the door.

Poorva- Arjun, let's break door

They both break the door and see Aaradhana entering a room

( Room where Tantrik and Kamatchi was there )

Kamatchi sees Poorva and Arjun looking there from window

Kamatchi - Please do save my grand -daughter-in-law . Remove the ghost from her body

Rupali removes her control from Aaradhana

Tantrik - Who are you ?

Aaradhana - Aaradhana, how am I here ?

Poorva & Arjun- Open the door.

Kamatchi - Aaradhana, if you go out the ghost will kill Poorva and Arjun, do you want that ?

Aaradhana - No, tell me what should I do

Tantrik sees Kamatchi and later smiles

Tantrik - Dear, there is burning stone bed, you have to walk from start to end, when you reach the end the ghost will automatically leave from you

Aaradhana - I am ready

Tantrik pours turmeric water on her and keeps her kumkum and gives her neem bundle

Tantrik - Make sure that you do this without stopping

Aaradhana - Yes

Aaradhana goes out

Arjun- Aaru, listen to me,you don't have to do anything like that

Tantrik - Aaradhana, don't listen to his words,if you wait even a second then ghost will come out of you

Aaradhana - Arjun , get away

Poorva- Rani, you don't have to do anything dear. Believe in god, don't believe in superstitious things

Aaradhana - No Athamma, I'll do anything to protect my family.

Poorva- I know that very well Rani but I can't see you getting hurted

Arjun tries to stop her again

Kamatchi orders the servant to stop them

The servants holds Arjun and Poorva

Aaradhana sees a 10 feet length burning stone bed

Aaradhana steps on it ,she realizes that her leg is burning

Kamatchi and Rupali smiles on seeing this while Arjun and Poorva gets teary eyes

As Aaradhana had already leg injury she wasn't able to take even 5 steps

She started falling down,Arjun who see this runs and holds her

Arjun leg also get burnt, Kamatchi and Rupali gets shocked

Aaradhana - Arjun, go away I'll complete this

Arjun- Keep quiet .I told you many times Only I have right on you and your body.You don't have the rights on you .

Arjun gets up and carries her.

Kamatchi - Arjun, what are you doing, your leg will burn come out

Arjun- No paati, I ' ll walk on this 10 feet bed. It's paining for you see your when your blood is getting burnt right . This is a punishment for you

Arjun walks on the bed carrying Aaradhana.

Kamatchi - Arjun , come out. Poorva stop your son

Poorva - Arjun neither you nor Aaradhana have to do this . Both of your legs are burnt already. Step back

Arjun - No amma, I have to do this so that paati will think many times before asking my wife to do superstitious things. Everyone here must realise if they want to hurt Aaradhana they must cross her husband first.

Kamatchi - Arjun, stop it, Poorva stop him

Poorva (shattered)-No athai, He'll not listen to me. The person who is walking in stone bed is Aaradhana's husband not my son

Poorva calls doctor and keeps two buckets filled with ice.

Aaradhana - Arjun, let me down

Arjun - No, I am doing this so that you'll think twice or thrice before doing foolish things next time

Aaradhana - Arjun ,please let me down, your leg is burnt completely

Arjun ignores her

Aaradhana - I'll not stop you, let's walk together

Arjun - No, I promised you and your chinamma that I'll not let anything happen to you, I can't go back from my promise

Arjun gets tears due to pain

Aaradhana ( with tears )- Arjun, please listen to me. What about my promise?

Arjun- I don't care . I'll not let anything happen to you.

Arjun reaches the end. He puts Aaradhana leg in ice tub

Aaradhana feels pain but controls

Aaradhana (in mind) - If it hurts for me who walked few steps, what about Arjun?

Arjun then keeps his leg in ice tub

Arjun shouts " Ahhhhh... "

Everyone gets teary eyed on seeing Arjun in pain.

Arjun holds Aaradhana hand

Arjun- You don't have to control your pain before me.

Aaradhana hugs him

Aaradhana - Hubby,you proved that no one can love me more than you. You won the mission

Arjun smiles and falls in her lap unconscious

Doctor arrives and see Aaradhana leg

Doctor - Mrs. Arjun come lets treat you wound

Aaradhana - First check my husband

Doctor checks Arjun first and then Aaradhana

She gives medicine to Poorva

Doctor - You really did a good job Mrs Anand. Because of you their infection is stopped.

Aaradhana sees Arjun lying next to her unconscious

Aaradhana - How can you love me this much ?

I thought my friend Arjun loves me a lot than my husband Arjun, but you proved me that my husband Arjun loves me more than my friend Arjun. My 20+ years of love is nothing comparing to your love for me.

Poorva who was listening to her tells

Poorva - It's not like that Aaru, you loved him for all your life

Aaradhana - How did you find that ?

Poorva tells her how she protected Arjun even during a baby,what Anand told her.

Aaradhana - Did you tell Arjun that person I loved for all these years is him

Poorva- How can I tell him Rani ? Because he got a promise from you

Aaradhana - Thank God,you didn't tell. Did Arjun read the diary ?

Poorva- I don't know about it

She remembers Arjun telling " it doesn't matter to me whom you loved ".

Poorva - What are you thinking ?

Aaradhana tells Arjun's words

Poorva smiles


Aaradhana - Thank you Athamma for arranging mine and Arjun marriage

Aaradhana hugs Poorva

Poorva- I am so blessed to get a son and daughter like you people. Take rest dear and take care of my son.

As soon as Poorva leaves

Aaradhana hugs Arjun and kisses his cheek

" How can you love me to this extent Arjun. I always yearned for a family. I am so blessed to get a husband like you . I love you so much Arjun